Krishna (4351)


Hare Krishna,Respected Jagadatma Das Prabhuji, Maral Alim Mataji, Manoj Kumar Bika Prabhuji, Shravan Prabhuji, Saci Gaura Sundara Das Prabhuji... It is very pleasing to see you all replying enthusiastically to the queries of all devotees, writing KC

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Shiva Worship

It is well known that amongst the Pandavas, Arjuna was the closest to Krishna and that is why Gitopadesa was given by Krishna to Arjuna only. But what is bewildering me is that why did Arjuna go alongwith the other Pandavas to Kailash(Himalayas) the

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it is very difficut for me to chant hare krishna maha mantra ,as it takes me 10-12 min for one round n hardly i do 4-5rounds a day.sometimes i think i m not chanting the right way.cud any one tell me the right way to chant.hare krishna.

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