Help Help Help Leaving Krishna Counciousness

Hare Krishna To All Vaishnavas,

I was going through a discussion here , I noted people complaining that
when they falled from KCON and they wanted to die ..
They are in a great pain ..

I want To Put Some Light for These People who initilally Take up KCON , Then Fall From Its Priciples ..

See Krishna Never Leaves Us,
As He Says In BG " If Lives Inside Us As Paramatma "
You Walk 1m toward him he wil come 100m toward you ..

You can observe we question here and every where who is god..?
Where is he .. ?
Why should i believe Krishna is God .. ?
Why XYZ is Not God .. ?
There is no God .. ?
If Krishna Is God Why I Am Not Happy .. ?

Why Dont I Have This And That ..?

You know why these questions come to our mind ?
Because as Rightly Prabhupad Pointed and said " Our Heart Is As Black As Coal " ..

We want to go back to Godhead,Just Think " Do we Really Deserve That place .. ? "

Answer is : No .. !!

That is why everyone is not blessed with understanding Krishna ,

And Meaning Of Life Offered To Him By Krishna ,

These People in society who are not associated with Krishna ,

They are 'Nirvisheshvadi' or They Are Athiest ,
I am not including who do not know Krishna , They Are Exceptions
These People Spread Communalism ,They Deterioate Our Values ..
They Form 'Sect',These People Are Called Fanatic ..

People from various sect , especially in India where there are many God Theory ..
And From Them Also Specially Worshipper of Shiva and Durga ..

They Think Themselves Most Intelligent , They Hate Krishna ..

These People When Mixes With Devotees They Question If and Buts !!
When Devotees Answer As Per Verdict Of Krishna .. !!
They Say, You Are Fool,Shiva is this ,Shiva is that , Mata is this ,Durga is that .

" They dont Believe in words Of Bhagwat Gita .. "
And thay say Shiva is God .. !!

" For Every Religion There Are Sacred Books ,But Neither Of Them Says This is God ..
But In BG Krishna Declares it , And Ask Arjun To Declare It with Out Any Fear To Whole World.. "

And Shivaities Think They Will Replace Krishna By Shiva ..

Then Some sect Attack ISKON , And says you are A SECT ..

I dont understand how ISKON can be a sect ,
They have just repeated words of Krishna The Ultimate,
They Have Prsented BG As It Is ..
They have not given their theories , Its Decision of Krishna ,
Its Decision Of BG , Its Decision Of Vedas ..
It is a road map for every person who have,entered this materialistic world ..

If people you meet are not from particular Sect ,
Then you will meet people who believe in them as everything ..
Enjoy Present Future Is Nothing, Who Have seen It ..
They will say why do you believe in Vedas, BG , someone have written it ..
You also write something , people will follow you ..
Use your common sense ..
They Tell You About Life And Lure You With
" Maya , Beauty , Money , Paasion , Sex ,Women ,Men ,Houses, Non-Veg Taste Etc."

I dont know why they say No Vedas, No BG ,
I want to tell Them
When people around the world ,did not knew how to eat,did not knew any language
India had their Vedas , It was in India where Civilization Grew First ..

If They Are Not Able To Lure You .. !!

They Attack Your Base , They Will Either Attack your Parents,
For Giving you KCON ,
Or They Attack ISKON ..
They Will Say ISKON Is a Sect , They Want To Deviate You..
Through Reality , Come And Enjoy Life..

Now Devotee Get Deflected,And Says To Him,
Yes You Are My True Friend .. Thankyou ..

Now We Enjoy As Per Him , After Sometime we realise i am not happy .. !!
I Have Every thing But Then Also I Feel Something is missing ..
We Ask Our Friend , He Says Come on Yaar Have Some Womens Around You And Enjoy ..
We Feel Happy , For 2 minute after being with women , but again next day same feeling ..
Then you Ask Why I am Not Happy .. ?

We Are Not Able to Understand the fact that
" Till we come in our original state we can never be happy , We are fallen soul "

Our Original Nature Is " We Are Servent Of Krishna "

" Jive Swarupen Hove , Nitya Krishna Daas "

That is why when we chant Hare Krishna , We Come in Original State ..


One more thing i want to say , if one student of  a school do some wrong thing,

Then whole school can not be blamed .. !!

People just want excuse to blame another ..!!

Krishna Says In BG : If someone had done bad deeds in his life, and he is KCON now he can not be called a bad person , because he have taken shelter of my lotus feets , and fully councious about me .. "

So all people Who do this please beware .. !!

How can you be happy , you have trusted in your friend .. !!

Krishna Says i am your friend , this maya have illusioned you ,
We say shut up man , you dont want me to enjoy life, you have every thing ..
and says this is maya .. !!

Because we trusted Friend and Sects Instead of Krishna , We Fall .. !!

This is the basic reason for our pain !!

" We Believe in Materialistic People , Rather Than Trusting Krishnas Words "

These People who surrounds you are element of 'Maya' .. Be Aware Of Them Nor They Will Finish You ..

But If You Take Shelter Of Krsna's Lotus Feets and his Name .. They Cant Touch You ..

Its very easy to fall ,than to rise ..

My Mother says " If we leave Krishna , Krishna Loses Nothing .. But If Krishna Leaves Us Every thing is finished "

You have got this Birth by God Grace , Return him back as it is .. !!

Dont have any spot .. !!

Trust Krishna , Cry For Him .. You Will Win With Krishna Grace ..

Don't Loose Again .. We have lost oppurtunity to get krishna in many birth ..

Capture this time ..

Nor It Becomes Very Difficult ..

That Why Prabhupad Said " Dont Leave Association Of Devotees "

Beacause any time maya can attack you ..

I hope i am able to present correctly by Krishnas grace ..

I hope Now You will Not trust somebody, if You will trust , will trust only Krishna ..

Gaur Nitai Parmanande Hari Hari Bol .. !!

Please Reply To your Fellings ,After Reading It .. !!
Hari Bol !!

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  • I read it again 2day.Again got recharged Haribol.

  • Hare Krishna...Very true.
  • Haribol,

    All gories to Srila Prabhupada n guru n gauranga.

    Very true Prabhu,V dont Trust Krishna But rather MAya- the cause of all turbulences in life.

    Very rightly presented in words.Its worth reading again n again especially in difficulties to make us remember Krishna does it for our own good,BCZ he loves us more than we love ourself :-)

  • very well written..
    Hari bol... :)
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