Krishna (4351)

How to study scriptures


Pamho, AgtSp

As a new aspiring devotee I wandered how best to study scriptures so one can a) memorise verses and purports and b) practically execute?

Its very well reading the scriptures i.e. BG and SB and all other Srila Prabhupada books but h

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30 Replies

The Qualities of a Sad-Guru

Sad-guru, which is what Srila Prabhupada translated as “bona fide spiritual master”,
means one on the platform of eternity, sat, and therefore it means self-realized. All
preachers are gurus, as they deliver the Lord’s message under the guidance of the

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Diet and Food Supplements

Hare Krishna

Pamho. AgtSp

As a new and aspiring devotee, I wondered what vitamin supplements we should be taking in order to maintain our bodies in service?

I find since being on a full vegetarian diet I often feel very weak despite sleeping 7 - 8 hours

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6 Replies

To Subdue Anger

Hare Krishna dear devotees

What is one specific verse from BG which when learned by-heart can help stop anger.

Meaning what verse from BG should we think as soon as anger starts to build?

Please advise.

jai shree gokulesh

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4 Replies

Maya - Advantage ?

Hare Krishna ,


A friend of mine ,very large age difference ,had the habbit of smoking , it was like a taste to him .

Though not addicted , now he started chanting ,it is almost 1 year now , but whenever he feels a oppurtunity to smoke ,

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3 Replies


The other day I was listening to Adbhut Prabhuji's talk , he said - " other's problems should not be our problems, we shouldn't get involved in other's problems." Is this really called attachment ?Like Bharata maharaja was pulled towards the dear see

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