Krishna (4351)

Nothing is really mine

Nothing is really mine

 Nothing is really mine except Krishna.
O my parents, I have searched the world
And found nothing worthy of love.
Hence I am a stranger amidst my kinfolk
And an exile from their company,
Since I seek the companionship of ho

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BG verse TEXT 12 chapter 2

Hare Krishna dear devotees

In BG Text 12 , chapter 2

Krishna says to arjuna

" Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all those kings;nor in the future shall any of us cease to be".

From this explanation it sounds to me that there are D

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Time allocation?

Hare Krishna all,



 How much time should be allocated for practising KC,JOB, and material progress. Material Progress

doesnt mean earning more than required but earning sufficient to fulfill family needs. I have big family which is expecting

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Hare Krishna all,



We generally hear that what everone one think and also based on his karma he will get his next

body. It is said if a person desire to sleep a lot he will be born as koala (animal which sleeps a lot),if one has lot of sex d

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Thank You to IDT

Hare Krishna dear devotees/moderators/administrators.

All glories to Lord Krishna, Lord Chaitanya, Srila Prabhupada and all other great acharayas.

Just felt like thanking the ISKCON DESIRE TREE Network , the moderators, the administrators and all the d

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