To Subdue Anger

Hare Krishna dear devotees

What is one specific verse from BG which when learned by-heart can help stop anger.

Meaning what verse from BG should we think as soon as anger starts to build?

Please advise.

jai shree gokulesh

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  • Volunteer


    lots of knowledge on anger to be found in this link.

  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Basically material anger appears when we have false ego. In spiritual world there is also anger but that is due to true ego.

    False ego means that we think that we are this body and whatever we have belongs to us, we are all protectors, maintainers, all enjoyers.

    But true ego means I am Krishna's servant and whatever i have belongs to Him my children, husband, parents, friends ...and i do not have right for them. I do not have right to ask something from them...

    And when we accept that we are only insignificant living entities then we won't get angry when some one ruins us because we will accept it as our own deed previously done in the past and now we are getting the reaction. This is called as knowledge.

    Whatever problem bring to us other people is only our own karma and in order to wash away that karma one should be grateful and beg forgiveness from God.

    But we won't wash that karma away if we give answer to the anger or offense with offense and anger. This means we double the problem by making other person sad.

    But spiritual anger means we accept that Krishna is supreme. He is only Master, All enjoyer...and if some one denies Him we will become angry and protect Krishna's glory :) That is nice!

    Your servant,

    P.S. hope i did understood Your question properly Mataji!

    • Hare Krishna

      When attacked by MAYA, practically its very difficult to keep mind calm and at peace(in spite of all this spiritual knowledge) , so I just wanted one specific verse from BG that will help us calm down.

      Like these modern theories of anger management  say ...

      when you are angry, count down from 1 to 10.. and take a deep breath..

      Thanks ashwani prabhuji, I think the one you have mentioned is good one to recite in mind when under attacked by maya.

      man-mayā mām upāśritāḥ
      bahavo jñāna-tapasā
      pūtā mad-bhāvam āgatāḥ

      jai shree gokulesh

      • Volunteer

        Hare Krsna Alka ji

        humble obeisances

        This material world is not a bed of roses. So provoking situations will always be there. Maya will always attack us for sure. There is no doubt. There will be devotees who will create problem for us and there will be non devotees who will create problems for us and there will be MAYA devi who will create problems for us. But plz understand that if we chant sincerely, really sincerely and we do not give in to provoking situations, we will gradually be able to overcome anger. One's greatness in devotional service is seen by his/her behavior in provoking situations- Srila Prabhupada. It will take time. I have faced many such situations- being chastised by devotees unnecessarily when I was just a neophyte for petty reasons,Being told things which I was not able to comprehend, corrected time and again for mistakes by everyone, so many people putting impediments in my personal and spiritual life and so many other things.. My lord- how I had to tolerate but it was during that time that I took complete shelter by hearing lectures of Radhanath Mahraj and came to know that what I was undergoing was nothing in front of what so many other devotees had undergone and then took shelter of Holy Name and surrendered and LIFE BECAME BLISSFUL.. 

        So plz whenever you have provoking situation, you should go to a lonely place and start chanting loudly HARE KRSNA mantra and cry for KRSNA as if you have no one in this world except KRSNA to help you.

        Krsna will help u.

        Plz forgive me if my words offended in any way . m sorry if it is too heavy.

        hope this helps

        your servant

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