vrindavan (34)

13519931885?profile=RESIZE_584xBlind since birth, Yamuna Jivana Das discovered Krishna consciousness early in life. A deep yearning for understanding and engagement shaped his spiritual path. Despite the challenges of navigating a predominantly sighted world, he immersed himself in devotional service, studying scripture through audio recordings and learning from personal interactions with senior devotees.

“In the beginning, I was just listening to classes and kirtans, and that was it,” he shared. “I always wondered, how can a

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The first time I met Yamuna devi, my life changed forever.
I was in Saranagati for the Christmas holidays in 2000 having a reunion with my closest childhood friends. We were all in our early twenties, and having recently finished our university education and started work, we spent our time together recalling our childhood activities. One day we decided to have kirtan, but in a rather irreverent way, mocking the showy, elaborate vocal and instrument style we had all absorbed growing up in ISKCON.

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Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita - Vrindavan

The video titled *"H.G. Kusha Mataji || Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita || 08.12.2024"* shares anecdotes and reflections about Srila Prabhupada, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), narrated by H.G. Kusha Mataji. It emphasizes his personal pastimes, teachings, and the profound impact he had on devotees and the spread of Krishna Consciousness in the West. Key points include:

1. **Transformation of Devotees and Temples**: Srila Prabhupada inspired his followers t

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On 29th November, the grand inauguration of Govinda's Mathura and Sweets began with soulful kirtan by Banabhata Prabhu, graced by the presence of HH RT Swami, HG Pancagauda Prabhu, Daivishakti Mataji, Srutakirti Prabhu, Nirguna Mataji, and many Vrindavan devotees. The ceremony featured Narasimha Puja and Arati led by HH Bhakti Anugraha Janardan Swami, concluding with sumptuous prasadam for all.

Source: http://www.dandavats.com/wp-content/nectar/2024-12-03-10-01-14.html

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By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi

Food for Life Vrindavan (FFLV) has been empowering thousands of girls in Vrindavan and surrounding areas for years. Recently, one of the students, Nandini, won the prestigious “Student of the Year Award.” 

Nandini said, “I’m thrilled to get the Student of the Year award! Thanks to my school and teachers for believing in me and giving me the chance to shine. Receiving this award is like a dream come true for me. It’s not just my success; it’s a victory for ever

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This week, Krishna Balaram Mandir in Vrindavan welcomed thousands to its Brahmotsava Festival which celebrated the Temple’s 49th Anniversary. One of the most notable guests this year was 87-year-old Gitabhai Saraf, the generous devotee of Krishna who donated the land to Srila Prabhupada where the Krishna Balaram Mandir was constructed. “She is completely dedicated to Srila Prabhupada,” said Daivi Shakti Devi Dasi, sharing the anecdote that Gitabhai told her that she wanted to learn English so s

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By Savitri Devi Dasi 

The Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) has announced the dates for its onsite Bhakti-sastri courses in English and Hindi, which are scheduled to begin on June 20 and end on October 30, 2024. VIHE extends a warm invitation to all devotees seeking to deepen their understanding and practice of bhakti to participate in this life-changing education.

Speaking of the Bhakti-sastri program, Srila Prabhupada said, “I wish to encourage all my disciples to very carefully

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12328876255?profile=RESIZE_584xIn a ground-breaking initiative to promote and celebrate Vaishnava research and literature, Mandala Publishing and the Bhaktivedanta Research Center (BRC) have collaborated to co-publish “The Vaishnava Studies Series,” a unique endeavour with a multi-dimensional approach aiming to showcase the most recent and impactful research on Vaishnavism. The publishers are thrilled to announce the latest addition to this ongoing series—a 172-page book entitled “Madan Mohan: An Enchanting Saga.”

Released in

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Food for All-UK, famous for its courageous food distribution in areas plagued by natural disasters or war, recently distributed thousands of Srila Prabhupada’s books to some of the nearly 250 schools in the Vrindavan area.

FFA-UK Director Parasuram Das, who has been personally offering this generous service in India for 35 years, said, “We aim to install a set of Srimad Bhagavatams in each school, as well as to give each teacher a Bhagavad Gita, each older child a medium size book, and a pocket

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By Parasuram das

Nitai Doya Prabhu heads up the school distribution team in the Vrindavan area. There are 240 schools and our aim is to install a set of Srimad Bhagavatams in each school. As well as giving each teacher a Bhagavad Gita and each older child a medium size book, and a pocket size book for the younger children.

