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Shrines and Memorials

Srila Prabhupada’s followers built several shrines in his honor. These include his samadhis (tombs) and memorials at places where he stayed.


Vrindavan SamadhiVrindavan Samadhi

Vrindavan Samadhi

Srila Prabhupada’s body is buried here, in Vrindaban, India, adjacent to ISKCON’s Krishna-Balarama temple. At this temple Srila Prabhupada spent his final days with devotees, absorbed in thought of Krishna. The samadhi is a beautifully designed, marble-clad building.

Mayapur Pushpa Samadhi

Mayapur Puspa SamadhiMayapur Puspa S

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Story of Lord Krishna

Story of Lord Krishna


The Advent of Lord Krsna - SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa

1. Once when mother earth was overburdened by hundreds of thousands of military phalanxes of various conceited demons dressed like kings, she approached Lord Brahma for relief.

2. Mother earth assumed the form of a cow. Very much distressed, with tears in her eyes, she appeared before Lord Brahma and told him about her misfortune.

3. Thereafter, having heard of the distress of mother earth, Lord Brahma, wit
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The Rat who got liberation

The Rat who got liberation

Once, a rat was running on the altar of a Vishnu Deity, just at a time when one of the ghee lamps was about to go out. The rat thought that the flame might be some foodstuff, so he stuck his whiskers in it. The dying flame caught on to the rat's whiskers, and the fire flared up, catching on to the unused portion of the wick. In this way, by the rat's foolish sacrifice, the flame on Vishnu's altar continued to burn nicely. And for his service to Krishna, the rat went to

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About Lazy Men

Prabhupada was annoyed when devotees in Vrindavan repeatedly walked in and out of his room and left the door open behind them, letting in flies.

"Why are you leaving the door open?" he yelled. It is a contagious disease." And then he told a story.

An employer advertised for an opening in his firm and received many applications. Based on these, he selected two men and asked them to come for an interview. The employer then observed each man carefully during the interview. When the first man entered

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Savior of the Whole World!

"If I were to describe myself it would be, 'Bhakti hina, kryia hina, jnana hina, mantra hina.. the particular verse that we offer and beg for forgiveness and no qualification absolutely before coming in contact with His Divine Grace Srila Abhay Charan Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

So then, after meeting Prabhupada and his devotees, then we can see guru kripa hi kevelam. If there is any good quality that I have acquired, it was simple by the mercy of Guru.

Many of you may be born in Brahmana fami
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Spend Half Day in a Graveyard

Spend Half Day in a Graveyard

A physician gave some rather whimsical advice to a patient, an aggressive,
go-getter type of businessman. Excitedly the businessman told the doctor
what an enormous amount of work he had to do and that he had to get it done
right away or else things will fall apart.

“I take my brief case home every night and it’s packed with work,” he said
with nervous inflection.

“Why do you take work home with you at night?” the doctor asked quietly.

“I have to get it done,” he fumed.

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Real purpose should be 'how to get out of the spell of material nature'. That is real purpose.

Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.26.6 -- Bombay, December 18, 1974

The real purpose of life is to go back home, back to Godhead.
SB 4.29.47

Ultimate goal of life, namely, liberation from the material struggle for existence.
SB 7.2.10


To evoke "I must give up my attachment for this body & I must develop my spiritual needs." That is the purpose of religion

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This is humble query to you all,

As it is clearly understands that every human being who takes birth has to die on one fine day as per scheduled time by destiny. But sometime it is observed that due to sudden accidents, earthquake or suicides human life comes to an end before scheduled time which is called as AKAL MRUTYU.

My query is that how the above thing is happens.... if Shastra says everything controlled by destiny after Lord KRSNA.

Request to you all, help to get

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My Memories of Srila Prabhupada

In the Srimad Bhagavatam lecture on March 18, 1976, two days after Gaura Purnima, Srila Prabhupada said, "Srimad Bhagavatam should be your life and soul to remain constantly in Krsna consciousness." This instruction became an important focus in my life. I considered what it meant, "Srimad Bhagavatam should be your life and soul." Often when lecturing or otherwise preaching to devotees, I still quote this instruction and elaborate on what it means: that we should re

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tulasi devi!

i have a question if anyone can post me areply

we all here are jive tattva. every living entity. in one body we do have one soul animating it.

and the reason we are here is that we have erred somewhere.

but how to explain so manyu tulasis plants growing growing everywhere, in each and every plant there must be a soul is all the soul in each and every plant the expansion of srimati tulasi devi or individual personal like in every human body there is a soul.

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Venu-Gita - Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja


1.Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: In this way, O Maharaja Pariksit, Sri Vrndavana became extremely beautiful due to the exquisitely decorated season of autumn. The lakes, ponds and rivers were filled with clear, sweet water. Gentle and fragrant breezes blew, carrying the aroma of lotus flowers from the lakes. The infallible Nanda-nandana Sri Krsna entered that enchanting Vrndavana forest, accompanied by His cows and gopas.

