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Dear devotees, friends and well-wishers,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On Guru-Purnima day at 12:10 am (UTC -5) in Montreal Canada, our dear friend His Grace Visvambhara Prabhu a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupda, departed from this world. He was accompanied with Srila Prabhupada’s continuous chanting of the maha-mantra in his ears. and in the association of his godbrother and godsister. He had been fighting with cancer for many months.

Visvambhara Prabh

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Surat embraced the grandest Rath Yatra in decades on 7th July, 2024. The day dawned with mild clouds and gentle sunshine, a perfect backdrop for Lord Jagannatha’s divine journey through the city streets.

The atmosphere was charged with spiritual fervor as devotees and curious onlookers alike thronged the path of the magnificent chariot. Despite the textile markets and shops along the route being closed, devotees tirelessly distributed books to every soul eager for darshan.

In the Rath Yatra par

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By Atma Tattva Das

The first edition of Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto One in Turkish has recently been published after years of dedicated effort. This project was led by Nrsimha Krishna Das and his wife, Krsnamala Devi of ISKCON Turkiye. The new volume was recently presented to their spiritual master, Sivarama Swami, at New Vraja-dhama in Hungary.

Nrsimha Krishna Das, who serves as the Zonal Supervisor for ISKCON Turkiye, has been instrumental in steering this ambitious project. Based in Istanbul, he

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They were such a beautiful bunch. Brian Carwana of "Encounter World Religion" never fails to bring the loveliest people to the temple. The group of fifty folks, mostly retired, had already visited the Vishnu Mandir north on Yonge St. They will be seeing a Jewish Synagogue on Saturday. And if Brian pulls off another successful pilgrimage, which he usually does, he'll most likely stop at a Buddhist Temple and Mosque as well.

The group gathered around, seated on the chairs we arranged to view t

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This handbook and accompanying curriculum, which are to be used enjointly, have been compiled under the direct order of the Governing Body Commission of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness. Their contents are based wholely on the inspiration, guidance and wisdom of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, the founder acarya of ISKCON. This humble attempt has been made in the service of any aspiring devotee and future disciple of the authorised ISKCON Acaryas. We pray to Srila Pr

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The purpose of this paper is to both establish the importance of the seva of reading Srila Prabhupada’s books as well as understanding the essence of the message in Prabhupada’s books which is the performance of devotional service, regardless of one’s role or place in society.

Firstly I would like to present my own personal reading resume: I have read the Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta five times, the five-volume set of the unedited letters of Srila Prabhupada three times, the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is

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By Chandni RAJ

On June 23, 2024, ISKCON New Mayapur, situated in the serene countryside of Centre-Val de Loire, France, organized a Holi Festival mainly attended by locals from nearby towns and villages. For those who are accustomed to croissants, baguettes, and the Fete de la Musique, a completely different kind of Indian festival with traditional Indian music, dance, and throwing colors on one another provided a huge surprise and fun for all. Food stalls, clothes and jewelry kiosks, face-pain

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Jhulan Yatra & Balaram Jayanti


The Jhulan Festival is celebrated in the month of Shravana (August), from the eleventh day of the bright fortnight (Ekadashi) to the full-moon day (Purnima). This festival is celebrated to commemorate the childhood pastimes of Sri Krishna with His friends, the young cowherd boys, and girls, swinging underneath the trees.

Every day the Deities of Sri Radha Madhava are adorned with various jewelleries and gently swayed on a swing decorated profusely with flowers. The main temple hall is decorate

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The following are my thoughts on a late night walk, The poem is called:

Montreal Night Stroll


When I shut the big wooden door behind
I knew that I had hit a fateful time
At an early hour lost to darkened streets
There at the mercy of Kali's unique treats

An explorational stroll then began
Down Rue Ontario where each man
And woman take to omnibus night vibrations
Of gross and sensuous sensations

Indifferent I am to the objects about
When some take to the bottle and shout
And others ta

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Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s instructions come to the aid of those of us who shudder at the mention of the word “surrender.”

