srimad-bhagavatam (29)

13521168294?profile=RESIZE_584xPodcast host, Bhrigupada Das with guest Shaunaka Rishi Das, the Director of OCHS.

This month, the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (OCHS) released its latest initiative, The Bhagavata Podcast. This unique offering promises to take listeners on an engaging journey through the Bhagavata Purana, more commonly known as the Srimad Bhagavatam. 

The podcast host, Bhrigupada Das (Måns Broo), a scholar and Gaudiya Vaishnava practitioner, will trace a linear progression through the text. Discussions with h

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We are familiar with the literary devices of similes and metaphors. In a simile, we may say something like, “The summer air was as hot as a furnace”, but in a metaphor we do not simply compare two things but describe one as the other, as in Sandburg’s poem: “The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches, and then moves on.”

The language of metaphor and poetry is the language of emotion and love. In the Italian film “Il Postino” (The Postman), a simple

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By Atma Tattva Das

The first edition of Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto One in Turkish has recently been published after years of dedicated effort. This project was led by Nrsimha Krishna Das and his wife, Krsnamala Devi of ISKCON Turkiye. The new volume was recently presented to their spiritual master, Sivarama Swami, at New Vraja-dhama in Hungary.

Nrsimha Krishna Das, who serves as the Zonal Supervisor for ISKCON Turkiye, has been instrumental in steering this ambitious project. Based in Istanbul, he

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The influence of maya is very difficult to overcome. In our scriptures, the material energy is therefore compared to an ocean. When you sail the ocean you never know when the weather will become stormy and high waves will make it impossible for you to continue your journey. Material life is similar – you never know when difficulties will shake you. Krishna explains this fact to Uddhava and then says: “Devotees are like a strong boat that comes to rescue those persons who are repeatedly rising a

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By Chandan Yatra Das

Shukratal is a tiny holy town about 2-3 hours (72 km) from Haridwar on the banks of Ganges River in Muzaffarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh. Srila Sukadeva Goswami spoke sacred Srimad-Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana) to Maharaja Pariksit (the grandson of Arjuna and son of Abhimanyu), under a banyan tree 5000 years ago.

Here at a place called Sri Sukadeva Temple, there is a gigantic 5100 year old Banyan tree, also known as Akshaya Vat Vriksha, underneath where Sukadeva Goswami,

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“Hearing is Our Main Business”


[During a lecture Srila Prabhupada interrupts his discourse on the Srimad-Bhagavatam verse when he notices some of his disciples leaving the lecture, apparently to attend to other services] Srila Prabhupada: Why they are going? They are busy in some other work? Eh? Ugra-karma.
Without hearing, what will he do?
Nonsense? Sravanam kirtanam, this is our main business. If you don’t hear, what will you do? You will simply do sense gratification. That’s all. So this is the difficulty, that we are not

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60 ways to study Srila Prabhupada’s books



SB Preface and Introduction

One will be unable to capture the effects of the Tenth Canto without going through the first nine cantos. The book is complete in twelve cantos, each independent, but it is good for all to read them in small installments one after another.

SB Preface:

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam begins with the definition of the ultimate source. It is a bona fide commentary on the Vedānta-sūtra by the same author, Śrīla Vyāsadeva, and gradually it develops into nine can

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My Heartfelt Effusion Chapter Ten

Swami Prabhupada said, “I didn’t come to the US asking for anything! I came to give something, which is the Vedic culture!”  We, at VFA,  wish to share this culture widely because this culture has been minimised.  Scholars such as Frawley, Knapp, Armstrong and others are trying to reclaim the rightful space that Vedic culture needs to be accorded in the contemporary context.
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My Heartfelt Effusion Chapter Eight and Nine

Similarly, in the Brahma-saṁhitā it is stated that the ground on the Vaikuṇṭha planets is made of touchstone. Thus there is no need to sweep the stone in Vaikuṇṭha, for there is hardly any dust on it, but still, in order to satisfy the Lord, the ladies there always engage in dusting the marble walls. Why? The reason is that they are eager to achieve the grace of the Lord by doing so.[501] It is very much regrettable that unfortunate people do not discuss the description of the Vaikuṇṭha planets
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My Heartfelt Effusion Chapter Six and Seven

Just like the owl. Owl will never open the eyes to see that there is sunlight. You know this, owl? So they will not open. However you may say, "Mr. Owl, please open your eyes and see the sun," "No, there is no sun. I don't see." [laughter] This owl civilization. So you have to fight with these owls. You must be very strong, especially the sannyāsīs. We have to fight with the owls. We have to open their eyes by force from this, with machine. [laughter] So this is going on. So this Kṛṣṇa conscious
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My Heartfelt Effusion Chapter Five

