
How to Recover Enthusiasm for Bhakti?

Question: How to Recover Enthusiasm for Bhakti?

When I was student in college initially for 2 years I was very enthusiastic in practicing Krishna consciousness. And now since I have started working I am losing the taste for chanting. As a result of this my mind is troubling me. The only time I am enthusiastic is when I am hearing Krishna conscious lectures or I am present in the association of devotees. How can I become simple and serious in Krishna consciousness? Most of the time I find myself to be one person internally and another person externally. In other words I am manifesting a duplicitous nature. How can I overcome this?


Answer: Meditate on Krishna Every Morning

Just as you discipline yourself to go to work on time every day, you must also discipline yourself to mediate every morning on the Hare Krishna mantra before you leave your home for work. In this way, by connecting with Lord Krishna solidly in the morning, you will able to connect your entire day with Krishna and always feel transcendental bliss within your heart. Your true devotee-of-Krishna nature will thus become fully manifested within and without.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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  • Hare Krishna Prabhuji,

    daily chanting in the morning ( in the beginning u can start by even one round but keep it regular  and then slowly increase the number of rounds ),keep some stipulated time in your daily routine dedicated to your devotion. read Shrila Prabhupada's books, or subscribe to daily podcast and u can listen to daily lecture from home. Most important keep association of devotees, only association of devotees can help us in any situation. Devotees are the best friends, guides  and motivators. 


  • Volunteer
    you must also discipline yourself to mediate every morning on the Hare Krishna mantra
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