Growing up, my older brother and I would sometimes get into physical fights. I can’t remember what we would fight about, but a few times a month when my parents weren’t home we would end up in a skirmish. He would often bend my arm behind my back, telling me to surrender by saying “uncle.” I would scream and push and stomp until the pain would become unbearable. Then I would ye

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For Gopala Bhatta Gosvami’s disappearance day, I thought to read one verse and purport about him from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila, Chapter Ten, “The Branches of the Caitanya Tree”:

TEXT 105

sri gopala bhatta eka sakha sarvottama
rupa-sanatana-sange yanra prema-alapana


Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, the forty-seventh branch, was one of the great and exalted branches of the tree. He always engaged in discourses about love of Godhead in the company of Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvam

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Good Day EH ! by Bhaktimarga Swami


This weekend four Chariot Fests are being held within the Quebec/ Ontario area. Burlington, Oakville, Kingsville and Montreal. It is Burlington's 2nd, Oakville's 1st, Kingsville's (I'm not sure), but Montreal's running for decades is the largest. After beautiful overnight showers and a persistent overcast sky, the procession began at Sherbrooke and Ste. Laurent.

A large number of police escorted. They were great and most co-operative. By the end of the day, at festival site, Joanna Mance Park,

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Please join us in prayers for Vishvambhara Das, who left his body on Guru-Purnima in Montreal, Canada.  According to his godbrother Deena Bandhu Das, “He went to France and expanded the preaching there very widely for Srila Prabhupada’s pleasure. He was a wonderful Vaishnava who was like a big brother to the devotees who knew him. He will be greatly missed! Hare Krishna!”  Other godbrothers like Giriraja Swami noted, “I have fond memories of serving with him in New Mayapur. He was a great soul

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God is one. Moreover, according to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that one God is Krishna, the cowherd boy of Vrindavan, who chooses to expand Himself unlimitedly still remain the same one Supreme Person, just to increase His own pleasure. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (1.3.28) designates this original Godhead as svayam bhagavān: Kṛṣṇas tu bhagavān svayam.

The Supreme Personality of Godhead has three primary energies. The first is antarańga–śakti, or the internal potency. The second is known as taṭastha–śakti, th

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First Meaning: –

Srila Jiva Gosvami reveals the meaning of each of the sixteen Names in the Hare Krishna Mahaamantra in his Mahaa-mantrartha Dipika as follows: –

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Krishna steals the minds of everyone, yet Radha steals even His mind by Her divine expertise. Thus She is known as Haraa.

He forcibly attracts Sri Radha with the sweet sound of His flute, therefore that Lord of all enchantin

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From Back to Godhead

Academic knowledge provides information of the world, but spiritual knowledge awards us eternal liberation

One of my friends in college was known for his immense general knowledge. He knew the names of all recent Hollywood and Bollywood movies, the actors, directors, and producers of each movie, and the winners of Oscar and Filmfare awards from every year. In sports, he knew the winners of each Grand Slam tennis tournament from every year as well as similar information abou

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By Giriraj Swami  

“Srila Prabhupada has explained that the system of honoring the spiritual master is current in all sections of Vedic followers. In the Mayavadi (impersonalist) sects, the disciples offer respect to the spiritual master once a year, on Guru-purnima. And in the Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya, the disciples offer homage annually on the appearance day of the spiritual master, called Vyasa-puja because the spiritual master represents Vedavyasa, the empowered incarnation of Krishna w

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

Mayapur Clean & Green, led by Murari Mohini Devi Dasi, along with ISKCON Mayapur Land Office Central and the Mayapur Environmental Protection Team, came together on July 7, 2024, to clean Sri Mayapur Dham and welcome Lord Jagannath on the first day of the Rathayatra. The cleaning was sponsored by the Land Office and some volunteers lead by Anadi Krishna Das.

The cleaning started in the morning of the Rathayatra day, from the precinct at the beginning of the IS

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Two cities by Bhaktimarga Swami


Still in Toronto, and showing a new trail for the group of walking companions. We are dodging on foot the main motorists thoroughfares and taking to the neat hidden pathways at the University of Toronto. Near Yorkville we stood behind an artist's iron sculpture of a bull. It is symbolic. The bull stands for the principle of dharma and that's what we must always stand behind.

Now dharma, or duty, is always the obligation of a monk, and travel is one of them. Being the weekend of Ratha Yatra, the

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From Back to Godhead

Conceptions of God in the Bhagavad-gita encompass those of other traditions and give full picture of the Absolute Truth.

“The Bhagavad-gita teaches a pantheistic view of God,” he said, his confidence and years of learning clear from his authoritative tone. “The massive vishvarupa—Krishna’s universal form, which encompasses all material phenomena, including time—tells us much about God in the Gita.”

His friend, another scholar of some renown, seemed to disagree.

“The Gita go

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