Krishna (4351)


Hare Krsna, all Prabhujis and Matajis!

Please accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


                                      I don't read the total MAHABHARATA but I have listened that at last the five  PANDAVA brothers and their w

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Colour Of Krishna ?

Hare Krishna ,

I learnt that Lord Rama is Green In Colour , Lord Siva is Silver in colour ,

Lord Krishna is Blue in colour .

But in temples i see Krishna in Black Colour , Somewhere White , Some where Blue Also .

what is his real colour ?

It is verse may

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7 Replies

About a dream

Hare Krishna,dear devotees!

Last night, I had a wonderful dream of Srila Prabhupada performing kirtana with his devotees on the roof of our house. I saw myself prostrating before him. He chanted 'Hare Krishna' and kept his feet on my back. It was the

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