kirtan (108)


We usually feel that there will be another day but what if there is no other day? What if this is our last day on this planet, the last day in this body? Did we accumulate sufficient blessings in this life to make it our last? Spiritual life is about accruing blessings throughout one’s devotional life; blessings from the Supreme Lord and His devotees. These blessings are the building blocks in our spiritual life, through them we develop saintly qualities.

Blessings help us become humble, tolera

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August 21, 1976, Hyderabad

Prabhupada: You were selling Back to Godhead on the street?

Gargamuni: Yes, in the pushcart.

Prabhupada: That time how many copies you were printing?

Gargamuni: We were printing 500 to 1,000. We started at 500 then to 1,000.

Prabhupada: Then when Brahmananda proposed that “We can get it printed from Japan, but they want order for 20,000 minimum.” So I said yes. Five hundred, 1,000 we were selling, and he proposed 20,000. “Yes. You order.” [laughs] Now, two million

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13463908298?profile=RESIZE_584xThe 17th Annual Radhadesh Mellows welcomed 1600-1700 Kirtan enthusiasts from over 50 countries and five continents to their annual event, which was held in the new Prasadam Hall at ISKCON Radhadesh Temple. 

In addition to those who were fortunate enough to participate live in the sold-out weekend gathering, over 60K tuned into the livestream. In the coming months, the videos from the event typically get over a million total views. Radhadesh Mellows continues to set the standard for these kinds o

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13453591489?profile=RESIZE_584xISKCON Ekachakra (left); the Goshala at ISKCON Ekachakra (right).

From December 21 to 25, 2024, a Holy Name Retreat was held at Ekachakra, the birthplace of Lord Nityananda, organized by Devaki Devi Dasi and assisted by Dhara Devi Dasi. The event brought together participants from various parts of the world, including India, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and the UK. 

The retreat offered an immersive experience focused on chanting the Hare Kris

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The first time I met Yamuna devi, my life changed forever.
I was in Saranagati for the Christmas holidays in 2000 having a reunion with my closest childhood friends. We were all in our early twenties, and having recently finished our university education and started work, we spent our time together recalling our childhood activities. One day we decided to have kirtan, but in a rather irreverent way, mocking the showy, elaborate vocal and instrument style we had all absorbed growing up in ISKCON.

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From Back to Godhead

How we value, acquire, use, and relate to money reflects our inner state of being.

Sri Sukadeva Goswami said, “Money does not stay in one place. It passes from one hand to another. Ultimately no one can enjoy money, and it remains the property of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.14.24) Money is God’s energy. He created it, He owns it, and He controls it: “Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord

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13222348682?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Atma Tattva Das

Sandipani Muni Krishna Dasa has spent ten years traveling the world, sharing the teachings of Krishna consciousness through kirtan, distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books, and personal interactions. Growing up in a devotee family and attending Gurukula at Bhaktivedanta Manor in the United Kingdom, Sandipani’s spiritual path was deeply influenced by his upbringing.

As a young man, he drew inspiration from the famous missionary spirit of Tribhuvanatha Das, who dedicated his life

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By Sacinandana Swami

There is one foundational principle of the Bhagavata philosophy, which is enacted and taught practically by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu during His earthly pastimes. By understanding it you will be able to live and apply what Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had come to teach us. This foundational principle is to establish a relationship with the Lord through the mood of separation. This is best practiced in kirtan.


We have heard it so many times – in order to re

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By Atma Tattva Das

Kirtan, the sacred practice of chanting and singing the names of The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna, is a profound tool for meditation and self-expression. For Premanjali Dasi, kirtan is not only a complete devotional activity but also a transformative experience she aims to make accessible to all. Through her innovative Learn Kirtan initiative, she has opened the doors for individuals—particularly those new to bhakti—to embrace the art of kirtan as a means of med

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The Transcendental Effects of the Holy Name


Sri Namamrta

1. The Holy Name Revives One’s Dormant, Eternal Krsna Consciousness
2. The Role of the Holy Name in the Progression of Devotional Service
3. The Holy Name Frees One from the Reactions to Sins
4. By Chanting the Holy Name, the Mind Becomes Controlled
5. The Holy Name Protects One from Pride
6. By Chanting, One Develops Forbearance
7. The Holy Name Eradicates Material Desires and Sinful Activity
8. The Holy Name Cleanses the Heart and Frees One from Material Contamination
9. The Holy

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You cannot follow nicely unless you hear nicely, and you cannot lead nicely unless you have learned to follow nicely.

