Cursing By a Low Grade Devotee of Krishna

If a low grade devotee of Krishna curses some one or chastises some one is there any ill effect on that person who is being cursed. The devotee is not very advanced but to my knowledge he reads Srimad Bhagwatam religiously and listens SB by Prabhu Pada, and some times chants. 

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      so what is the use of giving pain to others??? Even in the form of bad wishes??? We do some one else will do the same thing with us. In this way we will stay here happily in the cycle of birth and death.


      On the other side intelligent one will accept all difficulties:

      1. coming from other living entities

      2. coming from our own mind and body

      3. coming from natural calamities 

      as the reaction to his/her own karma and begs forgiveness from Krishna.

      Because only Krishna in the form of Paramatma gives sanction to other to act. If others are hurting us it means we hurt Krishna. if others are not respecting us it means we do not respect Krishna...

      By all these difficulties He wants to say to us:


       In Bhagavad Gita it says that one who is dear to Krishna is automatically dear to everyone and everyone is dear to him. Why? Because he does not have envy to anyone and he does not have false pride that he is a master of something but insignificant servant of servants.


      Your servant (hope repeating these 2 words some day will be able really feel that i am a servant)

      • Hare Krishna Mataji, Sidharth and every one.

        I beg your forgiveness for chastising or cusring some one.I know things happened which I have not expected but still I should forget it. Its painful but I should as in S.B it has been mentioned that there is nothing lamentable in Krishna's creation and any one who wants to disturb his plan gets disturbed forever in this life.

        So the question is what was Krishna's plan. A sinner like me can not understand Krishna's plan.So its better to leave it to Krishna as if it was his plan to hurt me then it happened, and if there was another plan of Krishna(which I believe true) and some people disturbed it then it's between them and Krishna.

        As I know that a sinner could be forgiven by devotees of Krishna, I seek your forgiveness for cursing or chastising as I believe you all are advanced devotees of Krishna.


        Hare Krishna.


  • Im really sorry Prabhuji. That person who is not a big devotee but still loves Krishna as father is none other than me. Its a long time since I've been associated with Krishna Consciousness Movement. Some one does something very terrible with me. Emotionally me and my family suffered a lot. So I've really cursed from within my heart saying that this person will loose happiness forever.

    Im saying my self as a lowest among the low grade of devotees as I believe a believer on Krishna should not curse. But what can I do when Im really hurt and became emotionally became so weak that I hardly think about Krishna except the morning time when I read SB.

    • googly!!!!!!!!!!

              prabhu don't curse ur enemies bcoz they sometimes inspired u to go towards krishna, i know u suffered lot but we should understand its bcoz of material attachement and somehow we r getting operated others r fool they even don't know disease, at the end of life u'll think thank god i was been fried earlier. devotees r special some may look externally weak in practise (but in heart they r hooked up with krishna) but u know krishna loves them more as mother loves more to weak child.

                 read krishnas past times, i would say see little krishna video series ********** absorb pls understand krishna can make us lord brahma also but he wants us to comeback asap, our family is waiting 4 us . remember krishnas cute pasttimes. u know there will be heavy purification of ur enemies even though u don't curse infact one who becomes enemy of devotee actually he suffers lot (i mean u may be thinking u r suffering but actually they r suffering we know naaaaa our home ,family everyhting is in golok and our beloved krishna is eternal hero so in reality we don't loose anyhting. )

      [krishna will take care, love only krishna else as he is the naughty child will keep breaking our pots(material possesions). sometimes it happens :-))))))))))))))))]

      note: one more thing when we mention devotee that means it can point to radharani also we r actually sadhakas.




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