I have heared that serving cow is really beneficial and we should respect cow. So when I was in India I went to vrindavan Dham and got a brass cow with calf attached to it. So now how can I serve them in USA?  I have placed it near my ladoo gopal deity. What should I do to serve her?




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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Mittali Garg Mataji,

     please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    It is very nice that You have desire to worship a Mother cow! :)

    But in the lecture of His Holiness Bhakti Vigyana Maharaj i heard that to worship Krishna and to worship cow is little bit different.

    To the Deity of Krishna we worship offering Him incenses, flowers, water etc.

    But cow we can worship  by petting her body, by giving some grass, by milking her and offering her milk to Krishna and then to Devotees or to drink ourselves, by not killing her, by helping her to live her life peacefully, by protecting her life from murder, by engaging her in Krishna's service as like Devotees use bulls as like cars, or in agriculture works, and cows in giving milk and preparing from that milk ghee for yagyas...lots of sweets, medicine....

    These all things are called as service to Cow.

    Now how is it possible for You or for me?

    We can but ice cream not from materialistic people but from Vaishnava communities where Devotees make ice creams from Krishna's cows' milk. We can use cow dung which we purchase from Vaishnava shops, we can use tooth paste, shampoo, cow urine, ghee....all these things we can do. And it is very nice opportunity for people in urban areas to serve to the cows.

    Or else before we used to spend our money for buying cow meat but now that money we can spend for their food, for their protection.

    There are many places and You can choose to which project volunteer  Your personal service or  just give donation:

    http://mayapur.com/ there is very nice goshala

    http://ecovillage.org.in/ here also very cute cows :)

    and many more.

    Your servant,  



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