Karma (164)

Past Life Karma

Hare Krishna Prabhuji / Mataji,

Dandavat Pranam

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

There is this neighbour asks for her daily needs from my parents everyday from Coconut to Incense Sticks. We have accepted that this must be something from past life karma t

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1 Reply · Reply by Radha Rasamayi DD May 31

Karna's Death

Namaste Prabhu,

Hare Krishna,

I consider myself at the bottom as far as the understanding of Bhagvad Geeta is concerned.

While I have been reading & contemplating it for many years.

While contemplating about the 'Dharma' the episode of Karna's death came

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6 Replies · Reply by Madhava das Jan 6


Hare krishna to all devotees... In Nectar of Devtion 51.. radharani's friend tells her that she was the most chaste girls of the village but now she is partially chase and partially unchaste... what is this suppose to mean.. is radharani (please take

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3 Replies

Honey Bee keeping

Even though I have been working as a computer operator and e-commerce professional for the past couple of decades, it is my passion to read books and acquire new skills. I want to attend a skill development course in honey bee keeping. My question is

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