Krishna (4351)

I think I'm ready..?


Hi all .AGTSP.

I have only been studying for a few months but I think that I want to jump in with both feet now .

I only chant about 5 rounds a day right now, and I'm following pretty well th 4 regs..but I'm still strugling with smoking ..a bit.

I feel

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3 Replies

Falling And Frustration

Hare Krishna ,


It happens many times that family or close ones act as a stone in Devotional service ,


Sometimes it make us out of anger to break four regulative principle , as these people are just everytime around us ,and pinching us

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13 Replies

BG/SB vs Veda

Hare Krishna.


Anyone can explain, why we don't quote from Vedas (4 Vedas) but we do it from BG or SB?

The Mayavadis always used to quote from Vedas. They never quote from BG/SB. My question is, how to make people emphasis on BG/SB instead

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6 Replies · Reply by Pirasan Oct 17, 2021
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