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Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara)

Sri Radhe-Krsna's playful pastimes (vihara) - Phulvari-kunda


One day, Sri Radha and Her sakhis were picking flowers here when Krsna suddenly arrived and said,"Who are you? Everyday, you steal floweres from My garden."

Hearing this, Srimati Radhika rebuked Him,"You don't know who I am?".

Saying no more, Krsna placed His flute to His lips and began to play, casting charming glances at Radha as He walked away. The very sight of Krsna leaving greatly distressed Radha, who fainted in seperation from Him
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A Book Marathon Message By Giriraj Swami (From a talk on January 11, 2010, Kiev, Ukraine)

krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam sangopangastra-parsadam yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi su-medhasah

"In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Krsna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krsna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons, and confidential companions." (SB 11.5.32)

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When one has devel­oped a real taste for chant­ing, then a sin­gle utter­ance of the holy name can erad­i­cate all pre­vi­ous sins. Some ves­tiges of sin­ful reac­tion may still remain in a par­tic­u­lar individ­ual, but these also are grad­u­ally removed by the process of chant­ing.

From Harinama Cintamani
Hari­dasa Thakura to Lord Cai­tanya
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We get back what we giv

Hare Krishna Friends,

A little boy got angry with his mother and shouted at her, "I hate you, I hate you." Because of fear of reprimand, he ran out of the house. He went up to the valley and shouted, "I hate you, I hate you," and the echo returned, "I hate you, I hate you."

Having never heard an echo before, he was scared, and ran to his mother for protection. He said there was a bad boy in the valley who shouted "I hate you, I hate you"

The mother understood and she asked her son to go back and
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Our Passion and Lord’s Compassion

Our Passion and Lord’s Compassion

DECEMBER 1, 2010

DAILY SB/BG 01-December-2010 Wednesday
MALA:10 BEAD:016
(Regularly reading/hearing Srimad Bhagavatam or Serving the pure Devotee)
Karma Yoga (Do Your Duty, Leave the result to Krsna) Great (easy to do)
Gnana Yoga Realising Self by controlling senses and mind Very Great (tough)
Bakthi Yoga
Realising the Paramatma is Everything and
Surrender to Krishna is the Ultimate goal
Very Very Great
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Don't Nourish Your Impious Desires

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Mathajis,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudev.

It is very important in spiritual life that we should not be misdirected especially stray away from spiritual master's instructions. The basic tendency of the conditioned soul is to enjoy and have sense gratification which we have already experienced for so many lives. As our beloved spiritual master HH Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj says, Although we have gone atleast once throu

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Maya's attack

As this talk went on, an Indian grhastha, Isvaracandra dasa, arrived. He has been living in Mathura for the last couple of years with his wife and children, trying to establish some business, but so far he has been unsuccessful.

Prabhupada interrupted his management meeting to speak with him. He spoke frankly, as a sadhu, or "one who cuts", asking why the man did not join with the preaching work. "You are trying in your own way. But Krsna does not like that program. You can manufactu
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 11
purusavayavair lokah
sapalah purva-kalpitah
lokair amusyavayavah
sa-palair iti susruma

purusa -- the universal form of the Lord (virat-purusah); avayavaih -- by different parts of the body; lokah -- the planetary system; sa-palah -- with respective governors; purva -- formerly; kalpitah -- discussed; lokaih -- by the different planetary systems; amusya -- His; avayavah -- different parts of the body; sa-palaih -- with the governors; iti -- thus; susruma -
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Book Distribution

Sometimes we devotees think, this book distribution is only the service of the full-time book distributors. I am not full-time, so it’s not my service, thank God. You should thank God when you engage in preaching because Krishna is more pleased when you preach and when you make the efforts to distribute books. Book distribution should be the privilege of everyone.

(Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.13.28), 10.06.03, Nizhny Novgorod

The holy name is the most valuable asset that you can possess!
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na ca sreyo 'nupasyami

hatva sva-janam ahave

na kankse vijayam krsna

na ca rajyam sukhani ca

Bg 1.31

I do not see how any good can come from killing my own kinsmen in this battle, nor can I, my dear Krsna, desire any subsequent victory, kingdom, or happiness. - Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra

Blind conception of life and its effects

'Without knowing that one's self-interest is in Visnu (or Krsna), conditioned souls are attracted by bodily relationships, hoping to be happy in such s

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Article appearing in the Boston Globe, May 30, 2000
A Little Fish Challenges a Giant of Science
By Fred Heeren, Globe Correspondent

CHENGJIANG, China - The fish-like creature was hardly more than an inch long, but its discovery in the rocks of southern China was a big deal. The 530-million-year-old fossil, dubbed Haikouella, had the barest beginning of a spinal cord, making it the oldest animal ever found whose body shape resembled modern vertebrates.