2.Intoxicated bees were h
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आहार,निद्रा,भय और मैथुन
ये तो पशु भी है करते
गौर करे तो हम भी बस
दिन-रात इसी में लगे है रहते

सुबह से शाम मेहनत करते
हेतु होता है बस भोग ही भोग
ये जीवन आप में है एक दुःख
उसपे पाले है और कितने रोग

रोग ही तो है ये भोग की प्रवृति
और अस्थायी से इतनी आसक्ति
रोग इस कदर है फ़ैल चुका कि
कडवी लगती है हमें प्रभु भक्ति

जितनी जकड़ी बीमारी है होती
उतनी ही दवा कडवी है लगती
माया से जकडे बद्ध जीवों को
भक्ति भी ऐसी ही है लगती

जितनी कडवी भक्ति हमें लगे
उतनी ही हमें आवश्यकता है
मुक्ति के लिए भक्ति करनी ही होगी
ये हर इंसान की विवशता ह
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आनंद घन है श्याम
आनंद ही यहाँ बरसता है
उनके सानिध्य में आकर
कहाँ कोई यहाँ तरसता है

आनंद की धुन
सुनाये उनकी मुरली
आनंद से भर जाए
एकबार जिसने सुनली

आनंद का ऐसा सागर वो
जिसके हर लहर में आनंद है
इसके पास से भी गुजर जाए
तो भी मिलता परमानन्द है

उनका ध्यान होते ही
आनंद उमड़ आता है
नाम लेते ही ह्रदय में
आनंद भर जाता है

आनंद देने और लेने के सिवा
उन्हें कुछ और आता ही नही
कितना भी आनंद बांटे वो
उनका बूँद भर भी जाता नही

उनको आनंद पहुचाने में भी
आनंद आता है
छूकर आनंद पारसमणि को हरकोई
आनंदित हो जाता है

आनंद का आनंद-प्रदान ही
उनका निज
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My Memories of Srila Prabhupada

At the beginning of the class on March 11th, after chanting the Sanskrit sloka responsively with the devotees, Srila Prabhupada exhorted all to chant the Sanskrit verse. I felt pleased and encouraged by this, because I always took pleasure in chanting the verse. Later in the same lecture, Srila Prabhupada said, "I am very glad that you European and American boys have taken so much trouble to come here," which made me feel happy. However, he continued, "But you'll b

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पसीने से तरबतर
गला भी सूखने लगता है
छटपटाहट में जान जाने को होती है

ऐसी समस्या कि
दिल बैठने लगता है
आँखों में बस आसूं की लड़ी होती है

कभी इतनी खुशी कि
हँसी फ़ैल जाती बरबस होठों पे
जो सोचा भी न था
वो भी क़दमों तले आ जाता है

हर रात को अक्सर
हमारे साथ ये बातें होती है
कभी हँसते कभी रोते
सुबह हमारी आँखें खुलती हैं

हँसी आती खुद पे
अरे ! ये तो सपना था
और मैंने कई रिश्ते बनाकर
एक जिन्दगी भी जी ली इसमें

जिसे हम अंधाधुंध जिए जा रहे है
वो जीवन भी तो एक सपना है
जिस दिन आँखें खुल जायेंगी
उस दिन कहाँ कोई फिर अपना है
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Purport to Panca-tattva Maha-mantra

Purport to Panca-tattva Maha-mantra
by His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is always accompanied by His plenary expansion Sri Nityananda Prabhu, His incarnation Sri Advaita Prabhu, His internal potency Sri Gadadhara Prabhu, and His marginal potency Srivasa Prabhu. He is in the midst of them as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should know that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is always accompanied by these other tattvas. Therefore our obeisances to Sri Caitanya
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My Memories of Srila Prabhupada

The only time I had eye-to-eye contact with Srila Prabhupada was at Bhaktivedanta Manor, I think 1976, during a darsana in Srila Prabhupada's room. Somehow Srila Prabhupada's glance fell on me, and I was bold enough to hold it. Srila Prabhupada did not exactly look at me, but into me. I felt ashamed at all the bad things he was seeing. But there was also concern.... Srila Prabhupada's glance rested on me for a second only, then turned elsewhere. I will never forget
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GURU: Like a Viceroy!

"Prabhupada explains, Vyasa Puja address in '72, just like in our country when there was British rule, there was a Viceroy, the king's representative, so naturally when the Viceroy used to go to some meeting many people used to present valuable jewels, valuable, because just to honor him. But the law was that not a single of the jewels or contribution, the Viceroy could touch. It was going to the royal treasury. The Viceroy should accept on behalf of the King all contribution, but it goes to the
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-those who are eligible for dying
"These conditioned souls, beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, they are all martya. Martya means there is a time when they will die."
- Lecture from A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter Ten, Verses 2-3
Bhagavad-gītā As It Is

The Nectar of Instruction

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.3.27

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 5.11.2
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Lotus Feet of Srimati Radharani and Lord Krishna

Lotus Feet of Sri Krishna

Lotus Feet of RadheRani

Text 1

candrardham kalasam tri-kona-dhanushi kham goshpadam proshthikam
sankham savya-pade 'tha dakshina-pade konashtakam svastikam
cakram chatra-yavankusam dhvaja-pavi jamburdhva-rekhambujam
bibhranam harim unavimsati-maha-lakshmy-arcitanghrim bhaje

I worship Lord Hari (Krishna), whose feet are endowed with the 19 great opulences of, on the left foot, the halfmoon, water-pot, triangle, bow, sky, cow's h
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