lord jagannath (52)



On this full-moon day, sixteen days before Ratha- yatra, Lord Jagannatha is bathed. He becomes sick and is confined to rest for fourteen days. He is then offered special care until He comes out for Ratha-yatra.

A special bath of Jagannatha takes place on the Purnima of Jyestha month to commemorate the appearance day of Lord Jagannatha.

According to Skanda Purana, when King Indradyumna installed the wooden deities he arranged this bathing ceremony. This day is considered to be the birth-day of
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12388580690?profile=RESIZE_584xBy Syama Mohinī Devi Dasi and Nama Priya Devi Dasi  

On February 10th, hundreds gathered in Phoenix, Arizona, for the annual Jagannatha Ratha-Yatra parade hosted by ISKCON of Phoenix. In addition to the procession, a festival was held at the Steele Indian School Park, which included book distribution, yoga and meditation, henna and face painting, children’s activities, cultural programs, dance presentations, and the distribution of 1,000 plates of prasadam. Though inclement weather threatened th

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Devotee youth and young adults from across Florida participated in the annual Gasparilla Parade held in Tampa, Florida, on January 20th, bringing the mercy of Lord Jagannath to the third-largest parade in the United States.

According to the city of Tampa, the Gasparilla Parade welcomes a crowd of around 300,000 every year to celebrate the legendary pirate Jose Gaspar’s invasion of the harbor. The parade, often referred to as the Gasparilla Pirate Festival, features a lively procession of pirate

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By Yogesvara Gopinath Das

The vibrant streets of Ilford came alive with color, music, and fervent spirituality as the community gathered to celebrate the 10th Annual Jagannath Rathayatra, the Chariot Festival. This auspicious event, steeped in tradition and devotion, marked a decade of joyous processions and community celebration.

Read more: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=112085

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It was just a busy beehive at 1626 Pie IX Boulevard, the centre for Krishna Consciousness. The sun was shining, and the humidity was on. At the intersection of Sherbrooke and Ste. Laurent, The chariot, a handsome piece of craftsmanship built and owned by Abhay Charan, a local devotee, was all in spiffy decorum and ready to roll, and not rock, on Ste. Laurent.

First, coconuts were to be smashed on the streets, a ritual for purification. A priest from the platform of the chariot came down hard w

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By Mathura Lilesvari Devi Dasi

HARRISBURG, June 27, 2023 – The International Society for Krishna Consciousness of Harrisburg (ISKCON of Harrisburg) is gearing up to celebrate its 13th Annual Hare Krishna Festival of India on Saturday, July 8, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at City Island in Harrisburg. Harrisburg is only a short drive from most major cities on the East Coast – 3 hours from New York City and 2 hours from most towns in New Jersey, Baltimore, and Washington D.C.

The festival will s

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By Saroj Kumar Panda

Sri Jagannath is the Lord of the Universe. His Kitchen is considered as the largest and the biggest Kitchen in the world. It is situated south-east direction of the outer compound of Srimandir. The length of the Kitchen is 150 feet, breadth is 100 feet and height is about 20 feet. It consists of 32 rooms with 250 earthen ovens within these. Around 600cooks(Suaras) and 400 assistants serve here everyday for preparing Lord’s food.

These are three types of hearths in the Ki

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Today is Hera-pancami or Laksmi-vijaya!

Lord Jagannath along with His siblings leaves for a vacation to His aunt’s place and His consort Mahalakshmi was left behind in the main temple. While leaving he had promised that He would return the next day, but time passed by and He never came back, nor did He give any information. After the 5th Day, she became impatient and hence decided to visit the Gundicha temple to see if everything was ok.

The Hera-pancami festival takes place just five days afte

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NYC Ratha Yatra in Retrospect


Speaking about Ratha Yatra during a July 12, 1973 lecture in London, Srila Prabhupada said, “Organize this all over the world. They will be saved. They will understand Krsna.” For the last fifty years, devotees have taken up this instruction with great success, and this 2023 season has seen record numbers at events across the globe.  New York City, in particular, saw a surprising number of participants at its peaceful procession down Fifth Avenue on June 10th. The event was even covered by a le

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Today is Ratha-yatra day.

