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Bloomington Indiana Programs


Please accept my humble obeisances. Jaya Srila Prabhupada. There are lots of things going on in Indiana now. The spread of devotees is greater than ever. For this we thank our dear Lord Krishna,gurus, and devotee friends and families. In Bloomington Indiana there are programs at the public library almost every other Tuesday. We are working on our outreach program here. Please checkout the meetings calendar for more information.

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From Gour Govinda Maharajs Book – Suddha Nama Bhajana

When you say that this is the taraka-brahma-nama in the Kali-yuga, then people will ask, “What is the taraka-brahma-nama in the Satya-yuga? What is the taraka-brahma-nama in the Treta-yuga and what is the taraka-brahma-nama in the Dvapara-yuga?” If you do not know this, you will look like a fool and therefore you should not preach. The people will not listen, therefore if you can quote what is the taraka-brahma-nama in each age — and that this

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With the participation of ISKCON devotees and local musicians, two concerts were held in Liverpool on the 29th November to mark ten years since the passing of George Harrison. Photos by Hannah Crick.


ISKCON devotees on stage with local musicians


Indian music performance at the George Harrison tribute concert

2514849335?profile=originalThe Cavern Club in Liverpool when the Beatles started its music and performing career

2514849386?profile=originalAn ISKCON devotee plays the drum at Liverpool`s Cavern Club

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42 ways to distribute Srila Prabhupada's book


YOU can...

1.       Always keep a small book in your purse, bag, or backpack. That way, anytime the conversation goes towards Krsna, you can pull out the book, if even just to show them a picture.

2.       Leave books in waiting rooms at the doctor's office, laundry mat, or any place where people have to wait and can happily read something. Write or stamp inside the book "Please take" or "Free Gift".

3.       Give books to people who come to your house to make deliveries, fix things, etc.

4.       G

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Entarance to “JYOTISAR”

Hare Krishna! On 6 December, Tuesday is GITA JAYANTI, The Advent of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, the day on which Lord Sri Krishna spoke Bhagavad-Gita to Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kurukshetra. This is also the auspicious day of Moksha Ekadasi.

KURUKSHETRA: Kurukshetra the holy pilgrimage in which 360 places of pilgrimage related to the Mahabharata can be seen. It is one of those holy towns that have borne the imprint of Lord Sri Krishna's footsteps. Kurukshetra is referred to

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Back to Basics

It seems we tend to get in to literatures beyond our level of progressive advancement,

        sometimes, like we are in over our head.

My Gurumaharaj from the very beginning always instructed me to just focus on reading, chanting and asssociating with devotees.

upadesamrita holds some very nice instruction on associating with devotees, how to associate with the three kinds of devotees.

We should always study Srila Prabhupada's literatures very closely before venturing into what may or may not be 'u

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Important: New Vraja Dhama ISKCON Hungary Temple

Hare Krsna devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

I found this news on H H Sivaram Swami's website about New Vraja Dhama temple. Below is the message from maharaj. Please read his message and sign the petition if possible. 

Your servant,

Rabindranath das

Dear Devotees. The new “Church Law” in Hungary will take away ISKCON Hungary’s church status as of January 1st requiring us to reapply for the same next year. However the government has not provided any legal

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BCBSO - Bhaktivedanta College Bhakti Sastri Online

The term Sastri (Shastri) refers to a person conversant with ancient sacred texts of spiritual knowledge and wisdom, known as Shastra in the Sanskrit language. It is traditionally offered to accomplished students of the theology and philosophy of the Vedas. According to the Bhagavad Gita, among all the Vedas, those texts that teach how to develop bhakti, divine love for God, the Supreme Soul, are the best. We are aiming for that with our education.

