I have a soul and I am a soul. What is the difference?
I have a soul and I am a soul. What is the difference?
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I have a soul and I am a soul. What is the difference?
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Soul is part and parcel of Supersoul (Krsna). Krsna wants His property back. I must surrender Him his soul ( that is my soul). Krsna is not interested in my body, mind intelligence and false ego etc. Krsna only wants his property back. Is this knowl
Read more…Madhav das prabhu ji says he is spirt soul
Is atma nivedanam is giving the soul to krsna?
I must give my soul to Krsna it means?
But Madhav das prabhu ji is saying I am soul part and parcel of supersoul krsna. That which is belonging to Krsna already what is mine that I must offer to Krsna?
Read more…Krsna wants my soul without my body?
I must die. Without becoming a ghost, I must seperate the soul from my body and matter and give Krsna the soul.
Is this Krsna prema?
Read more…Can you please explaine me what is ghost /spirit /soul/ atma are all same?
Read more…Impersonal brahma-jyotir or localized Paramātmā realization is not perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth, because it is partial.
what is the meaning of brahma jyotir and paramatma
and what is the difference
Hare Krishna all dear devotees,
Myself Aryan Mittal,
Like TOVP at ISCKON MAYAPUR, ISKCON Bharuch, Gujarat also planning to make museum. They require some drones in chariot form to show the movement of all the planets.
So, I am looking for a person wh
Read more…I started reading Shrimad Bhagvad Gita some years ago and read it for 2 times, then I read Rigveda and now about to complete 1st canto of Shrimad Bhagwatam. I watch and read about spirituality any time I have a chance.
So I was a non vegetarian befor
Read more…Hare Krishna!
All glories to srila Prabhupada.
Now a days it is very common to hear about heart transplant surgeries.
It is said in bhagvad gita that soul is situated within the core of heart of a living person.
In heart transplant surgery the whole hear
Read more…Greetings to all respected Matajis and Prabhujis. I extend my heartfelt regards to everyone who is reading this message. Dear Prabhuji/Mataji, I am reaching out to seek your guidance. I am in search of a fellow devotee who can help me navigate my spi
I was a materialistic and half atheist and then I began curious about SASTRAS and our Vedic scriptures, i started some research and gather some basis of sanatana Dharm. Then I started watching videos of AMOGH LILA PRABHU and ISVAR GAURANG
Read more…Hare Krishna Prabhuji / Mataji,
Today i was being asked about a curious lady about Krishna Consiouness and while our conversation was going on she stated that she does some sakam karma but her husband does not even believe in God means an athiest but
Read more…Hare krishna to all devotees... In Nectar of Devtion 51.. radharani's friend tells her that she was the most chaste girls of the village but now she is partially chase and partially unchaste... what is this suppose to mean.. is radharani (please take
Read more…I was also going through SB 4.9.10 and Nectar of Devotion- https://prabhupadabooks.com/nod/1/happiness_in_krsna_consciousness
I want to know when it is said that there is unlimited bliss and happiness and unlimited pleasure in krishna conciousness...
I was going through some srila prabhupada transcripts on vaniquotes..and am confused...
Lecture on SB 5.5.1-2 -- London (Tittenhurst), September 13, 1969:
And what is the purpose of that self-realization, or God-realization? That is yena sattvaṁ śudd
It is said that the 18 maha-puranas were written by Maharshi Ved-Vyas, but, why do all puranas contradict each other? for example, according to Bhagavatam and Vishnu Purana, Krishna or Vishnu is the supreme god and source of everything [and Shiva is
Read more…If one does not have lot of worldly desires, is good at heart but not extremely devoted to Krsna(God),can they still attain moksha or atleast reach one of the urdhva lokas in the next birth? Thanks in advance!
Hare Krsna...
Read more…Hare Krishna Prabhuji/mataji,
Dandavat Pranam
My humble obeisances unto your lotus feet.
I have read in one of the Srila Prabhupadaji's book that our body is dead like a motorcar needs a driver or else its useless. The soul is the driver of our body. Bu
Read more…Hare Krishna Devotees
Hare Krishna I am Facing Religious OCD Since 6 months and it's increasing day by day and I am not able to cure it myself and share it with my family.
The intrusive and unwanted thoughts and images are just ruining my life.
I a
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