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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa


Akrura’s Arrival in Vrndavana

1. After passing the night in the city of Mathura, the high-minded Akrura mounted his chariot and set off for the cowherd village of Nanda Maharaja.

2. As he traveled on the road, the great soul Akrura felt tremendous devotion for the lotus-eyed Personality of Godhead, and thus he began to consider as follows.

3. [Sri Akrura thought:] What pious deeds have I done, what severe austerities undergone, what
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How could God allow such a tragedy to take place? Radhanath Swami Answers…

Wtc-Attack -- September-11Question to Radhanath Swami: If there is a God who is all loving and compassionate, how could he allow the attacks on the World Trade Centre to take place?

Radhanath Swami briefs about how people are taking it: Today the world is drastically shaken by recent events that have taken place in the United States of America. I just came from that land. I have never seen America in such a condition. It is shaken to its very core.

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The Nature of the Holy Name

Indirect devotional paths of jnana and karma are intended to lead one
to the shrine of devotional service through either the association of
saintly persons during philosophical discussions, or by the
ritualistic offering to the Supreme Lord of the results of work
performed without desire but in Kali-yuga both paths have become
contaminated. Genuine saintly persons, now rarely seen, have been
displaced by crass, commercial pseudo-spiritualists. Religious duties
are no longer performed for purifying the
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 8 Text 9
ajah srjati bhutani
bhutatma yad-anugrahat
dadrse yena tad-rupam

ajah -- one who is born without a material source; srjati -- creates; bhutani -- all those materially born; bhuta-atma -- having a body of matter; yat -- whose; anugrahat -- by the mercy of; dadrse -- could see; yena -- by whom; tat-rupam -- His form of body; nabhi -- navel; padma -- lotus flower; samudbhavah -- being born of.

Brahma, who was not born of a ma
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Awakening Bhakti

Rather than going for a walk, Prabhupada simply circumambulated the temple on the parikrama path and then went in for darsana, guru-puja and class. Today's verse was 1.7.7:

yasyam vai sruyamanayam krsne parama-puruse
bhaktir utpadyate pumsah soka-moha-bhayapaha

"Simply by giving aural reception to this Vedic literature, the feeling for loving devotional service to Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sprouts up at once to extinguish the fire of lamentation, illusion and f
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Prabhupada’s message on Book Distribution
Prabhupada: No, that is missionary activities, that they do not understand, but you have to make them understand. They are not calling you, “I am suffering. Please come,” but it is your business to go and let them know that “You are suffering. You take this method.” That is the way of becoming very quickly recognized by Krsna. Otherwise, if you think, “They are not understanding, what is the use of going there? Let me sleep,” that is not good. They are no
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Book Distribution or Love Distribution?

The term ‘Book Distribution’ stirs up different emotions in all of us. For some it is agony, and for others it is ecstasy. What is it about this devotional activity that generates such an extreme degree of conflicting emotions? Through this article, I humbly attempt to present to my respected Vaisnava readers some thoughts to uncover the real nature or ‘svarupa laksana’ of transcendental book distribution.

I invite you to take a step back in time. It’s the late 1970’s. Picture a teenager with a b
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The laugh, the gentleness, the calm- throughout our interview, he would erupt into the best, the deepest belly laugh I’ve ever heard; as if joy were welling up so powerfully deep inside that it just had to be released. He laughed a lot and spoke with great wisdom.

“Both of my parents were born in the Chicago area. I was born at Passavant Hospital, (now Northwestern Hospital). When I was little, we lived in the Rogers Park area, and when I was four, we moved to Highland Park, where I was brought
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I have spent the last 48 hours immersed in one man’s story; his telling of the journey to find, not himself, but a larger meaning. It began as a book review assignment with looming deadline and other projects on my mind. But once I began to read, without further thought, I set aside other work, neglected pressing deadlines, and stopped the time and habits of my usual schedule.

Reading this book has become a personal experience for me. In it, I did not find escape, but discovery. And I have no dou
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Book Marathon Message By Giriraj Swami

A Book Marathon Message By Giriraj Swami (From a talk on January 11, 2010, Kiev, Ukraine)


krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam sangopangastra-parsadam yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi su-medhasah

"In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Krsna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krsna Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons, and confidential companions." (SB 11.5.32)

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The one who holds your finger and conditions you to fearlessly travel from the illusionary material world, to the realms of spirituality so that you are with Krishna, is a ‘Guru'
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Problems in Life n Solutions

19 Horses

One rich man owned 19 horses when he died. In his last will and teastament he had written that upon his death, half the horses he owned should go to his only son; one fourth to the village temple and one fifth to the faithful servant.

The village elders could not stop scratching their heads. How can they give half of the 19 horses to the son? You cannot cut up a horse. They puzzled over this dilemma for more than two weeks and then decided to send for a wise man who was living in a neigh
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Needle & Scissors : What goes where !!!

A tailor was at work. He took a piece of cloth and with a pair of shining, costly, scissors, he cut the cloth into various bits.

Then he put the pair of scissors at his feet. Then he took a small needle and thread and started to sew the bits of cloth, into a fine shirt. When the spell of sewing was over, he stuck the needle on to his turban.

The tailor's son who was watching it asked him: "Father, the scissors are costly and look so beautiful. But you throw them down at your feet. This needle is
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Prayers to Lord Krishna

Prayers to Lord Krishna
for Blessings, Purity, and Auspiciousness


smrite sakala-kalyana
bhajanam yatra jayate
purusham tam ajam nityam
vrajami sharanam harim

"I take shelter of Lord Hari, who is the unborn, eternal supreme Personality of Godhead. Upon remembering Him, a reservoir of all auspiciousness is produced."

(Om) yam brahma vedanta-vido vadanti
pare pradhanam purusham tathanye
vishvodgateh karanam ishvaram va
tasmai namo vighna-vinashaya

"Obeisances unto Him who is the destroyer of all obsta
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Ignorance is the mother of all sins. All negative qualities, such as lust, anger, and greed, are nothing but a manifestation of ignorance. The giving of the gift of knowledge is the best charity. The best welfare is to help others discover their real nature, self-realization. The gifting of material goods only increases sense gratification and bondage to material life. Spiritual knowledge sets one free from the cycle of birth, old age, disease, and death (material life).

This is Kali Yuga, the ag
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Why Lord Krishna Is The Only God ?

Do you know God’s name, qualities, address, description, history dating back to billions of years, witnessed by millions, and proven?

If you can answer these questions, only then can you truly say you know God. Otherwise you are simply living in darkness.

The Vedic scriptures are the oldest scriptures in the World and the only scriptures that can answer all these questions and in detail.

The Vedic scriptures completely describe God. His history, address, qualities, description, how he creates and m
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Einstein and Thoreau


Nice story about Einstein

An interesting incident took place in 1948-49. A young researcher by name Dr B.M. Gupta met Dr Einstein, the accepted father of Modern science in Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies in the States. The German scientist hailed him in Sanskrit instead of English. The Indian scientist pleaded his inability to reply in Sanskrit. Dr Einstein was amazed at the poor response of the young Indian scientist and said, "You hail from India which is the original home of Hindu phil
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Distribution in Chennai

I had a nice experience distributing books recently at West Mambalam Station Road in Chennai, South India).

A boy was cycling towards me. He was in his early twenties and wore a sleeveless T-shirt and white shorts. He was riding a sporty bicycle. And he wore bright Sri Vaishnava tilak. As he came nearby I showed him the books I had. He said he was interested in reading religious books and has lots of them at home. I explained to him the glories of the Karttik month and why he must read these book
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