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Preaching at Paddington Town Hall

Friday, 16 February 1973

The worst appeared to be over with Srila Prabhupada's troublesome infection. After a quiet day, Prabhupada left for an evening speaking engagement at Paddington Town Hall, not far from the original Sydney temple on Oxford Street. Torrential rain thundered down on the roof of the car as Prabhupada's party manoeuvred through the flooded streets of Paddington. A devotee apologised about the rain, but Prabhupada felt no inconvenience. "What's
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 3 Text 17
uttarayam dhrtah puror
vamsah sadhv-abhimanyuna
sa vai drauny-astra-samplustah
punar bhagavata dhrtah

uttarayam -- unto Uttara; dhrtah -- conceived; puroh -- of Puru; vamsah -- descendant; sadhu-abhimanyuna -- by the hero Abhimanyu; sah -- he; vai -- certainly; drauni-astra -- by the weapon of Drauni, the son of Drona; samplustah -- being burnt; punah -- again, for the second time; bhagavata -- by the Personality of Godhead; dhrtah -- was protected.

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Buddhimanta, a tall young American devotee, arrived from India early in the afternoon. Madhudvisa Swami had requested him to assist the Sydney devotees in book distribution.

Later, as Srila Prabhupada sat in his quarters, he overheard Upendra gossiping in the adjoining room. Prabhupada called for Upendra, who entered, shamefaced.

"You were laughing?"



Upendra responded coyly, "Is talking about other devotees gossiping, Srila Prabhupada?"


"Yes, I was gossiping."

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 3 Text 16
evam sancintya bhagavan
sva-rajye sthapya dharmajam
nandayam asa suhrdah
sadhunam vartma darsayan

evam -- thus; sancintya -- thinking within Himself; bhagavan -- the Personality of Godhead; sva-rajye -- in his own kingdom; sthapya -- installing; dharmajam -- Maharaja Yudhisthira; nandayam asa -- gladdened; suhrdah -- the friends; sadhunam -- of the saints; vartma -- the path; darsayan -- by indicating.

Lord Sri Krsna, thus thinking to Himself, e
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Why Did God Create Us?

Question: Why Did God Create Us?

Why did the Lord create us? Why did He make karma? Life seems to be too cruel to be created by an all-merciful God.

In need of help:

Stephen from Austin


Answer: For Enjoying Loving Relationships

God is manifesting us from Himself for the purpose of enjoying unique, personal, eternal, loving relationships with each and every one of us. Just as a child who foolishly runs away from the home of his loving parents creates all kinds of difficulties for himself, we become e

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Question: How to Atone for Offending a Devotee?

I would like to know what is the atonement or prayascitta that is to be done for criticizing, making fun of, or any sin committed in any form to a devotee.


Answer: Bow Down and Beg for Forgiveness

When one commits an offense at the feet of a Vaisnava, one must immediately offer obeisances falling down flat on the ground at his feet and apologize begging to be forgiven for your offense.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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SMIS requires an additional  full time ESL teacher to meet the needs of the growing number of ESL students being admitted this academic year for girls from  grades  7-10 (ages 11-16). Candidates with appropriate qualification and experience  please apply along with CV to

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Thought Of The Day

Please do your duties nicely and Krishna will be pleased to shower His blessings upon you. He is very kind to sincere souls, and He gives intelligence from within to sincere devotees. We require only to become sincere in the service of the Lord, then everything is there ready for our convenience.(Letter to Jaya Govinda, 8th Feb, 1968)By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
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why you don’t have a morning program?

why you don’t have a morning program?Posted on October 2, 2011Filed under BVKS Sanga[Srila Prabhupada:] “What is your morning program?”[Bhurijana Prabhu:] “Well, Prabhup?da, we don’t really have so many guestscoming right now, so we usually don’t have much of a morning program.”Prabhup?da continued, “Guests may or may not be coming, but why don’t youhave a morning program? Is your temple in ISKCON? Whose disciple are you?”“Of course I am your disciple, Prabhup?da.” I was getting nervous.“Then wh
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For Durga pujaPosted on October 3, 2011Filed under BVKS SangaThe blazing fire of material nature is supervised by Durga. Often she isportrayed with weapons in her hands. She has ten hands, and each holds adifferent type of weapon. This indicates that she is ruling all tendirections of this universe. She wields the different weapons to chastisethe demons. There is one famous picture of a demon struggling with a lion,and the goddess Durga is pulling the demon’s hair and pushing her tridentagainst
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Thought Of The Day

