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The Ramayana describes how Lord Rama built a bridge and crossed the ocean to Lanka. Before the battle with Ravana began, Ravana’s youngest brother Vibhishan came to take shelter of Rama. Rama immediately gave him shelter. That is the duty of a king, a ksatriya. If someone seeks shelter, you must give him protection. But the advisors of Lord Rama said, ”No! Don’t give him shelter. He’s from the enemy’s camp. He has come here as a spy.” Lord Rama then told his advisors a story:

Once, a man was pass

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Shri RAMCHANDER (Maryadha Purshotam)

Today is the birthday of Shri RAMCHANER, who is DHARMA itself. HE is MARYADHAPURSHOTAM (VEDA Dharma in human form)..He is anandswarupa and Dharmaswarupa. On this holy day of Ramanavmi u must immerse urself in the Atam as Dharmaswarupa, as the motivator of the moral life.

Kaushalya mata gave birth to a son with all divine features like lotus red lips, eyes, all spiritual marks on body,rosy lips , voice like drumbeat- the one who took birth to delight the Ikshvaku dynasty, who is adored by all the

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Bonafide GURU is a DISCIPLE!

"The whole purpose of Krishna Consciousness is to develop our pure Krishna Consciousness and the first qualification, first thing we should do, in the Nectar of Devotion, is find the shelter of a bonafide spiritual master.

We serve under the shelter of a bonafide spiritual master, and then after sometime we take initiation. After taking initiation then we get further instruction and the things progress from there, we offer our service to the Guru.

So Prabhupada said, the first qualification of a G
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Purusa, Creation,three modes of nature, brahman paramatma Bhagavan, jiva, maya, liberation

Bhagavat Sandarbha/10 The manifestation of Bhagavan
Lord Brahmä's vision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in Vaikuëöha is described in the

following ten and a half verses of the Srimad Bhägavatam (2.9.9-18):

The three modes of material nature — goodness, passion and ignorance —
influence the livin
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ContinuiContinuing with the series focusing on the five A's in chanting Japa - Mahanidhi Swami Maharaja gives some nice advice and realisations on the subject of Attentionng with the series focusing on the five A's in chanting Japa - Mahanidhi Swami Maharaja gives some nice advice and realisations on the subject of Attention

2. Attention
Attention means steady application of the mind, or focusing the consciousness on a particular subject. Whatever one focuses his attention on becomes deeply impres

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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

Prayers by the Demigods for Lord Krsna in the Womb


1. Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, accompanied by great sages like Narada, Devala and Vyasa and by other demigods like Indra, Candra and Varuna, invisibly approached the room of Devaki, where they all joined in offering their respectful obeisances and prayers to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who was in the womb of Devaki.

2. The demigods prayed: O Lord, You never deviate fr
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Krishna Consciousness is Everfresh

"What ever pleasures one is getting by meditating on Krishna's qualities, that pleasure is coming again newer and newer!

This newness is something everybody is hankering for in the material world. You see in the store, on the packages-New! Newest! The daily newspapers tell you what's new, what's the latest. What is new is news. Something you don't know yet, something that's new for you, something that is inexperienced.

So people go to great lengths not to get bored. Some TV show maybe gets top rat

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My Memories of Srila Prabhupada

On April 4th, Srila Prabhupada held a big initiation ceremony in the courtyard of Krsna Balarama temple. There is a photo in Hari Sauri Prabhu's Transcendental Diary Vol. 1 with me seated in the front row. I was being initiated as a brahmana. Almost seventy devotees were sitting to be either first or second initiated, and together with devotee spectators, the quadrangle was full. It was the beginning of summer and the sun was burning. Srila Prabhupada sat on a vyas
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Rama Navami

Lord Ramchandra’s Appearance Day

Wednesday 24th March, 2010

Sri Rama Navami signifies Sri Rama's Birthday and this year falls on March 24, the last day of Vasantha Navaratri. Sri Rama is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and is known for his compassion towards human beings. 'Ra-Ma' is an unparalleled mantra which attracts wealth and provides you protection from evil. Even the mighty Lord Shiva once told his wife Parvati that the easiest way to attain the highest in spiritua

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Simplicity Quotes and Proverbs

ISKCON strives to bring the members closer together for the purpose of teaching a simpler, more natural way of life. Here are some quotes and proverbs on Simplicity.

