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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

The Gopis sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest


1. Whenever Krsna went to the forest, the minds of the gopis would run after Him, and thus the young girls sadly spent their days singing of His pastimes.

2. The gopis said: When Mukunda vibrates the flute He has placed to His lips, stopping its holes with His tender fingers, He rests His left cheek on His left arm and makes His eyebrows dance. At that time the demigoddesses travel
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Satsang in the Sauna

I was advised by a health specialist to go to a sauna and sweat, so I went to a pool near the Los Angeles temple, where I reside. I was sitting in the
sauna with a friend; it was full.

All of a sudden an African-American man in his late 40's addressed me: "Excuse me. Can I ask you a question? Do you know Sanskrit?"

"I don't speak it," I replied, "but I'm learning." I asked him his name and he told me it was Matt, and then I asked him why he cares about Sanskrit.

"I'm reading the Bhagavad-gita," he r
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The stature of Guru is so exalted that even if one surrenders completely, he is only able to touch the tip of His toes - where Guru has His feet, a devotee or a follower is only able to place his head there. In other words, where from the stature of Guru starts, (i.e., His lotus feet), devotee’s highest form, (i.e., his head) rests.
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Question: How to Be a Good Devotee and a Good Wife?

Dear Master,

I would like to know about Krishna conscious family life. I am a woman from aChristian background. I cannot live alone in the society. I hope youunderstand. I am not interested in marriage because I simply want to serve theLord. However, my parents are pushing me to get married. Please, therefore,advise me how to be a good Krishna conscious devotee as well as a good wife tomy husband so that in all ways I can nicely serve my belove

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Never Forget Krishna

Never Forget Krishna

A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap in its shade.... He loved the tree, and the tree loved to play with him.

Time went by. The little boy grew up, and he no longer played around the tree every day. One day, the boy came back to the tree with a sad look on his face.

"Come and play with me," the tree asked the boy.

"I am no longer a kid, I don’t play around t

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Why should we study the sacred scripture ?

An old farmer lived on his farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning he got up early, sat at the kitchen table, and read His Bhagavad-gita. His grandson wanted to be just like his grandfather, so tried to emulate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa, I try to read the Bhagavad-gita just like you do, but I don’t understand most of it, and whatever I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. So what

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What is real affection

Prahlada Maharaja, saved his father from the hellish condition of
life. From material point of view, Prahlada Maharaja could have asked
Nrsimhadeva, "My Lord, do not kill my father, the greatest of the
demons." He could have asked, and immediately his request would have
been granted. But he did not do that. He was standing and seeing. When
he was offered benediction, he did not take anything. He said, "My
Lord, what shall I do, all this material benediction? I have seen in
the case of my father. He was
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 48
sadhryan niyamya yatayo yama-karta-hetim
jahyuh svarad iva nipana-khanitram indrah

sadhryak -- artificial mental speculation or meditation; niyamya -- controlling; yatayah -- the mystics; yama-karta-hetim -- the process of spiritual culture; jahyuh -- are given up; svarat -- fully independent; iva -- as; nipana -- well; khanitram -- trouble for digging; indrah -- the controlling demigod supplying rains.

In such a transcendental state there is
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ust become a pure devotee - 1

At 10:00 a.m. Prabhupada met with an Italian visitor named Marco Ferrini. Marco had an interesting background story as to how he came here to meet with Srila Prabhupada.

This is his third visit to India. A highly successful furniture designer, at thirty one-years-old he owns six companies and enjoys a world-wide reputation. To all intents and purposes he has everything material anyone could want. But as he became increasingly successful, he began to find name, fame an
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Narada Muni and the Hunter

Narada Muni and the Hunter


Narada Muni saw that a deer was lying on the path through the forest and that it was pierced by an arrow. It had broken legs and was twisting due to much pain. Farther ahead, Narada Muni saw a boar pierced by an arrow. Its legs were also broken, and it was twisting in pain. When he went farther, he saw a rabbit that was also suffering. Narada Muni was greatly

"Once upon a time the great saint Narada, after visiting Lord Narayana in the Vaikunthas, went to Prayaga to bath

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Meditation on Utthana or Haribodini Ekadasi

"Anyone who likes to offend saintly persons, or who does not interrupt someone who is insulting saintly persons, is considered no better than an ass. Such a wicked man sees his dynasty destroyed before his very eyes."

