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Once the cloud and mist are dispelled, the sun of the holy name shines brilliantly once more and enlightens the devotee with love of Godhead.
Harinama Cintamani - Haridasa Thakura to Lord Caitanya
asid yad-udarat padmam
yavan ayam vai purusa
iyattavayavaih prthak
tavan asav iti proktah
samsthavayavavan iva
asit -- as it grew; yat-udarat -- from whose abdomen; padmam -- lotus flower; loka -- world; samsthana -- situation; laksanam -- possessed of; yavan -- as it were; ayam -- this; vai -- certainly; purusah -- the Supreme Personality of Godhead; iyatta -- measurement; avayavaih -- by embodiments; prthak -- different; tavan -- so
The Sankirtan Movement - The forgotten culture after the British rule.
bharata-bhumite haila manusya-janma yara
janma sarthaka kari' kara para-upakara
[Cc. Adi 9.41]
Means "Anyone who has taken birth in India as human being, he must make his life perfect and preach this cult all over the world." And He has also said,
prthivite ache yata nagaradi grama
sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama
Means that "As many villages and towns are there on the surface of the globe, everywhere this Hare Krsna mantra will be
I was advised by a health specialist to go to a sauna and sweat, so I went to a pool near the Los Angeles temple, where I reside. I was sitting in the sauna with a friend; it was full.
All of a sudden an African-American man in his late 40's addressed me: "Excuse me. Can I ask you a question? Do you know Sanskrit?"
"I don't speak it," I replied, "but I'm learning." I asked him his name and he told me it was Matt, and then I asked him why he cares about Sanskrit.
"I'm reading the Bhagavad-gita," he
This place is situated west of Nandagaon. During cow herding, Krsna played His flute on this hill(pahadi) to assemble His hundereds of thousands of cows. By the tender and sweet sound of His flute, this hill melted and became marked with the impressions of Krsna's footprints(carana-cihna). Hence, this hill is called Carana-pahadi.
On Kamsa's order, the great devotee Akrura came to Nandagaon to bring Krsna and Balarama to Mathura. When he
Hare Krishna Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
How the Prabhupada Marathon evolved is interesting. The most successful three days in book distribution history up to 1972 took place at the end of that year in Los Angeles. Three days before Christmas, the Los Angeles devotees distributed more than 17,000 pieces of literature! Because they distributed the most books ever just before Christmas, it became known as the Christmas Marathon. The next year it beca
Madhavacharya-Brahma Sampradya
Ramanujacharya - Sri Sampradaya
Vallabhachary of Rudra Sampradya
Nimbarkacharya - Kumara Sampradaya
Sree Madhyacharya belonged to Brahma Sampradaya, Sree Ramanuja to the Sree Sampradaya, Sree Vishnuswami to the Rudra Sampradaya and Sree Nimbarka belonged to Kumar Sampradaya. All these four Acharyas are bonafide preachers of the pure transcendental philosophy dealing with the problems of the world, the living entities and the Almighty God who is the Father of the creati
Question to Radhanath Swami: I feel science is the cause of so many problems like environmental pollution etc. Am I right?
Radhanath Swami Maharaja: It is due to lack of science that there are so many problems. By ‘science’ I don’t mean the manipulation of the external gross elements. Bhagavad-Gita, spirituality, and Sanatana Dharma are sciences. Without these foundational sciences strong, other sciences that we build on could create many difficulties. So the problem is not science. But the probl

Accepting things favorable to chanting and avoiding things unfavorable is the first item in saranagati, or surrender. Constant chanting means it must be done often and regularly. Srila Prabhupada had given us a minimum of sixteen rounds, but he said that we should do sixteen rounds on the beads and innumerable rounds off the beads.
From Bhajan Kutir #142
Philosophy of Bhagavat Gita
Being an unalloyed devotee of the Personality of Godhead, Marshal Arjuna was able to discuss the transcendental philosophy of Bhagavad-gita even on the battlefield of Kuruksetra. We modern men have no time to get into the details of the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, even in the midst of our much more ordinary daily duties. But just to teach us, Marshal Arjuna tried to understand the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita at a time when a moment was virtually impossible to spare. A
As I laughed at this unusual bit of information, he went on to say that sex attraction is the strong binding force in all sp
yad adhatu-mato brahman
deharambho 'sya dhatubhih
yadrcchaya hetuna va
bhavanto janate yatha
yat -- as it is; adhatu-matah -- without being materially constituted; brahman -- O learned brahmana; deha -- the material body; arambhah -- the beginning of; asya -- of the living being; dhatubhih -- by matter; yadrcchaya -- without cause, accidental; hetuna -- due to some cause; va -- either; bhavantah -- your good self; janate -- as you may know it; yatha -- so
The most successful 3 days in book distribution up to 1972 took place in December 1972: more than 17,000 books were distributed!
As it was Christmas time, it became known as the Christmas Marathon. The next year it became a ten-day marathon. Not before too long it became a month-long marathon, known as the December Marathon. Some temples even stretched it further to a six-week marathon.
Many years ago the GBC changed the name to "The Prabhupada Mara
We All Know TAJ MAHAL As Symbol Of Love
But The Other Lesser Known Facts are:
1. Mumtaz Was Shahjahan's 4th Wife Out Of His 7 Wives.
2. Shahjahan Killed Mumtaz's Husband To Marry Her
3. Mumtaz Died due to her 14th Delivery
4. He Then Married Mumtaz's Siste
5. He has illicit sexual relationship with his own daughter
6.Shajahan killed all people who built Tajmahal........!
Question Arises: Is Taj Mahal a symbol of love or someone's uncontrolled lust?
In Caitanya-caritamrita, Adi-lila (4.165), we find this
Potomac, Silver Spring ceremonies filmed as part of view of Eastern religions in America
by Cody Calamaio | Staff WriterA decade of spiritual research has led three filmmakers to their third film in a documentary series that discusses the similarities and differences of seven religions in the United States.
Auteur Productions filmmakers Gerald Krell of Potomac, his son, Adam Krell of Washington, D.C., and Meyer Odze of Bethesda will premier their latest documentary "The Asian & Abrahamic Religi
A: But do we have to see things in order to believe in them? Did anyone see atoms or subatomic particles, etc.? Our senses are very limited and unreliable. To claim that something does not exist simply because I have not seen it is a childish logic. I have not seen you - therefore you don't exist? I
One Community One Culture
If possible see Sri Mujibur Rehman, president of Bangladesh, and show him evidence that Parsis, Jews, Christians, Muslims, all parties are participating in this Krishna Consciousness Movement -- so why they Bangladesh Muslims should not join? We want to unite everyone culturally. Without this, every society is imperfect, but with it, society is perfect. All intelligent leaders of society should try to understand in depth this fact.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Tamala K