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On Tuesday 23rd April, Bhaktivedanta Manor observed Hanuman Jayanti in style.

As with tradition, a new Hanuman flag was hoisted to the top the pole at the front of the Manor building. It is believed to ward off negative energies, keeping the home or temple and its occupants safe from harm. The bright red colour of the flag attracts positive energy and divine blessings.

Then devotees participated in bhajans, kirtans and the Junior Bhaktivedanta Players performed a Hanuman drama.

Hanuman is rever

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi 

Madhav Dasa Rupanuga, a 12-year-old boy who lives in Mayapur with his parents, Acintya Caitanya Das and Dr. Shiromani Devi Dasi,  recently distributed over 13,000 books in just six months. Acknowledged for his unwavering dedication, he was recently honored with a Chaitanya Charitamrita set from Vaisesika Dasa presented by Jayapataka Swami.

The catalyst for Madhav’s fervor is Vaisesika Dasa’s inspiring association. Madhava enthusiastically participates in the

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By Atma Tattva Das

On April 19, 2024, a significant milestone was achieved in the realm of spiritual literature as Bhagavad-gita As It Is was launched in the Kreol Morisien language: Bhagavad-gita Kouma Li Ete. The landmark event was broadcast live on BBT Africa’s YouTube channel, drawing attention from devotees and spiritual enthusiasts globally.

The launch ceremony, graced by esteemed speakers and dignitaries, celebrated the culmination of efforts led by Ramasevak Das, who spearheaded the tra

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From Back to Godhead

By Vamsi Vihari Dasa

Though illness may restrict or halt our normal spiritual activities, it can provide spiritual benefits we might not otherwise gain.

After seven days of sickness, malarial fever had broken me down to the bones, and loss of appetite and hallucinations added miseries. I struggled to practice my daily chanting of Hare Krishna. But in those seven days I gained in ways that would not have been possible had I not been sick.

We have to accept the truth that we

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Perfect Day by Bhaktimarga Swami


What a perfect day! Sun. 18’C. Happy people in the park. Their pets (dogs) equally happy. And me, also joyful, at a picnic table jotting down notes. No picnic. I’m fasting till noon in honour of Rama. It’s his birthday.

To celebrate I am also taking the pm slot to practice for a new but short drama called “Ram”. Yes it’s a poem and we will put it to life by animating it or acting out the narrative. And it is going to be staged at 6.45pm. The rehearsal is as good as we could get with my volun

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Samadhi on the level of Sadhana bhakti?

Samadhi? Is this something that a devotee following sadhana bhakti can also experience? I thought I should research about this. I had a book of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras with the commentary by his disciple Vyasa. Since some of his teachings overlap with the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita, and since Bhaktivinoda Thakura quotes Patanjali extensively in his book Prema Pradipa, I would like to share here some of the results of my research.

Samadhi is exclusive concentration on one object and, accordin

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From Back to Godhead 

For anyone interested in spiritual progress,
gambling is more than just a harmless amusement.

High’s convenience store is bustling with last-minute shoppers picking up odds and ends for a holiday dinner. Having run out of milk, I find myself in the crowded store, standing in a line that wraps around the food aisle. I resign myself to the waiting, and chant the Hare Krsna mantra softly to myself.

An elderly shabbily dressed woman at the counter draws my attention. She’s fr

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By Giriraj Swami

As long as we are in the material world, we must suffer–pain caused by others, pain caused by our own bodies and minds, pain caused by acts of nature. And unless we can tolerate, we cannot live in this world.

But how much can a person tolerate? Should we not, on occasion, resist? Why, then, should we tolerate? And if we must, what will enable us to endure the difficulty without being disturbed.

Srila Prabhupada told the story of a young boy who tolerated more than I can imagine

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Devotional Art by Radha Mohan


Dean Russell MP, delighted dignitaries and thousands of guests at Bhaktivedanta Manor during Sunday’s Ramanavami festival when he unveiled his painting of the Srila Prabhupada standing next to George Harrison of the Beatles.

“Mr. Russell, an accomplished self-taught artist, is a long-time Beatle fan and is also deeply appreciative of Bhaktivedanta Manor and its many contributions to the community,“ explained Temple President Visakha dasi.  “He offered his painting to the Manor as an expression

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Post year 1977, many new temples have added to the count of 108 temples left behind by Srila Prabhupada.

The Ramnavami of the year 2024, witnessed an addition to the count of ISKCON Temples in Delhi. The count of temples in Delhi has reached eighteen in number granting an opportunity to the residents to be fully Krishna Conscious.

