Today’s world is in disarray. Even the so-called educated class of society has no idea how to be happy, or how to do good for the world. Fortunately for us, the sages at Naimiṣāraṇya entertained this idea thousands of years ago. As a result of their thousand-year sacrifice, the enlightened sage, Śukadeva Gosvāmī, spoke Śrīmad Bhāgavatam, the panacea for respiritualizing the entire planet. Because the Bhāgavatam addresses the root cause of suffering, it is a cure-all for the many ills we suffer i
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Famous singer Boy George, veteran pop group The Rubettes, devotees, and others performed their best hits at the Bhaktivedanta Manor’s Haveli to raise money for the ISKCON’s Inisrath Temple in Northern Ireland.
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The day soon approaches when the world meditates on the Divine Lion Avatar. My poem:
(Part One)
He was ferocious
Yet not atrocious
Bearing a gaping mouth
Stretching from north to south
With terrifying jaws
And matching claws
Effective incisors
To intimidate all misers
He tossed His lofty mane
And exposed muscle and vein
Releasing a deafening roar
Scary to the core
You guessed it, it’s a lion
Invoking fear and a crying
Most amazing though
Is from neck to toe
The body was human
With e
You want to know Krishna. I too want to know Krishna. In fact, everyone is looking for Krishna because we all have deep spiritual relationship with Krishna.
George Harrison explains it in a better way, “Everybody is looking for KṚṢṆA. Some don’t realize that they are, but they are.”
So, the question is, is it possible to know Krishna? Is it possible to understand Krishna? Is it possible to know our relationship with Krishna? And most importantly is it possible to develop relationship with Krish
Since surgery on my right knee almost five weeks ago, I dare not push myself too hard to walk normally; without cane or crutch. As far as possible, with minimal limp, I braved my steps south on Avenue Road, to the corner of Louis Vuitton clothes ware, then east on Bloor, through the café district of Yorkville, and back to the temple/ashram via Davenport.
I did fine and stopped only once for chanting my gayatri mantras. I surprised myself on the three-kilometre stretch. No pain really. It was an
Video: Click here
Although not an advocate of creationism, Sadaputa Dasa (Dr. Richard L. Thompson) demonstrates in this lecture that most evidence for the evolution theory also supports the theory of intelligent design. And since Darwinism leaves so much about human nature unexplained, he suggests we broaden our view and approach alternate outlooks with an open mind.
By Jayabhadra devi dasi, IGF preacher ISKCON Amravati
On April 24, 2022, Amravati’s Bhakta Prahlad School teachers and ISKCON Girls’ Forum team held a Bala (little Vaishnava) padayatra. Every year we organize a three-day summer camp for children at ISKCON Amravati and on the last day we have our padayatra.
In the craft session on the final day of camp the children made frames for photos of Lord Krishna and Srila Prabhupada and posters with messages such as Save Water, Save Girls, Save the Earth
It has been recognized as the honeymoon capital of the world. Niagara Falls was an attraction for newlyweds for over two hundred years and it was Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother, Jerome, who was one of the high society folks, wed to Elizabeth Patterson from Baltimore, said to have started the trend.
My trip to Niagara was not to see lovers at the Falls, but rather to visit dear devotees, Vaishnava and Janaki, residents of the city, and it was from their home that I Zoomed a call to the group in Cl
By Radha Vallabha dasa, Andhra Pradesh Padayatra leader
On April 26, 2022, our padayatra ox Govinda left his body. He had been serving since the start of the Andhra Pradesh Padayatra three and a half years ago. He was sadhu in his behaviour – he never hit anybody and was very silent. Even when children touched him or climbed on him when he was seated and pulled his tail and horns, Govinda was always quiet. He served our Lordships very nicely. We stopped in a village for some time during the pan
I was in Mayapur, in what is now West Bengal, when I received a letter from His Holiness Gurudasa Swami asking me to go to Jaipur to see how the carving of the twelve Deities for the Krsna-Balarama Temple was coming along. When I arrived in Jaipur, the sculptor let me stay at his home along with the twenty-five members of his household three generations all of whom helped with the carving.
