Krishna (4351)


The most important property of all matters  that is "mass" should be confirmed with the existence of so called " higg's boson"alternatively known as "God's particle"amazingly discovered at LHC'S 300ft underground in Geneva.LHC is designed to accelera

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hare krishna

dandawat pranam,

plz accept my holy obesiances,

all glories to shrila prabhupada.

I want to know the meaning of this sloka and who said this & what is the significance of this sloka?

namo maha vadanaya krishna prema pradyayate

krishnaya krishn

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              Does our Vedic Science support the "BIG-BANG" theory of our modern Scientists about the creation of the whole cosmos? The distances between the stars and planetary systems become far and far in every moment of time and this is one of th

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Hare Krishna!

All glories to Guru and Gaurang!

Dandvat to all the devotees!

I am from a hindu & sikh religion family, connected to KC from last 2 years appox, doing 16 rounds and following all the principles, now i have a great pressure for marriage fro

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Pls help?

Hare krishnaAgtspI have decided to go to mayapur trip with my friends who r also ticket is also booked ..but my parents r avoiding me and against I am confused what to do..pls help through any suggestion.?Jai srila prabhupada!

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KRSNA book

excerpts from Sripad Aindra Maharaj lecture Aindra Pr SB 10-33-26-27 -2002-01-12 CC Madhya 23.104
vṛndāvane kṛṣṇa-sevā, vaiṣṇava-ācāra
bhakti-smṛti-śāstra kari’ kariha pracāra
Word for word:
vṛndāvane — in Vṛndāvana; kṛṣṇa-sevā — the service of Lord

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