Yamuna: From the very beginning of our programs in Bombay, Srila Prabhupada became known as one “who is startling India with kirtan.” Our kirtans were full of so much excitement they were so thrilling that we were like one throbbing heartbeat, the heartbeat of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission of Krishna Consciousness.

It is difficult to describe how much potency we felt in the

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13052734486?profile=RESIZE_584xThe annual World Holy Name Festival (WHNF), organized by the ISKCON Kirtan Ministry, concluded its 2024 edition with great success, uniting temples and devotees from across the world. This festival, observed from September 17 to September 23, celebrates Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental journey to the West, which marked the beginning of ISKCON’s worldwide mission to spread the glories of the Holy Name.

The 2024 theme, “Srila Prabhupada Wants You to Chant for Love and Peace,” was more than a mess

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From Back to Godhead

A look at Lord Caitanya’s “Eight Instructions” and their relevance to japa, the individual practice of chanting Hare Krishna.

A friend once told me this analogy about spiritual life: a flock of geese share strength by flying in a V formation, but if one goose goes down, the others can’t help. Similarly, though seekers of enlightenment help each other, success ultimately depends on personal effortand the kindness of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna.

Krishna’s kindness appears i

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64 Meditations for Janmastami


Janmastami is Krishna’s day. More than any other day of the year we should make an effort to meditate on Him on this day. Meditation means to engage in contemplation or reflection. In Bhakti Yoga we contemplate upon Krishna through the use of all the senses – which makes it a most enjoyable practice. In sanskrit it’s called ‘kevala ananda-kanda’ – the path of happiness.
The following list of the 64 qualities of Krishna is a delightful source of meditation. It is taken from the Nectar of Devotio

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Bhaktivinoda Thakur boldly proclaims, ‘sad-anga saranagati hoibe janhara,’ one who follows these six paths of surrender strictly, the result is ‘tahara prarthana sune sri nanda-kumara’. Krsna will respond to our prayer. Why is this so? Because Bhakti is cit-tattva. Devotional service, the Lord and His devotees do not belong to this material world but are of another.

Cit means cognition. The spiritual world is cit jagat; a realm full of perception. You will pray and get the response. In this m

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2515111222?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Giriraj Swami

We have gathered at the lotus feet of the Panca-tattva on this most auspicious occasion of Raghunatha dasa Gosvami’s cida-dadhi festival. The background to this incident can be found in the early life of Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami. His uncle and father, Hiranya and Govardhana Majumadara, were wealthy landlords in Bengal—almost like kings—and had a huge, opulent riverside palace, with boats that plied the river. Hiranya and Govardhana were generous and devoted to brahminical

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In honor of Jayananda Prabhu’s disappearance day on May 1, we submit the following account, derived from a letter by Kalindi Dasi to her spiritual master, Candramauli Swami.— Giriraj Swami


A Hospice Miracle—Serving Jayananda’s Mother


In mid-July I started wearing tilak to my work at the hospice. I thought that since many other spiritual practitioners were expressing their faith by wearing crosses, doves, silk threads, pentacles, and other items, I would wear mytilak, which tells the world t

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From Back to Godhead

By Vamsi Vihari Dasa

Though illness may restrict or halt our normal spiritual activities, it can provide spiritual benefits we might not otherwise gain.

After seven days of sickness, malarial fever had broken me down to the bones, and loss of appetite and hallucinations added miseries. I struggled to practice my daily chanting of Hare Krishna. But in those seven days I gained in ways that would not have been possible had I not been sick.

We have to accept the truth that we

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From Back to Godhead 

For anyone interested in spiritual progress,
gambling is more than just a harmless amusement.

High’s convenience store is bustling with last-minute shoppers picking up odds and ends for a holiday dinner. Having run out of milk, I find myself in the crowded store, standing in a line that wraps around the food aisle. I resign myself to the waiting, and chant the Hare Krsna mantra softly to myself.

An elderly shabbily dressed woman at the counter draws my attention. She’s fr

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By the mercy of Sri Guru and Gauranga, ISKCON Amravati has successfully organized its fifth annual Vaishnavi padayatra. Every year, they arrange a Vaishnavi padayatra to be on or around International Women’s Day, which is observed on March 8th. March is also a special month for devotees because Gaura-purnima mahamohotsava. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s advent occurred to spread the holy name, and padayatris also try to do the same.

Their Vaishnavi padayatra is the most-awaited event by temple Vais

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