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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.2.21

ya etan martyam uddiśya
bhagavaty apratidruhi
druhyaty ajñaḥ pṛthag-dṛṣṭis
tattvato vimukho bhavet

yaḥ — who (Dakṣa); etat martyam — this body; uddiśya — with reference to; bhagavati — to Śiva; apratidruhi — who is not envious; druhyati — bears envy; ajñaḥ — less intelligent persons; pṛthak-dṛṣṭiḥ — the vision of duality; tattvataḥ — from transcendental knowledge; vimukhaḥ — bereft; bhavet — may become.

Anyone who has accepted Dakṣa as the
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Akhand mandla karam, vyaptam yena characharam
tat padam darshitam yena, tasmai shri gurave namah
I bow to that Shri Guru who pervades the whole universe constituting of beings moving and unmoving and by whom is shown the state of Tat (Supreme Brahman)

Dhyana mulam gurur murtih, puja mulam gurur padam
mantra mulam gurur vakyam, moksha mulam gurur kripa
The Guru's Form is the root of meditation
The Guru's Feet are the root of worship
The Guru's Word is the root of mantra
The Guru's Grace is th
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On Srila Prabhupada's Spiritual Revolution

It is not very difficult to be Prabhupada conscious and have his association. There is no need to make any special arrangement or to strain our brains about it. We just have to throw ourselves into the fire of preaching. That does not mean just giving a casual lecture here and there, but immersing ourselves day and night in thoughts of how to push on Prabhupada's mission, within our given capacity.

We have to absorb ourselves in preaching activities. When
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On Srila Prabhupada's Spiritual Revolution

This is the most exciting period in history. We are most fortunate to have the chance to take part in Lord Caitanya's and Srila Prabhupada's spiritual revolution. Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted chanting in every town and village of the world. True, we still have a long way to go. But if we simply stick faithfully and intelligently to Srila Prabhupada's instructions, we will see the course of world history undergoing tremendous changes that few people can now
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On Srila Prabhupada's Spiritual Revolution

The unifying principle in our movement of strong minded persons is submission to and faith in the orders of Srila Prabhupada. Cooperation means becoming humble and subduing our egos. It's difficult, but purifying. We must cooperate because that is one of Srila Prabhupada's most important instructions. Both individually and collectively, we will be lost without it. It is a sign of Srila Prabhupada's success that we have developed strong minds, and a furth
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On Srila Prabhupada's Spiritual Revolution

Srila Prabhupada gave a way of life that rejected the values of the West. No hard work for sense gratification. No divorce. No democracy. No false equality. No anything without Krsna. He wanted society organized into varnas and asramas, with peaceful, renounced brahmanas to direct powerful, pious kings. He wanted woman to be chaste, shy and dependent. No women's liberation, just happy women. He wanted cow protection. He wanted all this in the modern worl
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 3 Text 23
jivan chavo bhagavatanghri-renum
na jatu martyo 'bhilabheta yas tu
sri-visnu-padya manujas tulasyah
svasan chavo yas tu na veda gandham

jivan -- while living; savah -- a dead body; bhagavata-anghri-renum -- the dust of the feet of a pure devotee; na -- never; jatu -- at any time; martyah -- mortal; abhilabheta -- particularly received; yah -- a person; tu -- but; sri -- with opulence; visnu-padyah -- of the lotus feet of Visnu; manu-jah -- a descendant of
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 3 Text 22
barhayite te nayane naranam
lingani visnor na niriksato ye
padau nrnam tau druma-janma-bhajau
ksetrani nanuvrajato harer yau

barhayite -- like plumes of a peacock; te -- those; nayane -- eyes; naranam -- of men; lingani -- forms; visnoh -- of the Personality of Godhead; na -- does not; niriksatah -- look upon; ye -- all such; padau -- legs; nrnam -- of men; tau -- those; druma-janma -- being born of the tree; bhajau -- like that; ksetrani -- holy places;
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 3 Text 21
bharah param patta-kirita-justam
apy uttamangam na namen mukundam
savau karau no kurute saparyam
harer lasat-kancana-kankanau va

bharah -- a great burden; param -- heavy; patta -- silk; kirita -- turban; justam -- dressed with; api -- even; uttama -- upper; angam -- parts of the body; na -- never; namet -- bow down; mukundam -- Lord Krsna, the deliverer; savau -- dead bodies; karau -- hands; no -- do not; kurute -- do; saparyam -- worshiping; hareh -- of
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Srimad-Bhagavatam - Canto 2 Chapter 3 Text 20
bile batorukrama-vikraman ye
na srnvatah karna-pute narasya
jihvasati dardurikeva suta
na copagayaty urugaya-gathah

bile -- snake holes; bata -- like; urukrama -- the Lord, who acts marvelously; vikraman -- prowess; ye -- all these; na -- never; srnvatah -- heard; karna-pute -- the earholes; narasya -- of the man; jihva -- tongue; asati -- useless; dardurika -- of the frogs; iva -- exactly like that; suta -- O Suta Gosvami; na -- never; ca -- also; upagay
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Every Wave Is Favorable

Every Wave Is Favorable

Its a beautiful letter by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, really worthwhile reading again and again when we feel upset, sad or lost due to our losses in material life. Hare Krishna!

