LEADERSHIP From Srimad Bhagawatam

1)  We envy the position of Lord Krishna as the Enjoyer. HE also says that HE is upadrishta (A Guard, Observer) always waiting for us, to turn to HIM.

2)  But everybody wants to be ENJOYER , but no one wants to be in a mood of serving.

3) Lord Krishna’s Leadership is a Leadership of DETACHMENT. HE continues providing although we are always Rebellious. 

4)  Concept of PARAMATMA : Non-discriminating & present in everyone’s heart ,all species. 

5)  Leadership is meant not for enjoyment , but for service. 

6)  We cannot avoid the factor of influence,either  Positively / Negatively. If not Positive / Negative for sure. 

7) Difference between Mother & Father (Mahabharata). CHIRA-KARI (Does things after long time), bcoz of Analysis mentality. FATHER = Ownership mentality, Mother = Mentality of Serving. 

8)  Leadership is not a Position , to control , but to serve. 

9)  For a Sadhaka Srila Prabhupad  says, one should observe  MILITARY DISCIPLINE. 

10)  In Material World leadership is enacted based on concept of RIGHT / WRONG. In Spiritual Realms, success is based on what is RIGHT / WRONG based on success of relationships. 

11)  In Krishna Consciousness, mentality of Mother has to replace the mentality of Father. 

12)  Lord Krishna is indifferent from the desire to hurt us , although we deserve it. 

13)  Lord Krishna  holds SHANKH + PADMA = Appreciation Card , CHAKRA + Gada = Warning Card. 

14)  Lord Krishna will punish only if HE can reward more than the Punishment. 

15)  Pastime of BHURISHRAVA

16) In Kali-Yuga mercy is more important than punishment. 

17)  The concept of EK-VARNA will create havoc, for people have different tendencies. 

18)  PUNISHMENT should be given based on how it will work. So one cannot have a UNIFORM Punishment for all.eg. Lazy Student .Kicking out will not TRANSFORM him. 

19)  Srila Prabhupad  said “ People die not due to STARVATION, but due to Over-Eating. 

20)  Leader naturally has quality of  ISVARI-BHAVA...EXTRAVAGANT....in giving Charity.( Maharaj Sibi ) 

21) In BHAKTI, to be a Leader one has to be atleast a normal Human-Being, mentally. etc. so he can counsel normally. 

22)  Leader means when people talk to you,they feel confortable, as if they are talking to their mother. 

23)  Leader is Forbearing just like EARTH... always excusing & Providing., tolerant. 

24)  Leader should have EQUANIMITY, not getting disturbed in SADHAKA Stage. 

25)  Maharaj’s Initiated disciple crushed to death by Truck, simultaneously news of a Baby Girl at same time. He has to deal both news with equanimity. 

26)  Leader should be Munificent like LORD SHIVA i.e. gives benediction unlimitedly. 

27)  Leader should have the quality of giving SHELTER, just like that of LORD NARAYANA. 

28)  It is a challenge & very difficult to be STRICT to oneself & liberal to others. It has been observed that when we become Liberal to others we become liberal to our own self & same for being STRICT. 

29)  LAXMIJI chose LORD NARAYANA because amongst LORD SHIVA etc. only HE was FREE FORM FAULTS. 

30)  MW means it is a place of BARGAIN.We have to learn what we like to do & also what we do not like you to do. To function in a community we should do what othes like us to do. 

31)  Practice Krishna Consciousness without any Expectation. MYSTICISM in Neophyte stage will lead only to ATHEISM. So lead a very normal down to earth Spiritual life. 

32) Srila Prabhupad said "We are NON-ENTITIES....means you are nothing. 

33) PRAKRITA-SAHAJIYAS means you make everything Ordinary & Very CHEAP.


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