Lord Kapila explained the path of the transcendentalists to His mother as she had uncontaminated desire for transcendental realization. The symptoms of a sadhu are to be tolerant, merciful, friendly, peaceful, sublime, and abides by the scriptures. Sankhya philosophy is a combination of devotional service and mystic realization. When the devotees accept Lord as their Friend, Relative, Son, Preceptor, Benefactor, or Supreme Deity, they are not deprived of their possessions. The only means of atta
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My Heartfelt Effusion Chapter Three and Four

She stood and scratched the ground with her foot, which was radiant with the luster of her gemlike nails. Her head bent down, she spoke in slow yet charming accents, suppressing her tears. Devahūti was so beautiful that her toenails appeared just like pearls, and as she scratched the ground it appeared as if pearls had been thrown on the ground. When a woman scratches the ground with her foot, it is a sign that her mind is very disturbed. These signs were sometimes exhibited by the gopīs before
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My Heartfelt Effusion Chapter One and Two

I will now take a moment to express the fact that no one, I mean no one, should ever read anything I write or hear anything I say unless and until they have read every single one of Prabhupada's books and heard every lecture ever given. How dare I write about Krishna Katha in such a fallen state? Please forgive my arrogance, thinking that I know anything about Srimad Bhagavatam. I am fool number one! However, What choice do I have? Either I write about Srimad Bhagavatam, Glorify Devotees, and Ch
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By Madhava Smullen

The Bhadra Campaign is a snowball that just keeps gathering size and momentum.

Also known as “Go to Goloka,” the campaign was launched in 2017 by the BBT Marketing, Communications, and Innovations team headed by Vaisesika Das. It’s inspired by the Srimad-Bhagavatam’s statement that “If on the full moon day of the month of Bhadra one places Srimad-Bhagavatam on a golden throne and gives it as a gift, he will attain the supreme transcendental destination.”

It’s also driven by S

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By Madhava Smullen 

New paperback editions of Srimad-Bhagavatam: A Comprehensive Guide for Young Readers Cantos 1, 2, and 3 are now available on, along with the just completed Canto 4. The first three cantos in the series, compiled by Aruddha Dasi, were originally each released in two parts starting in 2016. However the new editions, redesigned by Raghu Consbruck, and featuring new illustrations by a variety of artists, have been revised into a single volume per Canto, making them mo

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Unscrupulous people go at once to the Tenth Canto, especially to the five chapters which describe the Lord’s rāsa dance. However, this portion of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam is the most confidential part of that great literature. Unless one is thoroughly accomplished in the transcendental knowledge of the Lord, he is sure to misunderstand the Lord’s worshipable transcendental pastimes in the rāsa dance and the Lord’s love affairs with the gopīs. This subject matter is highly spiritual and technical, and

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By Madhava Smullen

Sri Prahlada Das, who is known for traveling with Indradyumna Swami for 18 years as his assistant, performing in the band Village of Peace, and bringing kirtan and bhakti wisdom to yoga schools, has been offering life lessons from the Srimad-Bhagavatam online during the pandemic.

“At the beginning of lockdown, I thought, ‘In this situation, there’s so much angst, unrest, disease, death, and isolation – how do I contribute to the community?’” he says. “I decided, ‘Let’s meet o

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By Madhava Smullen

The Bhadra Campaign, flooding the world with spiritual wisdom in the form of full sets of Srimad-Bhagavatam, keeps going from strength to strength.

Launched in 2017, the campaign is inspired by the Srimad-Bhagavatam verse 12.13.13, which states, “If on the full moon day of the month of Bhadra one places Srimad-Bhagavatam on a golden throne and gives it as a gift, he will attain the supreme transcendental destination.”

It’s also driven by Srila Prabhupada’s instruction in a 19

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By Madhava Smullen

Bhagavat Seva, an ISKCON Silicon Valley project with the motto “Distributing Ancient Wisdom Through Education” is offering online Sunday School, and using the course fees to distribute full Srimad-Bhagavatam sets. Coordinators also hope that the program can be replicated by devotees in their local areas first nationwide, and eventually internationally.

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In Canto Twelve of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhumi, Mother Earth, says this: “Although in the past great men and their descendants have left me, departing from this world in the same helpless way they came into it, even today foolish men are trying to conquer me. For the sake of conquering me, materialistic persons fight one another. Fathers oppose their sons, and brothers fight one another because their hearts are bound to possessing political power. Political leaders challenge one another: ‘All this

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