
  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Mataji,

    Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    There should be nice talk or connection between Temple Devotees and Temple guests.

    Temple Devotees should be honest and teach and serve to guests and give them knowledge help them to progress spiritually, but intention should not be get back something.

    This mood always kicks person far from us - selfishness.

    But yes, Devotees try their best avoiding these things.

    As we told above the guests should know exact needs of the Temple. Where money comes from and where goes.

    If people see the needs then it is easier for them to give money. But if they give money and do not know for what exactly money is spend then it seems like they are not helping.

    But they have to see for what is used their donation.

    For example, Temple can make a list of expenditures like:

    breakfast Prasadam for Devotee Brahmacharis at the Temple = 100$ or whatever is there...

    Breakfast for  guests = 200$...

    Lunch for .... such amount of  Devotees = 200$...

    Deity's day dresses - 100$ ...


    And also when money comes to the Temple then Temple Devotees should be very careful with food stuffs when they cook, and other things. They should not waste even a grain of rice. They should protect Temple belongings very carefully safe, from damages...

    These are properties of Krishna and people with hard work earn money and donate to the Temple. And it will be Temple Devotees' respect to them if they use these things nicely.


    Temple should be like a university. It is a cheating if one comes and just takes darshan and gives some donation and leaves the Temple. No it is cheating. If one comes to the Temple she/he should be thought to serve to Krishna with love and devotion, one should learn the science of Krishna Consciousness and at least leave this cycle of birth and death.

    If people get something really valuable then Krishna is in everyone's heart and He will do something concerning donation.

    Your servant,   

    • Agree Mata jee! But I think people who claim they are devotee, should for sure donate. Esp if someone who they call 'non-devotee' does. :-)

      My experience has turned me off literally. Book distribution - I get call from several devotees, can you help us? Went to Bhakti Vriksha, I am the only one to go for it. Yep, many people know much more than me, but don't show up. Same goes for donation, some do, most don't. Wel,l in fact before I donated, they would not allow me to participate in milk-bath. I did once and same day, I was asked to participate. Oops forgot to tell, I am Shakta by birth and Shaiv by practice of years, could not insult any form in order to be a Vaishnava, even though my wife is staunch Vaishnava who separated me from my kids took home and car, since I am non-devotee. Kids still love me and I am still not a devotee (even though I follow all four principles). :-)

      Hari Bol!

      • Hare Krishna Sharanagat. Thank you for your comments.

    • Thanks Bhaktin Maral. Yes you have made some very good suggestions here. However, they are doing everything right at this Temple. The Temple management is always doing a super excellent job here. They are always  letting everyone know how money is being spent and are saving more money by instituting new money saving ideas all the time. I am not kidding you when I tell you my Temple is the" perfect Temple". The devotees are so fantastic, constant activities available. They are doing everything right. My Temple is full of first class devotees.


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