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Thought Of The Day

If one sincerely searches for spiritual salvation, then Krsna, being situated in everyones heart, gives him the intelligence to find a suitable spiritual master. By the grace of a spiritual master one gets the proper instruction and advances in his spiritual life.(Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.20.4, Purport)by H.D.G Srila Prabhupada
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Thought Of The Day

We are not the body; we are spiritual beings trapped in the body. Our real interest lies in understanding this simple fact.(Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.15.3, Purport)By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
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Thought Of The Day

If one is situated in real Krishna consciousness, he can face the most severe type of adversity and remain completely undisturbed.(Conversations in Calcutta, 5th Oct,1971).By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
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Dear Çréla Prabhupäda,

 WHILE OFFERING my obeisances unto you, I visualize your lotus feet, so soft and so tenderly pink. I wish I could become a speck of dust and cling onto them forever. They are the most wonderful shelter, and who needs it more than I? I am your youngest son, and most probably that is why you showered so much affection upon me. You allowed me to stay with you all the time, and whenever I went anywhere, you asked me, "Where did you go?" I used to give some quick excuses. B

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Lord Krishna did talk about this topic in Bhagavad Gita. So we will also talk and discuss about it. In fact the symbol of sin, the lust, which is the biggest enemy, can be defeated not just by talking. Discussion is necessary for understanding. But we would succeed curbing the lust (and other five - anger, greed, illusion, pride and envy) by chanting of Hare Krishna, by honoring prasadam, and by association of devotees. These ultimately help us to curb that symbol of sin. Not just the knowledge
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LEADERSHIP From Srimad Bhagawatam

1)  We envy the position of Lord Krishna as the Enjoyer. HE also says that HE is upadrishta (A Guard, Observer) always waiting for us, to turn to HIM.

2)  But everybody wants to be ENJOYER , but no one wants to be in a mood of serving.

3) Lord Krishna’s Leadership is a Leadership of DETACHMENT. HE continues providing although we are always Rebellious. 

4)  Concept of PARAMATMA : Non-discriminating & present in everyone’s heart ,all species. 

5)  Leadership is mea

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Thought Of The Day

If there is little pain in the finger, I become so much disturbed because I have got intimate connection with this finger. Similarly,we have got intimate connection with Krishna, and we are fallen. Therefore, Krishna also feels little pain, and therefore, He comes down. Krishna is feeling pain. So you become Krishna conscious.Then Krishna will feel pleasure.Prabhupada used to say that the heart is as black as coal. Normally coal,cannot become white, but the chanting of the holy name is so powerf
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Let's See Whose Brain Is Washed!

Let's See Whose Brain Is Washed!

-Do you mean brain washed?

-Yes, exactly! They all seem like brain washed.

And they told it to me right to my face.

We were 3-4 classmates sitting together in our open elective course "Culinary Science". The talk went on about ISKCON, about worshiping Krishna. But it started with that they told me to clean onions. I told I won't touch, and requested to do other things. Then one Indian boy surprisingly asked, what was wrong with onion. I told that onion gives bad
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The Biggest Festival: The Inside Story



"If indeed the USA is the best democracy money can buy, then certainly Ukraine, the largest country wholly within Europe, is a democratic price-grabber's flea market. Open-air, unvarnished, the affairs of any level of government judicial, legislative, or executive are on sale, 24/7. Slip your money under the vendor's table. Then watch the police, courts, hospitals, and universities wobble and totter your way. First-worldvisitors from what are now known as the mature, industrial democracies can'

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Question: How to Recover Enthusiasm for Bhakti?

When I was student in college initially for 2 years I was very enthusiastic in practicing Krishna consciousness. And now since I have started working I am losing the taste for chanting. As a result of this my mind is troubling me. The only time I am enthusiastic is when I am hearing Krishna conscious lectures or I am present in the association of devotees. How can I become simple and serious in Krishna consciousness? Most of the time I find myself t

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Why is it that (in the Hare Krishna movement) you do not eat onions and

After all they are vegetables, are they not? One can understand the
prohibition against meat-eating. But what is wrong with eating garlic and
onions? Surely there's no more violence committed when we eat an onion than
when we eat a potato.


In the Kurma Purana it is said:  "One should avoid eggplant, plantain,
safflower, asmantaka, onion, garlic, sour cereal, and the sap of trees."

palandu lasunam sigrum alambum grjana

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Ocean of Unlimited Nectar

How much nectar is there in the holy names of Krishna? Just imagine if you had an entire warehouse full of the most delicious relishable foods of many, many varieties from all over the world and were given full freedom to enjoy all of it. How much could you enjoy it? Not that much. But if you had millions of tongues and millions of stomachs, you could enjoy every single morsel of it. In this connection Srila Rupa Gosvami states, "I have only one tongue and two ears. What can I appreciate of chan

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