In a letter written in 1970, to his disciple Sri Tamala Krishna Goswami, Srila Prabhupada says,
“I want the Temples should be constructed by the local natives—that is

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By Radha Mohan Das

Recently Baroness Scott, Minister for Faith at the House of Lords, honoured the faith leaders who participated in the Coronation of King Charles with a Coronation medal commemorating the event. Eight faith leaders, including Visakha Dasi of Bhaktivedanta Manor, joined the Baroness in the House of Lords, where she spoke of the King’s pluralism and how it was necessary in the diverse demographics of today’s United Kingdom.

For the full story, visit the Bhaktivedanta Manor websi

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With heavy hearts, we share the news of the passing of His Grace Bhagavad Dharama Das. He peacefully left his material body on 18 April 2024 around 1 pm at his home. His departure marks the loss of one of our most esteemed senior devotees, and the material father of our beloved late Srivas Pandit Das, ISKCON Myanmar Regional Secretary.

His Grace Bhagavad Dharama Das was a cornerstone of ISKCON Myanmar, dedicated to advancing Srila Prabhupada’s movement with unwavering commitment and devotion.  

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It was just the perfect stroll I wasn’t the only one to think so. There were plenty of people taking in the good vibes along Mud Creek at mid afternoon. Once I come out from the ravine via a steep stairs I landed in posh Rosedale and near a basket-ball court. A number of young men were dribbling that ball. The tallest fellow scored. He noticed me and I could hear him, “There’s that walking monk!” And all of the co-players stared. 

That caused a bit more of a chain reaction. Next to the basketba

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 “Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard wrote over 170 years ago: ‘Boredom is the root of all evil.’”
“To Kierkegaard, boredom is not just feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity; boredom is not just a sense of emptiness due to an absence of stimulation. Boredom, he wrote, is the result of an absence of meaning in one’s life. This understanding explains why people today are overstimulated but existentially bored. In 2017, global spending for entertainm

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By Raas Raman Krishna Das

Srila Prabhupada’s disciples are striving very hard to fulfill his desires to spread Lord Chaitanya’s movement in every nook & corner of the world.

ISKCON ROHINI, situated in the north-west area of Delhi is another feather in Srila Prabhupada’s cap. HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj has finally made it making it as 17th temple in the Delhi-NCR.
On the auspicious occasion of *Ram Navmi*, 17th April, the temple was formally inaugurated & *Bhavya Pran Pratistha* of Radha M

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Shri Shyamananda Prabhu Appearance Day



By Ramai Swami

Shri Shyamananda, Shrinvasa and Shri Narottama Dasa Thakura are all eternal associates of Shri Gaurasundara.  For the purpose of preaching the holy message of Sri Caitanya all over the earth they appeared within this world.

Sri Syamananda made his appearance at Utkala in the village of Dharenda Bahadurpur. His father’s name was Sri Krsna Mandal and his mother’s name was Sri Durika. Sri Krsna Mandal, who descended in the line of sad-gopas, had many sons and daughters who unfortun

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Sri Shyamananda Prabhu was a servant of a servant of Subala in Krishna-lila. He was the disciple of Hridayananda or Hriday Chaitanya, who was a disciple of Gauri Das Pandit. Gauri Das was Subala in Krishna-lila.

Shyamananda Prabhu was born on the full moon day of Chaitra in 1456 of the Shaka era (1534 AD) in the town of Dharenda Bahadurpura, which is near the Kharigapura railway station in Medinipura. His father was Sri Krishna Mandal and his mother, Durika. Krishna Mandala’s home town was Dan

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Those who know the associates of Sri Gauranga to be eternally liberated souls will attain their place by the side of the son of the king of Vraja.

Sri Syamananda Prabhu, Srinivasa Acarya and Sri Narottama dasa Thakura were the internal associates of Sri Gaurasundara. They incarnated in this world in order to spread the teachings of Sri Gaura-Krsna after His departure from it.

Sri Syamananda made his appearance at Utkala in the village of Dharenda Bahadurpur. His father’s name was Sri Krsna Mand

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From 5th Chapter of Bhakti-ratnakara

Balarama, the son of Rohini performed his rasalila in Ramaghat. This place is situated quite a long distance from where Krishna had his rasalila.

Balarama was the second body of Krishna himself and the depth of his real self was like the depth of a million oceans. He came to Vraja from Dvaraka and stayed during the two months of Chaita and Vaishakh to console Sri Nanda, Yasoda and the others. He pleased his sakhas in various ways. There also Balarama gave so

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Last night I noticed that the moon was full, and it reminded me that this be Balarama Rasayatra, or the night that Lord Balarama danced the Rasa dance with the Gopis. It was also Sri Krsna Vasanta Rasa, the Lord’s springtime rasa lila pastime. We honor these pastimes with a chapter from the Krsna Book, entitled “Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana”.

…Lord Balarāma could, of course, understand the ecstatic feelings of the gopīs, and therefore He wanted to pacify them. He was expert in presenting an a

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