Krishna (4351)

Krsna in Vaikunta

In Bhagavad gita it has been given that when we reach Krsna in Golok or Krsnalok or the Vaikunta planets there will be devotional activities Can somebody please explain me in detail regarding what kind of devotional activities occur there. I know it

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Question about Arjuna from BG

Please accept my humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.I know Arjuna as Lord Krishna's intimate friend & devotee.I find it wonderful how The Supreme Lord has close relations with all of His devotees.But, Arjuna's conference with Sri Krsna

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Plz help me!

Hare krsn,Jay prabhupad,Plz accept my humble obesience.Que: i saw that sometimes seniour devotees also not preach with unity.means all gave difference ideas for preaching.and that's why i thought that they offended eachother.So how should adjust myse

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