The teachers use Srila Prabhupada’s books as text books.

Annually 180,000 books are distributed.

On the banks of Radha Kund, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarawati Maharaja instructed

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श्री उपदेशामृत श्लोक ११: भक्तों के लिए, श्री राधा कुंण्ड की महत्वपूर्णता को दृढ़ता से कहने के लिए, महिमा का पुनर्वाचन किया गया है। श्री उपदेशामृत पाठ समाप्त हुआ। Hare Krishna
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श्री उपदेशामृत: श्लोक १० का सार - श्री राधा कुंण्ड श्रीमती राधा रानी से अभिन्न है। दोनों ही श्री भगवान के परम-प्रीय हैं। अतः जो भक्त इनकी शरण ले, वह स्वत: ही कृष्ण का प्रिय हो जाता है।
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श्री उपदेशामृत: श्लोक-९ - अभिप्राय यह है कि कृष्ण प्रेम के यथाशीघ्र जागरण तथा भक्ति की पूर्णता के लिए, भक्तों को श्री राधा कुंण्ड का आश्रय ले कर, प्रेममयी सेवा में जुट जाना चाहिए।
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श्री उपदेशामृत-8: आठवें श्लोक में, श्री उपदेशामृत का सार दिया गया है। जिव्हा तथा मन, यह दोनों ही अति प्रबल इंद्रियां हैं। सौभाग्य इसी में है की इंद्रियों को श्रवणम् कीर्तनम् तथा मन को स्मरणम् में लगाकर, कृष्ण उन्मुख कर दिया जाए।
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Celebrating the 46th Disappearance Day of Srila Prabhupada was a jubilant and spiritually uplifting affair for thousands of devotees gathered at the revered samadhi in remembrance of the remarkable life and teachings of the founder Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).

The day commenced with a soul-stirring Samadhi Arati, an offering of lamps, and prayers at Srila Prabhupada’s resting place, setting the tone for a day of devotion and reflection. Mangala Arat

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9778609494?profile=RESIZE_584xDear Srila Prabhupada! As I was preparing the accompanying lecture on your pastimes in Vrindavan over the years, I stumbled across this photo of myself looking at you in Vrindavan from a short distance away with a smile on my face. I feel so honoured to have been with you at that time! For the pleasure of the devotees I researched many of your pastimes in Vraja from 1925 to 1977. My talk on Tuesday on my YouTube channel at 3:30 pm India time will highlight your glories the day before we all cele

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On October 15, 2023, ISCKON devotees, locals, and well-wishers gathered for the dedication of the new Krishna Balarama Hall in Vrindavan Dham. This building is part of the larger Krishna Balaram Cultural Center project that ISKCON News will report on this week. The Hall will greatly expand the Krishna Balaram temple’s ability to serve the growing number of pilgrims visiting the holy city, through prasada distribution and devotional events.

The sprawling 15,000 square feet complex promises to be

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The Mayapur Vrindavan Trust (MVT) has officially announced the dates of the 2023 Kirtan Mela festivals, to be held at their ashrams in Rishikesh and Vrindavan. Devotees worldwide are invited to attend. The festival dates are as follows:

MVT Rishikesh – Tuesday 24th to Saturday 28th October 2023

MVT Vrindavan – Thursday 9th to Saturday 11th November 2023

Many wonderful Kirtaniyas (musicians) from all around the ISKCON world will be present for these ecstatic Kirtan Mela festivals – chanting, danc

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VRINDAVAN – The continuing flooding along the Yamuna, 20 feet higher than usual in some locations, has forced many Vrindavan families to flee their homes or find themselves living on rooftops. “Trapped and losing everything, they face unimaginable hardship without food, medical aid, electricity, and water, clinging to hope on 2nd & 3rd floors,” said Food For Life Vrindavan. 

Cooked kitchari and food ration packages are being quickly assembled and distributed to residents. Supplies include water

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The unanticipated deluge of Yamuna River in Vrindavan wreaked havoc, leaving no time for warning or preparation. As the water levels surged beyond control, families were compelled to abandon their cherished homes, seeking refuge from the chaos.

Amid the flood’s devastation in Vrindavan, ISKCON’s compassionate devotee kitchen stepped forward, taking on the noble responsibility of providing nourishing meals to the families seeking refuge at the relief camp. With utmost dedication, they served who

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