Prabhupada picks up devotees

We hear from the Chaitanya Charitamrita that by the great mercy of Shri Krishna one receives the shelter of a bona-fide guru, and by the combined mercy of both Guru and Krishna one receives the seed of the creeper of devotion. Initiation means beginning and thus we are given the too

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From the book "The butter thief"


At the same time as Sri Krishna was performing His pastimes in Vrndavana, there was a lady in the nearby city of Mathura who used to sell very, very sweet fruits. She would go to the country villages where small children lived, and she would walk through the narrow lanes calling out, “Mangos! Oranges! Bananas! Guava!“ She had such lovely, ripe fruits, that many children would run to her, and ask for them in
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Can I Chant My Japa in a Cab?

Question: Can I Chant My Japa in a Cab?

Respected Gurudeva,

Currently I am chanting 6 rounds of Hare Krishna mahamantra japa as a regulardaily routine. But I do most of them in a cab while going to office. Andsecondly whenever I chant at home, I always do so while walking otherwise mymind goes here and there. Of course while walking mind goes also here and there,but still my concentration is better when walking as opposed to when I amsitting.

So my question is that is the above process of chantin

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Chanting In The Morning

This hit me this's so important to always chant first thing in the morning before anything else - the earlier the better because it's the most peaceful time and the time when the mind is not distracted and disturbed by the mode of passion.

If we give Japa the No.1 priority in our day, then it will become a strong cornerstone in our spiritual lives and we will feel the Lord's spiritual energy more. A cornerstone has to be solid and strong so that the rest of the construction that is
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Do your service

Gunarnava prabhu is here from Vrndavana. He went in to see Srila Prabhupada this afternoon to discuss his service. Although he has been supervising the construction and finishing work on the buildings, and his presence there has been fairly essential, he now wants to leave Vrndavana and go to the Middle East to collect funds for Krishna-Balaram Mandir with Tribhuvanatha prabhu. For Gunarnava it is a big change and he wanted to be certain he was not displeasing Srila Prabhupada. He
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 7 Text 47
sasvat prasantam abhayam pratibodha-matram
suddham samam sad-asatah paramatma-tattvam
sabdo na yatra puru-karakavan kriyartho
maya paraity abhimukhe ca vilajjamana
tad vai padam bhagavatah paramasya pumso
brahmeti yad vidur ajasra-sukham visokam

sasvat -- eternal; prasantam -- without disturbance; abhayam -- without fear; pratibodha-matram -- a consciousness opposed to the material counterpart; suddham -- uncontaminated; samam -- without distinction; sat-as
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The wood-cutter and the axe

The wood-cutter and the axe

Once upon a time a strong wood-cutter asked a timber merchant for a job. The timber merchant was happy to oblige. The pay was good and so were the work-conditions. Therefore, the wood-cutter was determined to do his best.

The timber merchant presented the wood-cutter with an axe and showed him where to work. The first day, the wood-cutter brought eighteen trees.

“Congratulations !†the boss said. “Go on working like that.â€

Motivated by the boss’s words, the wood-c

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Connecting with Spiritual Master in his physical absence
710) It's often said that an aspiring devotee should never try to approach
Krishna directly, that Krishna is pleased when we serve Him by serving His
devotees, or that one should only try to approach Krishna through the
Spiritual Master. I have also heard that rather than trying to serve
Krishna directly, one should beg for mercy from Srimati Radharani to be
allowed to serve Sri Krishn
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Neophyte means no independent decisions, no free will, that means surrender. But when he is trained up then automatically he gets his freedom. Just like a small child can only eat such things which are sanctioned by his parents, not by his own discretion.
Letter to Yajnesvara -- Bombay 2 January, 1972: Your next question was about the free will, whether we have it or not? If one is not intelligent enough for making for making decisions, then all decisions shall be sanctioned by the spiritual mast
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HDG Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance day this year in Moscow, Russia was a heavy, sober reminder of spiritual loss to all the devotees of ISKCON Moscow. By Lord Krsna's arrangement, an unusual event took place here. There was the celebration of two departures of devotees in ISKCON -- our Beloved Srila Prabhupada and his beloved disciple, my Godbrother HH Purnachandra Swami.
The ceremonies were lush and loving with kirtans, bhajans, flowers and pushpunjali, arotiks and words of appreciation. HH Ni
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