Fall down due to material desires

Hare Krishna and Pranaams to all devotees.


I request detailed guidance for Shrila Prabhupada's following commentary-


The real purpose of yoga practice is to achieve the highest perfection
of Krsna consciousness. But those who do not persevere to such an
extent and fail due to material allurements are allowed, by the grace
of the Lord, to make full utilization of their material propensities.
And after that, they are given opportunities to live prosperous lives
in righteous or aristocratic families. Those who are born in such
families may take advantage of the facilities and try to elevate
themselves to full Krsna consciousness.




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  • Volunteer
    Hare Krishna Mihir Prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
    As an example we may give Bharata Maharaj. When his sons were fit to rule the kingdom he left his all wealth, palace, beautiful wife...to the sacred place and accepted vanaprastha life.
    Everyday he used to chant and serve to Lord Surya Narayana. He came to the stage of Bhava. But by mistake he became attached to a deer. At the time of his death he did not think of Krishna but that of a deer. In the next life took birth in the deer body. Then in the pure Brahmana family. In this way he had chance totally be engaged in Krishna Consciousness.
    If a Devotee whole life cultivated Krishna Consciousness but by weakness does some sinful thing in the next life he will take a birth in the family of Devotees or in the family of rich people. Then he will continue his service from that previous stage.
    For example, we can see that children of Devotees are different from children of other people. From their childhood they are inclined towards KC and easily accept vegetarianism...
    i meet such like children they forced their mothers to prepare for them Prasadam and pack for kinder garden other wise refused to eat anything from outside. They were KC in previous lives and continuing it in this life also.
    Your servant,
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