Yoga (36)




Please explain me why no other yoga is for 'us' than bhakti yoga.

I heard in a lecture.

I mean yoga excersizes are they include by bhakti yoga?

I heard on a lecture that we must chant and kirtan but all excersise yoga stuff is just not for us..

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4 Replies · Reply by Radha Rasamayi DD Jan 31


Hare krishna to all devotees... In Nectar of Devtion 51.. radharani's friend tells her that she was the most chaste girls of the village but now she is partially chase and partially unchaste... what is this suppose to mean.. is radharani (please take

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3 Replies

Cold Drinks

Hare Krishna. PAMHO. AGTSP. Which cold drinks are allowed?


I understand Pepsi, Coke and all the caffeine drinks are not allowed.

These days new drinks have come up: -

  1. Sting: Claims to provide instant energy and makes you sleepless.
  2. 0% Alcohol beers: The

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6 Replies · Reply by Kieran Wright May 12, 2023


Hare Krishna 🌺


All glories to Srila Prabhupada 🌺🦚

I am a NEET aspirant and devotee. I chant 16 rounds everyday and following the principles.

Should I honour only Prasadam? How to offer Prasadam to krishna?

It is hard for me to have only Prasadam bec

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17 Replies · Reply by Ayush Gupta Mar 12, 2023
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