My first look at the Deities was inspiring. The two that were almost finished were good, and I suggested on
While I was carrying a box of Gitas from a bus at a rest area, a lady approached.
She asked, “I am wondering what your group is about — who are all of you?”
She said, “Everyone looks enthusiastic, energetic. There is something special about you people.”
She told me that she was traveling to LA with the family to drop her daughter at college. She said that they were all tired and lacked energy, but looking at the devotees, she felt rejuvenated.
I told her about ISKCON Silicon Valley’s traveling
Can meditation solve our everyday problems? Is there life after death? Can drugs help us achieve self-realization? During a recent visit to South Africa, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada discussed these questions with Bill Faill, a reporter for the Durban Natal Mercury.
Srila Prabhupada: “Krsna” is a name for God which means all-attractive. Unless one is all-attractive he cannot be God. So this Krsna consciousness means God consciousness. All of us are small particles of God
At the Montessori school in Russell, some chipper remarks came my way from the young students. One of the young boys said, “We made you,” and what he was referring to is that before my arrival, for quite some time, the kids became familiar with “The Walking Monk” through a children’s book of the same name. I guess you could say I was the special guest in three classrooms. What the boy was referring to was that the staff had the students colour Walking Monk cut-outs from paper and attached them
Lust which is also known as “kama” is the only driving force that keeps one entangled in the material world. Lust is the perverted reflection of love of God. Krishna (in Bhagavad Gita 3.37) informs Arjuna that “It is lust only, which is born of contact with the material mode of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this world”. When the sense of love of God is transformed, it turns into lust, just like the milk when comes in contact with the so
A day full of laughter, music and wisdom.
The School of Bhakti Community team hosted a retreat for those curious about spiritual life. The retreat was an immense success! They learned intimate details about the Manor and the life of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, from the President – Visakha Dasi. They learned about its history as they explored the stunning temple grounds, followed by combing and feeding the cows in the cow sanctuary. If that is not all, they had a drumming workshop Jayadev da
By Damodarlila dasa, Maharashtra Padayatra leader
We brought two oxen from Gujarat for our padayatra on the auspicious day of Gita Jayanti in 2021. Our spiritual master, Lokanath Maharaja, mercifully named them Krishna and Arjuna. Happily, they both were serving. We never tied Arjuna to the chariot because the oxen require training and then they are yoked to the chariot, so Arjuna always walked behind the chariot. Three months back he fell causing a fracture of his right leg. We took him to a v
By Matthew Learning
Through divine providence, in the autumn of 2020, a man named John Griesser sent me a message on Facebook asking me to be friends because of our common interests. I accepted and then received an invitation to view the trailer for his new film, Hare Krishna! He mentioned that he and his wife directed the film and if I enjoyed the trailer, that I watch the full-length film on Amazon Prime.
A few days passed before I actually saw the trailer. After viewing the trailer about a m
Mahadeva, Annapurna, and I found the perfect spot to chant at and that was Major’s Hill Park behind Chateau Laurier and which is bordered by the National Gallery of Canada and the Embassy of the United States of America. Passersby and bench sitters really expressed their appreciation with nods and words.
A second location, which happened magically, was an invitation from restaurant owner of “Curry Kebab” who spotted us on the way to Major’s Hill. “You can sing in my place, anywhere inside or ou
The Cherry Blossom Festival is a big draw at High Park. Apart from tree beauty and the great weather, it being the weekend and Mother’s Day remembrance tomorrow, all this stacked up to bring the crowds. We kirtan fans took advantage of the situation and, like in 2021, plopped ourselves on the grass near the park’s entrance to deliver the goods; mantra power.
Power there is in this ancient practice. Ajamila and Vrkodhara alternated with leading the chant, and in-between I spoke a few words to th