Inattentive chanting .....An invitation to self Destruction.It is like cutting same branch in which we are sitting.
By not chanting attentively we are inviting maya.
The first connection of the Jeeva with Krishna in Material world is the Holy name.
If you will dial even a single number wrong, while making a call you won't be able to contact the require person.So by chanting and hearing attentively every single word, of the Hare krishna mahamantra will only connect us to the lord Krishna...
There are two impotant things in establishing relationship with lord.
1) Attentive hearing and chanting
2) Attentive dealings (relationship) with Vaishnavas
BVT : Jeeva and the Holy name are only two realities (permanent things) in this Material world.
Satyam satyam param satyam,
Harer mnamaiva kewalam
To chant and hear attentively is the most important work.
The mood required while chanting: LCD
10th offence is like ENGINE whereas other offenses are like BOGGIES...
SP :- If you don't chant very attentively every single day, you may fall victim to maya at any moment....