[Originally published in The Harmonist]

September 1927, 441 Chaitanya Era
My affection-incarnate,

I have this morning come to Sri Gaudiya Matha from Puri. Immediately on arrival at the station I heard that by the will of God your son has gone away from us. You knew him as your son; he is a servant

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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.2.20

vijñāya śāpaḿ giriśānugāgraṇīr
nandīśvaro roṣa-kaṣāya-dūṣitaḥ
dakṣāya śāpaḿ visasarja dāruṇaḿ
ye cānvamodaḿs tad-avācyatāḿ dvijāḥ

vijñāya — understanding; śāpam — the curse; giriśa — of Śiva; anuga-agraṇīḥ — one of the principal associates; nandīśvaraḥ — Nandīśvara; roṣa — anger; kaṣāya — red; dūṣitaḥ — blinded; dakṣāya — to Dakṣa; śāpam — a curse; visasarja — gave; dāruṇam — harsh; ye — who; ca — and; anvamodan — tolerated; tat-avācyatām — the
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ISKCON: Not a Personality Cult!

"Srila Prabhupada never promoted himself, he could have called it the Bhaktivedanta Movement instead of the Krishna Conscious movement. Just like you have, you know this.. Gurudev movement and this…all the missions, usually they name after the Guru. Charismatic Guru movement. Then after…this baba, that mama, that ma…whatever.

But Prabhupada, he named it the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Hare Krishna Movement, Krishna Consciousness movement. He didn't make it a Personality Cult!

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Eco Friendly temples - a proposal

His Holiness Bhakti Rasamrita Swami (previously H. G.Devamrita Das) spoke this past month at the ICC meetings (a Conference of ISKCON leaders in India) about the need for ISKCON temples and projects, in India,to consider implementing environment friendly standards.

Maharaj feels that Nature, as much as everything else, belongs to Krishna. As devotees, we should try in every way to counter or at least not add to the present environmental degradation.

Maharaj has surmised his ideas for ISKCON temple

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Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.2.19

niṣidhyamānaḥ sa sadasya-mukhyair
dakṣogiritrāya visṛjya śāpam
tasmād viniṣkramya vivṛddha-manyur
jagāmakauravya nijaḿ niketanam

niṣidhyamānaḥ — being requested not to; saḥ — he (Dakṣa); sadasya-mukhyaiḥ — by the members of the sacrifice; dakṣaḥ — Dakṣa; giritrāya — to Śiva; visṛjya — giving; śāpam — a curse; tasmāt — from that place; viniṣkramya — going out; vivṛddha-manyuḥ — beingexceedingly angry; jagāma — went; kauravya — O Vidura; nijam — to h
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Interaction with Srila Prabhupad

Jayapataka: Why did Krishna have all the demigod worship put in the Vedas?Prabhupada : Hm?Jayapataka: They put... Vyasadeva put all the demigod worship in the Vedas.Prabhupada: For the karmis. Ksipra bhavati... What is that? Kam kanta...Jayapataka : Karmanam siddhi.Prabhupada: Karmanam siddhi yajanti iha devata. Who is interested to take bhakti immediately? Nobody is interested.Jayapataka: They can get their material facilities from Krishna also.Prabhupada: Yes. That is recommended. First of all
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young man was getting ready to graduate college. For
many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's
showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told
him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited
signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the
morning of his graduation his father called him into his private
study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine
son, and told him how much he loved

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Çréla Prabhupäda Speaks Out
His Final Instructions

During his last months, Çréla Prabhupäda was not very active physically, and he spoke relatively little. Yet when he did speak, his words were full of spiritual strength. These excerpts from Çréla Prabhupada's last statements reveal the mind of the pure devotee and universal teacher. And they show that Çréla Prabhupäda is indeed a transcendental personality, whose devotion to Lord Kåñëa and to the mission of spreading love of Kåñëa is undying.

"I c
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Gita Govinda

Gita Govinda - Sri Krsna’s expressions of sorrow due to separation from Sri Radhika
Song by Jayadeva Gosvami


Krsna was dancing in the forest bower. He was immersed in joyful pastimes with beautiful young gopis, who were receiving him with the utmost respect. Radha was blinded by love for Krsna and enchanted to the point of bewilderment. Directly before the attractive eyes of the other radiant cowherd maidens, who were overwhelmed with love in the rasa-lila, Radha tightly embraced Krsna’s chest. W
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