If we understand that this life is meant for understanding Krsna or to advance in Krsna consciousness, if this much we understand, then also, our life is successful. But we do not take it seriously. That is the difficulty.(Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.15.27),New York, 06.03.1975By H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada
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Vrindavan Kartika Parikrama and Festival



Sri Sri Krishna Balaram Mandir Kartika Parikrama Schedule


Kartika is glorified in the Puranas as very special for making spiritual advancement and the best place to be in Kartika is Sri Braja Dham. In fact this month is known as Damodar, since in the middle of this month, the Lord performed His very enchanting Damodar Lila. Kartika month also represents Radharani, and devotees perform special austerities to gain Her favor.

With great happiness in our hearts, we invite everyone to join in the aus

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Me First!

Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis,Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudev!A few years back, our God brother HG Tushta Krishna prabhu offered the following nice story in Granthraj.Once a Brahmana organized a big banquet at his residence to decide the difference between devotees and demons. So he invited all of them for a feast. The demons were an impatient lot, disorganized and noisy. They asked the host that they wanted VIP treatment, and therefore
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Deity InstallationThursday, 15 February 1973This was the auspicious day celebrating the appearance of Lord Nityananda. Despite his poor health, Prabhupada installed small Deities of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai in the morning, with a small abhisekha ceremony and fire sacrifice in the temple room. As the kirtana intensified after the ceremony, the room filled up with smoke. Despite the low visibility and smarting eyes, Prabhupada once again insisted that the windows remain shut. "This kind of smoke is pur
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 3 Chapter 3 Text 15mitho yadaisam bhavita vivadomadhv-amadatamra-vilocananamnaisam vadhopaya iyan ato 'nyomayy udyate 'ntardadhate svayam smamithah -- one another; yada -- when; esam -- of them; bhavita -- will take place; vivadah -- quarrel; madhu-amada -- intoxication by drinking; atamra-vilocananam -- of their eyes being copper-red; na -- not; esam -- of them; vadha-upayah -- means of disappearance; iyan -- like this; atah -- besides this; anyah -- alternative; mayi
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Question: How to Atone for Offending a Devotee?I would like to know what is the atonement or prayascitta that is to be done for criticizing, making fun of, or any sin committed in any form to a devotee.ArvindAnswer: Bow Down and Beg for ForgivenessWhen one commits an offense at the feet of a Vaisnava, one must immediately offer obeisances falling down flat on the ground at his feet and apologize begging to be forgiven for your offense.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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Srila Prabhupada translated and wrote purports to 18,000 verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Reading one verse with purport daily would take the reader 49.31 years to complete.He translated and wrote purports to 700 verses of Bhagavad-gita. It would take the reader approximately two years to complete.He translated and wrote purports to 17 volumes of Chaitanya-charitamrita (2,170 pages, or 11,555 verses). Reading one verse with purport daily would take the reader 31.6 years to complete. Reading one page
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Spiritual Knowledge

Only in the human form of life one can understand what God is, what we are, and what our relationship with God is. Then we can act in that relationship and go back home, back to Godhead. In this human form of life we have developed consciousness. But if we miss this opportunity to understand God, then again we will be put into the cycle of the evolutionary process. We should not, therefore, misuse this human form. We should utilize it properly to understand the unlimited God and our relationship
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When Does One Become a Disciple?

Question: When Does One Become a Disciple?If one has accepted someone as one's spiritual master and has decided to serve him wholeheartedly and follow his instructions, is it that from that time onwards he is his spiritual master? Or is it only after the fire sacrifice initiation ceremony that he becomes a disciple?Your servant,GeetikaAnswer: When He Surrenders to Sri GuruThe real meaning of being a disciple is to be fully surrendered to the orders and instructions of the spiritual master. As so
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