Consider this; the time is ticking always from mini-micro-nanoseconds to 24-hour per day.

I normally hear this from people; they say "who knows what is there in store for me in future, whatever has happened until yesterday has gone, and I am living happily in the PRESENT".

Now the question is where is this PRESENT ?

If we consider today as PRESENT, then the clock is ticking, it doesn't stop.

If we consider this hour is PRESENT, still the clock is ticking.

If we consider this minute is PRESENT, still the clock is ticking.

If we consider this second is PRESENT, still the clock is ticking.

it goes down like this.

So, factually, we are living either in the PAST or FUTURE. As soon as we even imagine the PRESENT has been good, it is converted into past, as the past goes by, future awaits.

The usage of PRESENT in material world is meaningless.

When we read scriptures and purports given to us by Srila Prabhupad, we come to understand that PRESENT lies in spiritual world, this is the meaning that Krsna says to Arjuna that in spiritual world there is NO TIME, NO SUN, NO MOON, NO AGING, NO HUNGER.

It makes all sense that whatever our scientists have known thus far leads to nowhere.

Krsna Consciousness is the only way out to enjoy the PRESENT (the GIFT) which Krsna only can offer.

Chant Hare Krsna and be happy.......

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