It is a great honor, privilege, and pleasure to be here on the auspicious occasion of Snana-yatra. The first deities of Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra in ISKCON were discovered in San Francisco in 1967. One of Srila Prabhupada’s early disciples, Malati dasi, saw a small figure in an import store, Cost Plus, and brought it to him. When Prabhupada saw the figure, his eyes opened wide. He folded his palms and bowed his head in respect. Then he said, “You have brought

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Prayers to Lord Jagannath

Hare Krsna

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Srila Sanatan Goswami

sri-jagannatha niladri-siro-mukuta-ratna he
daru-brahman ghana-syama prasida purusottama
O Lord Jagannath, the crest jewel of the Niladri hill! O supreme Brahman in a wooden form! O dark-hued Lord Shyam! Please be merciful upon me, O Lord Purushottam!
praphulla pundarikaksa lavanabdhi-tatamrta
gutikodara mam pahi nana-bhoga-purandara
O Lord with full blooming lotus eyes! O nectar of th
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Jagannath Ratha Yatra


At the height of Indian summer, right at the beginning of the Monsoon, the Lord of Puri goes to his garden palace for the annual summer vacation. Originally the festival has its foundation in the residents of Vrindavan bringing back their Lords, Krishna, Balaram and Lady Subhadra from Kurukshetra.

Today in Puri He, the Lord of the Universe travels in some style from his temple in Puri, to his garden temple, located outside the town centre called Gundicha. Thousands of Hindus flock to see, and

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Happy Ratha Yatra


Mukam karoti vacalam pangum langayate girim

Yat kripa tam aham vande sri gurum dina tarinamc

Paramananda Madhavam Sri Caitanya Isvaram

I offer my obeisances to His Divine Grace Abhay Caran Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada! Lord Jagannath is a very special deity in Rajapur. Radharani created the Navadvipa dhama for the pleasure of Lord Krsna. And Krsna gave the blessing that all the holy places will

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On May 19th, about 120 devotees participated in the second Ratha Yatra in Israel (and in the entire Middle East) held at Tel Aviv’s Yarkon Park, one of the largest parks in the country, with over 16 million annual visitors. Tel Aviv is also where the first preaching center was established in 1994.

In July 2022, the first-ever Ratha Yatra in the Middle East was held in the coastal city of Haifa, known for its openness to multiple religious traditions. In addition, Haifa is the worldwide headquar

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The City of Miami published an article on their website advertising the Coconut Grove Mango Strut Parade “For over 30 years, Miamians have kept the tongue-in-cheek parade alive with satirical costumes, marching bands and floats, usually with a facetious focus on local, national and global events from the last year. The parade also features actual marching bands, such as the New Orleans Funeral Marching Band and local high school marching bands, and local groups like the Grove Jugglers and the C

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10905823290?profile=RESIZE_710xBy Samudrasena das

Batam is the largest city in the Riau Islands Province of Indonesia, across the Strait of Singapore, the third-largest city in Sumatra region and the eighth largest city in Indonesia. Located 20 km off Singapore’s south coast, it is an industrial boomtown, an emerging transport hub and part of a free trade zone, the Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore Growth Triangle. Previously in 2015, there were only five families practising Krishna Consciousness in Batam, however now there are ma

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The Lord’s mercy comes in many forms and the story behind Odana Sashti is one amongst many to tell.
Once, Sri Gaurasundara accompanied by all His devotees came to see Lord Jagannatha on Odana Sasthi. Musical bands with numerous instruments, mridangas, conch shells, bells, etc. echoed all around and the entire town wore a festive look. Their Lordships wore many different sets of clothes that day and the festival would last until the Makara-shankranti, in mid-January. Sri Gaurasundara and the
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By Bhakti Rasa Devi Dasi  

On November 6, 2022, Iskcon Cidade São Paulo held another Ratha Yatra, which took Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra to Avenida Paulista, where thousands of people watched and followed the parade of the Deities.

Despite the unpredictability of the weather, roadblocks that could have prevented the arrival of the car, costs, and all the necessary logistics for such a large event, the reunion of Lord Jagannatha with His devotees aroused intense emotions and sprea

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ISKCON Sacramento celebrated its first Ratha Yatra in front of the California State Capitol Building, which serves as a museum and the State’s working seat of government, on Sept 18, 2022. More than seven hundred devotees from all over California participated in the event with great excitement. Sacramento now joins Srila Prabhupada’s grand vision of celebrating the Jagannatha Ratha Yatra festival in every city. This festival will put ISKCON Sacramento on the map of worldwide ISKCON centers that

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By Bhaktin Leah Bielat 

The 8th annual Orlando Rathayatra was held on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at the unique location on the campus of the University of Central Florida (UCF) in Orlando, Florida.

The Rathayatra took over the beautiful UCF campus and despite it being a weekday, a good number of devotees were present as well as many UCF students. Devotees and well-wishers pulled Lord Jagannath’s cart through the streets, led by a campus police car. Passersby were drawn to the procession by t

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