Barrie and Bracebridge by Bhaktimarga Swami


My flight back to Toronto was a blessed one because of some good fortune. I met someone special. His name is Nitai Ram, who was enroute to Toronto on Air Canada flight 126. Before boarding the redeye flight we had a good chat. He was on his way to see his parents in St. John, New Brunswick.

With about three minutes of rest on this overnight flight, I deplaned and got picked up by Chris and Amy from Hamilton. Ryan joined us as I needed his company and his good djembe planying. The venue for tonight’s program was the old train station (now renovated) on Lake Simcoe, in Barrie. Dignitaries came, including the deputy mayor, along with a host of loyal Krishna followers; many young families immigrated from India.

The chanting was led by Vrikodhara, from the Ukraine, and the receive-and-respond technique worked quite well. The Barrie group is a vibrant one and today’s program demonstrated that devotion. To a large extent it was a lively program for the kids. After all, many Krishna followers love to meditate on Him in His childhood. I have a preference to adoring Him in His adult stage, as the speaker of The Gita.

By evening I was driven to Bracebridge and there I was lucky enough to trek with a bunch of bhakti guys along the tame but windy Muskoka River. The Patel clan, mostly motel owners, came together for Mexican prasadam. We closed the day with a kirtan.


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