In Bhaktivedanta College, we have been offering

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Thought Of The Day

During the time of Maharaja Pariksit, the Kali-yuga could not enter. He was so strong king. Kali-yuga means these four principles: illicit sex, intoxication, gambling, and meat-eating. This is Kali-yuga. Before the beginning of Kali-yuga, there was no such thing in the world, all over the world. With the beginning of the Kali-yuga, these things have begun: illicit sex, intoxication... Now it is so spread that every home, every house, every country, is full of these four principles of sinful life

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Hate the sin, but love the sinner

Criticize cheaters and swindlers, not struggling devotees

And that too with care and a sympathetic heart

Don’t shout on his face, “you are a hypocrite”

Speak pure principles in a general gatherin


Don’t focus too much on his external deficiencies

     Appreciate his good past and sincere intentions and deeds

     If you come down on him with force to prove him bad

    You will break his heart, discourage him to become mad or sad


Don’t make a fault, to counteract another fault

Then what makes us differen

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 There is no reason for us to dwell in darkness. An inextinguishable soul light burns in every living being. This is the supreme blessing of GOd and it is given equally to all. It rests with us to make medium thorough which the light shines, so transparent, so devoid of everything that is alien, that it will shed its glow uncoored and unreflected. The light itself is unfailing but we czan block its radence by selfish petty thoughts and unworthy actions by pride ambitions and harashness.....hare

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Print as many books as possible...


Print as many books as possible, this is my real pleasure. By printing these books of our Krishna Conscious philosophy in so many languages we can actually inject our movement into the masses of persons all over the world, especially there in the Western countries and we can literally turn whole nations into Krishna Conscious nations. [Letter to Hrdayananda, 21 December 1974]

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Worldwide, friends of Krishna are studying Vedic writings, and although most are eager to study systematically, they're not always able to spend a few months to relocate and take the courses in a classroom setting.

Thanks to internet technology, Bhaktivedanta College has prepared for you the Certificate in Bhakti-yoga Studies and Bhakti Sastri programs. In our virtual classroom, you can now take our online programs in your own home, in your own time zone, and from any computer in the world.


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krpa- bindu diya, Karo’ei dase.
trnapekha ati hina
sakala sahane, bala diya koro’,
... nija-mane sprha- hina

“Gurudeva, by a drop of mercy, make this servant of yours humbler than a blade of grass. Giving me strength to bear all trials and troubles, make me devoid of all desires for personal honor.”

Without your mercy, we cannot reach Krsna
Krsna se tomara, Krsna dite paro,
Tomara sakati ache
ami to’ kangala, ‘Krsna’ ‘Krsna’ boli’,
dhai tava pache pache

“Krsna is yours; you have the power to giv
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Two Opposite Emotion in One Container



Gaura a combination of Sambhoga(Union) & Vipralamba(Separation)/ Two Opposite Emotion in One Container

As mention in Gour Govind Maharajs Book - Suddha Nama Bhajana

Two opposites are there in one container, union and separation. It is visamrtera milana, the union of poison and nectar. When two opposites are in one container, that is Gaura. Are these two opposites there in the Krishna container? No. It is there only in the Gaura container. This is the difference between Gaura and Krishna. Otherwi

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"PROTECT A COW" Plz save Mother cow

Krishna Love Cow
Jay Srila Prabhupad Ki jay

Srimad Bhagavatam 8.6.12 The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce
In this verse, the cultivation of bhakti-yoga is compared to many material activities. By friction one canget fire from wood, by digging the earth one can get food grains and water, and by agitating the milk bag of the cow one can get nectarean milk. Milk is compared to nectar, which one can drink to become im

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Window of Spiritual World


Kubja was a hunchback woman who had pleased Krishna by offering Him sandalwood pulp when He was entering the city of Mathura. At that time Krishna converted Kubja into a beautiful society girl and promised her that He would visit her home. ...Simply by having previously supplied pulp of sandalwood to the Supreme Lord, Krishna, Kubja became free from all sinfull reactions.


(Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, chapter 48 )

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Whoever gets a book is benefited


Be assured that there is no more direct way to preach than to distribute Krishna conscious books. Whoever gets a book is benefited. If he reads the book he is benefited still more, or if he gives the books to someone else for reading, both he and the other person is benefited. Even if one does not read the book but simply holds it and sees it, he is benefited. If he simply gives small donation towards the work of Krishna consciousness he is benefited. Anyone who distributes these transcendental

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