In the Nature article announcing his latest find
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Philosophy of Life and Death

Philosophy of Life and Death

A sane person who has understood the philosophy of life and death is very upset upon hearing of the horrible, hellish condition of life in the womb of the mother or outside of the mother. But one has to make a solution to the problems of life. A sane man should understand the miserable condition of this material body. Without being unnecessarily upset, he should try to find out if there is a remedy. The remedial measures can be understood when one associates with pers
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Why Buddhists Are Atheists?

color:maroon"">Question: Why Buddhists Are Atheists?"Times New Roman""">

I am very lucky to have a master who is helping with my questions. If Lord Buddha achieved self realization, He must have been Krishna conscious or God consciousness. But yet theBuddhists don't believe in God. Why is this?

Thank you

mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman""">

color:maroon"">Answer: Unknowingly Buddhists Are Theists"Times New Roman""">

It is amazing that even with knowing it the Buddhists are theists, that the

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Commentaries by Acharyas on the Vedanta Sutra

There are two classes of sannyasis, or persons in the renounced order of life.

The Mayavadi sannyasis are engaged in the study of Sankhya philosophy,

whereas the Vaisnava sannyasis are engaged in the study of Bhagavatam philosophy,

which affords the proper commentary on the Vedanta-sutras.


The Mayavadi sannyasis also study the Vedanta-sutras, but use their own commentary, calledSariraka-bhasya, written by Sankaracarya.

>>> Ref. VedaBase =
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Is Religion Causing Problems?

Is Religion Causing Problems?

People fighting for ReligionQuestion to Radhanath Swami : Swamiji, my question is not directly related to religion. But some of the biggest challenges facing the world today are the problems caused by religions. What is the solution for this?

Radhanath Swami: I do not see it as a problem of religion. I see it as the problem caused by irreligion in the guise of religion. We have to find what religion actually is. Real religion does not mean a Hindu, a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, Zoroastrian, Jain

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Wasting time

Because there was no breakfast, Prabhupada talked with the temple managers for quite a long time. He is quite frustrated with Aksayananda Swami's style of management. Although Aksayananda is undoubtedly sincere, he seems to not have any realization about what is to be done or not done, nor how to do what Prabhupada tells him has to be done. Even when he says he understands, things don't get done. A case in point is the alterations to the guest house lobby. The banging, thumpings and
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 10
sa capi yatra puruso
muktvatma-mayam mayesah
sete sarva-guhasayah

sah -- He; ca -- also; api -- as He is; yatra -- where; purusah -- the Personality of Godhead; visva -- the material worlds; sthiti -- maintenance; udbhava -- creation; apyayah -- annihilation; muktva -- without being touched; atma-mayam -- own energy; maya-isah -- the Lord of all energies; sete -- does lie on; sarva-guha-sayah -- one who lies in everyone s heart.
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SATAN'S Meeting

This is not only a good read but also food for thought, and I'm not too busy to forward this. May these words speak to everyone of us.


Satan called a worldwide convention of demons.

In his opening address he said,

"We can't keep people from going to pray."

"We can't keep them from reading their holy books and knowing the truth."

"We can't even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their God ".

"Once they gain that connection with GOD, our power over them is broken."
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Scientific proof of Mahabharata

A unique documentary which proves the existence of Krishna and shows the scientific proof of Mahabharata with exact year of Kurukshetrawar. CLICK the foll site......

A brilliant film made by a British doctor using astronomy and scientific calculations to point out the exact year of the KurukshetraWar between the Pandavas and Kauravas...

Sincere Thanks to Jaya Raman who sent this to me!

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Dear Devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

It’s Radha Londonisvara’s 41st Birthday!! Hope you all remember what a bash we had last year for the 40th anniversary with Shyamsundar, Gurudas, Malati and Jamuna Prabhus and so many devotees from the yesteryears.

This year we shall celebrate the 41st Installation Anniversary of Their Lordships in the Radha Krishna Temple in London. It will be a 2 day’s festivities on the 11th (Saturday) and 12th Sunday) of December,
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