
  • Volunteer

    why You can not maintain etiquette Prabhuji? Even we born in the family of mlechchhas some how by Krishna's mercy follow then what to speak of You who took birth in a such like pious country like India???????

    I think You should stop for a while and think!

    Think of Your destiny, what are You doing in this life for the benefit Your future life.

    ---Where You will go in the next life.

    ---what will happen in the future.

    ---why i am doing these abominable things?

    ---who am i?

    ---Who is God?


    soon life will end then???????????????????????????????????????????? we lived over 20 years and those years passed away as like within a moment and 20 years more will pass in the same way but still we are waiting for happiness and peace.......................... 

    Please use Your good intelligence!

    Your servant in serving to Srila Prabhupada, 

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