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Favorable Judgment

Favorable JudgmentIn a court of justice two lawyers put forward their respective relevant arguments taken from the authorized law books to decide a point, but it is up to the judge to decide the case in favor of one of the litigants. When the opposing lawyers put forward their arguments, both of them are legal and bona fide, but the judgment is given as to which argument is applicable to the particular case.Lord Caitanya gives His judgment on the authority of sastras that the chanting of the hol
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Ayurvedic facts about Curds (Yoghurt)

Hare Krishna Friends,
From milk comes the very obvious nectar CURD.

Types of curds according to Ayurveda:

.            Thick curds (semi formed curds)

.            Sweet curds

.            Sweet-sour curds

.            Sour curds

.            Very sour curds.

But the sweetness or the sourness of the curds depends on 

.            How old is the curds - Older the curds, more the sourness.

.            Amount of curds added to the milk during making curds.

Chemically or microscopically there might not be muc
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Holy Name has been chanted

Later in his room, Prabhupada spoke more on the topical issue. His spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, in considering whether articles were worthy for publication, would count how many times the word "Krsna" or "Caitanya" had been used; if these holy names had been quoted sufficiently, he would say: "That's all right. This can be used."

Prabhupada turned to Caru. "So, how many times has this man mentioned the word 'Krsna' in the article?"

Caru quickly count

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Prabhupada's views

A few devotees, eager to learn whether Srila Prabhupada's arrival press conference or interview had received any publicity, waited outside the local newsagency to purchase all the morning papers.

The previous night's Herald had already published a frivolously-worded article. Entitled "Even the Divine get Blueys" -- referring to the parking ticket slapped onto the car's windscreen by a zealous parking officer -- the reporters made a point of mentioning their disapproval of Srila

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Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Lecture

LecturePrabhupada's first evening class was based on Chapter 13 of Bhagavad-gita, verses 22-24. Prabhupada explained how, out of ignorance, the living entities in the material world were claiming to be the enjoyer, purusa, when in actual fact they were prakrti, the enjoyed. Ultimately, Krsna was the supreme enjoyer."Just like in this temple. Who is the enjoyer? Krsna is the enjoyer. We are helping in Krsna's enjoyment. Krsna will eat something very nice. Our business is to prepare it nicely and
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Electric bar heaterIt was the coldest Melbourne winter for some years. Despite the electric fan heater going full blast in his room, Srila Prabhupada felt chilled. Towards late afternoon he called his young disciple Cittahari, and asked him to get a replacement heater. Not only was this one not warming the room, he said, but it was too noisy. Cittahari rushed off, and later returned with two kerosene heaters. The room became somewhat warmer. Soon, however, Prabhupada again called Cittahari, comp
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Teaching how to cookSatsvarupa dasa Goswami prepared for Prabhupada's massage, meditating on his good fortune at becoming Srila Prabhupada's personal servant. Six months before, on a travelling book distribution party in Texas, Satsvarupa had received an urgent phone message to call Los Angeles.It was Karandhara who broke the news over the phone: Srutakirti dasa was going to get married and could no longer travel throughout the world accompanying Srila Prabhupada. Some of the devotees had been t
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Press interview

Tuesday, 25 June 1974

The early morning air was crisp as the Alitalia jet touched down on the airport tarmac. The sight of the plane sent the devotees crowded on the observation deck into a frenzy. They raced back to the International terminal and started chanting ecstatically to receive His Divine Grace. Since Prabhupada had chosen to visit only Melbourne this time, virtually every devotee in the entire Australasian zone had converged there. Madhudvisa, remembering the many bungle

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PreachingOn the twenty-hour journey from Frankfurt to Melbourne, Satsvarupa dasa Goswami was Srila Prabhupada's only travelling companion. During the flight to Singapore, Srila Prabhupada opened one of his Srimad-Bhagavatam volumes. He read for over an hour and then placed it in the chair-pocket in front of him. He was mostly quiet, but once, while looking out at the silver wing he turned to Satsvarupa Goswami. "It took so much intelligence to build a plane like this," he said, "so how can they
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Vote for KrishnaSaturday, 18 May 1974Melbourne's Age "Quote of the Week" cited Sabhapati's reply to the question "What's the first thing you would do if you're elected to the House of Representatives?"Sabhapati's answer was to the point: "I would abolish the bar in Parliament House -- how can you rule the country if you're intoxicated?"The results of the Federal Elections, although not exciting, showed promise. Out of 52,982 possible votes, Sabhapati received 593 -- including 134 absent votes an
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Election campaignIt was Saturday morning in Lygon Street, Carlton, just a few weeks before the Federal Elections. Lygon Street was the heart of Melbourne's student community, and more significantly, the heart of Sabhapati's electorate. The seat of Melbourne consisted of over 12 inner-city suburbs north of the Yarra river , and Carlton was one of them. The enthusiastic sankirtana party, consisting of a dozen young boys and girls, had just done a quick chant around the busy spots of the neighbourh
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A new course offered by Bhaktivedanta College at the ISKCON community in Radhadesh, Belgium, promises to open up a host of career opportunities for ISKCON devotees.

Bhaktivedanta College already offers a substantial list of scriptural study course such as Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava, as well as seminars and workshops on japa, kirtan, and other facets of devotional life. But so far, it has only offered one full degree course a B.A. in Theology and Religious Studies validated by the Universit

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Parasara Muni


Is the grandson of Vasista Muni and father of Vyasadeva. He is the son of Maharshi Shakti and his mother’s name was Adrisyanti. He was in the womb of his mother when she was only twelve years old. And from within the womb of his mother he learnt the Vedas. His father was killed by a demon Kalmaspada and to revenge this he wanted to annihilate the whole world when he heard the death news of his father by his mother. He was however restrained by his grand father Vasista. He then performed a Raksha

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Thought Of The Day

What is that pure devotional service? Anyabhilasita-sunyam [BRS 1.1.11]. No material desire. Because desire is the cause. If I think... I am brahmacari, but I am thinking of always sex or woman... They have been described in the Bhagavad-gita as cheater. Therefore we have to think of Krsna always.


By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada

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"Radhika Krpa Devi Dasi has thoroughly researched these teachings and brought to light the similarities of Sikhism vis-a-vis - Viasnvavism, thus establishing a common cord between the two paths. This book will also help the devotees preaching to Sikh community, as no they will get a better understanding of the teachings of Sikhism."

From foreword

BY: H. H. Gopal Krishna Goswami

This is a Gift for Urdu Reader on a  occasion of Gita Jyanti Festival by ISKCON, Paksitan.

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What to Offer During Arati


During Arati several articles are offered to the Deity while ringing a bell: incense, ghee lamp, water, cloth, flowers, yak-tail fan and peacock fan.

The articles used in Arati represent the material elements in their pure form and correspond to the sense objects. In other words, the Aratiarticles are satisfying to the senses and represent our offering all the elements in the Lord’s creation back to the Lord for His satisfaction.

The conch shell blown at the beginning and end of each Arati

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