Purity and simplicity are the two wings with which man soars above the earth and all temporary nature. - Thomas a Kempis

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. - Hans Hofmann

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a

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True Love Knows No Fear - TIMES OF INDIA


True Love Knows No Fear

Damodara Pandita Dasa

The power of love is so overwhelming that even its skewed form, lust, impels two incompatible people to come together in the name of love. Genuine love essentially commits itself to first giving or offering the best from the heart with an attitude of pleasing the recipient and where high expectations of returns are practically never there in one’s list of priorities.
Lust bears the indelible stamp of taking from another, because pride c
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One day in Vrindavan, Srila Prabhupada allowed a morning darsana in his room, but some of the important devotees were absent. When he asked where they were, he was told that some of the devotees were cleaning the temple.

Prabhupada was surprised. "Cleaning the temple? We can employ people to clean the temple, but one thing you cannot employ people to do is to preach. So they should hear from me when I am speaking, or how will they preach?"

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Lecture by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

The Undercover Avatara

Srila Prabhupadaitthaṁ nṛ-tiryag-ṛṣi-deva-jhaṣāvatārair lokān vibhāvayasi haṁsi jagat pratīpān dharmaṁ mahā-puruṣa pāsi yugānuvṛttaṁ channaḥ kalau yad abhavas tri-yugo ’tha sa tvam

So here is a very specific statement about Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, who is avatāra. Caitanya Mahāprabhu is the same Supreme Personality of Godhead, but He’s channa. Channa means c

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Transcendental Twins

On 19th March, a short but a very sweet festival took place – the birthday celebrations of the transcendental twins- HG Jananivasa prabhu and HG Pankajanghri prabhu. They are so wonderful and humble devotees, very dear to the Lord, devotees and everyone. It is altogether a different mood in Mayapur.The fact that they are so magnanimous, taking the mood and mercy of Mayapur dhama, freely giving their association, assistance and guidance to all, without any consideration, makes

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Lord Shiva as Gopeshwar

Lord Shiva as Gopeshwar


We offer our obeisances and adorations unto the lotus feet of Mahadeva as the greatest of Vaishnavas and as Gopeshwar, the gate-keeper of the rasa mandali who very kindly grants us entrance into Lord Krishna's maha raas.

Once while in deep meditation on Mount Kailash, Lord Shiva heard the sweet vibration of Krishna playing His divine flute. Mesmerized, He entered samadhi. He followed that transcendental sound until He came to Vrindavan, where Lord Gopinath was getting read
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Why do you worry without cause?

Whom do you fear without reason?

Who can kill you?

The soul is neither born, nor does it die.

Whatever happened,

happened for the good;

whatever is happening,

is happening for the good;

whatever will happen,

will also happen for the good only.

You need not have any regrets for the past.

You need not worry for the future.

The present is happening...

What did you lose that you cry about?

What did you bring with you,

which you think you have lost?

What did you produce,

which you thin

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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 2 Text 33
na hy ato 'nyah sivah pantha
visatah samsrtav iha
vasudeve bhagavati
bhakti-yogo yato bhavet

na -- never; hi -- certainly; atah -- beyond this; anyah -- any other; sivah -- auspicious; panthah -- means; visatah -- wandering; samsrtau -- in the material world; iha -- in this life; vasudeve -- unto Lord Vasudeva, Krsna; bhagavati -- the Personality of Godhead; bhakti-yogah -- direct devotional service; yatah -- wherein; bhavet -- may result in.

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Weapons of Love

"In the previous ages, the Lord was carrying weapons. When the devas approached Caitanya Mahaprabhu when He was still in the womb of His mother, they were glorifying Him that, in every incarnation You come, and You deliver the demons and You deliver Your devotees.

The demons are delivered by getting killed by the Lord and then they are given moksha. They merge into the light of the Lord. The devotees of the Lord are given His shelter, and the achieve Vaikunta.

But in the incarnation of Caitanya Ma

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Shiva-the Param vaishnava

Lord Shiva is a great devotee of Supreme Lord Krishna and he wanted to join the rasa dance, but he was stopped, because he had a male body. He needed a gopi body for this. He became very sad and started to meditate on the bank of Brahma-kunda, crying. He wanted to become a gopi. He stopped eating, sleeping, was only crying and crying.

Finally Srimati Vrinda-devi felt pity for him and she gave him her blessings. She said: "Go to Mana-sarovara and take a bath there."

He went there and took a bath.

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