New Devotee

Hare Krishna Please accept my humble obedience. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I just wanted to introduce myself. Becoming a devotee has been something in my mind since I was 15. I am know 28 and truely realized that being a Krishna devotee is the right and only path for me. I live pretty far from my near by temple that I could only get once every couple of months especially with my schedule. I do my japa and have been following the four regulatives. . I am currently taking a Bhagavad Gita course through New Vrindavan ISKCON temple. Once I finish this I hope to start a online Bhakti sastri course. I am also listening and watching Srila Prabhupada's videos and lectures.  I hope one day to become a initiated disciple. I know how important it is to have a Guru and hope I will have get blessed with one one day. Also just last week I was very fortunate enough to see HH Radhanath Sawmi speak and get blessed both times. It really almost brought me to tears! Please feel free to message me or comment with any help you may see fit or just to say hi. I hope to make some amazing devotee relationships on here.
Hari Bol
Your Servant
Bhakta Lee

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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna Prabhu. Welcome to this wonderful website.

  • Hare Krishna and Dandwat pranam Bhakta Lee prabhu,

    nice to see a new devotee and his sincerity  towards Krishna Consciousness. So if you are sincere enough and following all rules of Devotional service then Krishna's mercy is sure to be on you. Krishna is really merciful and He has given us His Holy name i.e. Mahamantra so we must chant as much we can - this is the only Yuga Dharma i.e. only religion of this age. So chant hare krishna and be happy.

    your servant


    • Thank you very much Ashish Prabhu.
      Hari Bol
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