Krishna (4351)


Hare Krishna to all devotees ,,Please solve my doubtWhen one try to act in Krishna consciousness he try to follow rules and regulations. In other word when one engages himself in devotional service, supersoul or paramatma within ones heart becomes mo

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4 Replies

Fall down due to material desires

Hare Krishna and Pranaams to all devotees.


I request detailed guidance for Shrila Prabhupada's following commentary-


The real purpose of yoga practice is to achieve the highest perfection
of Krsna consciousness. But those who do not persevere to such

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Gold in Tulasi Mala??

Please Accept My Humble Obeisances.All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.I have seen the Krishna series, that basically depicts the Srimad Bhagavatam.At one point in the film, Maharaj Pariksit is confronted by Kali Yug. Kali Yug asked Maharaj to be able to

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7 Replies · Reply by Gaura Dasa Apr 17, 2022


Practical suggestions should be discussed as to how to facilitate spiritual experiences in this spiritual abode for an inhabitant or a tourist. Main areas of cocern are law and order,cleanliness. access and restoration of the monuments,improvement of

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Temple or Society?

Hare Krishna all,Pamho,All glories to Srila Prabhupada !I am from middle class family and had difficulties in my brought up.Now I feel I should do something for the people who were part of my life. If I tell them to chant and read they wont dobecause

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9 Replies
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