appearance (8)


(These prayers are from the 47th chapter of the Harivamsa Purana which narrates the story of Lord Ramacandra’s visit to the holy place of Ahobalam to see the Deity of Nrisimha, where Lord Nrisimha appeared and saved His devotee Prahlada.)

ahobalam narasimham gatva ramah pratapavan

namaskutya sri nrisimham astaushit kamala patim

The glorious Rama once visited Ahobala where He saw the Deity of Lord Nrisimha. He
offered His obeisances to Lord Kamalapati (husband of the Goddess of Fortune) and

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Powerful mantras for protection to the Lord’s half-lion incarnation and His weapons. These are for protection from such things as malevolent spirits and material desires, as well as increased devotion and a peaceful world. Also contains the Nrisimha Kavacha.

Prayers to the Lord’s Weapons

To the Chakra

chakram yugantanala-tigma-nemi

bhramat samantad bhagavat-prayuktam

dandagdhi dandagdhy ari-sainyam ashu

kaksham yatha vata-sakho hutashaha

Set into motion by the Supreme Personality of Godhead a

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10139717100?profile=RESIZE_584xDhruva Maharaja dasa: I put this slideshow/video together for a class on Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s Appearance day this Saturday at the Alachua Temple of Srila Prabhupada explaining his famous Vyasa-puja Offering poetry from 1936. I think devotees may appreciate Prabhupada explaining reasons for using various phrases in that offering.


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“Sripada Madhvacarya took his birth at Udupi, which is situated in the South Kanarada district of South India, just west of Sahyadri. This is the chief city of the South Kanarada province and is near the city of Mangalore, which is situated to the south of Udupi. In the city of Udupi is a place called Pajaka-ksetra, where Madhvacarya took his birth in a Sivalli-brahmana dynasty as the son of Madhyageha Bhatta, in the year 1040 Sakabda (A.D. 1119). According to some, he was born in the year 1160

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Lord Rama by Radhanath Swami


‘Lord Rama (BG 4.10)’ by Radhanath Swami, in Mumbai

janma karma ca me divyam

evam yo vetti tattvatah

tyaktva deham punar janma

naiti mam eti so ‘rjuna

(BG 4.9)

One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.


The Lord’s descent from His transcendental abode is already explained in the 6th verse. One who can understand the truth of the appearance of

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Lord Ramacandra by Gautam Saha


The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Ramachandra
Appeared on this earth in the lineage of Raghukula, in Ayodhya
As the son of King Dasharath and Queen Kaushalya
Elder to the princes Bharat, Lakshmana and Shatrughna

He is ever seen in the company of Mahalaksmi as Sita
His eternal servitor Hanuman, and loving brother Lakshmana
Both brothers wielded a bow and arrows and other weapons
As shatriyas, it was their bounden duty to protect their citizens

Lord Ram is maryada purushottam, the most per

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The avatara came as Ramachandra
Scion to the dynasty of Raghukula
He is ever seen with Laxmi as Sita,
Laxman and Hanuman, His servitor

Maryada purushottam, the best of humans
Engaging with citizens, rsis and demons
Treated the needy and poor mercifully
Despatched rogues and demons swiftly

Rama spent fourteen years in desolation
With Laxman and Sita, in deportation
Separated from the luxuries of the city
Stoically enduring poverty and paucity

The demon Ravana fancied mother Sita
Kidnapped the on

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Sri Radha-kunda’s Appearance Day

By Giriraj Swami

Kartik is a very auspicious time for spiritual advancement. Another name for Kartik is Urja-vrata. Urjameans power. The supreme power, the original power, is Srimati Radharani. So Urja-vrata, or Kartik-vrata, is for Srimati Radharani. Many important pastimes took place in the month of Kartik. On the full moon night, Lord Krishna played on His flute and enjoyed the rasa-lila, which is considered the best of Krishna’s pastimes. Also during Kartik, Lord Krishna saw that the reside

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