Hare Krishna to all.. Please accept my humble obeisances...

It has been two days, since a mishap happened. I am aware that most staunch devotees of Krishna do not keep in touch with the outside world, newspapers, television and internet due to a solid composition of objectionable material posted. On May 14th, 2012, a 14 year old child actress Taruni Sachdeva, her devotee mother.. brother... Murli Manohar (trip organizer) and priest Brahmachari Krishna Chaitanya were in the list of casualties, who were part of air crash that claimed life of four other innocent souls. What's so painful that the mourners of Sachdeva family found it difficult to hold back their tears as they looked at the smiling photograph of the Rasna girl whom the country knew so well.

The friends and relatives of Taruni's mother Menaka, spoke about how Menaka was a staunch believer in Lord Krishna and that her existence revolved around praying, visiting hare krishna temple and motivating others to do the same. It is said that even blade of a grass does not move with Sri Krishna's permission... our scriptures affirm that name of Krishna is so powerful, that it even saved a womanizer like Ajamila from being captured by yamdutas and after severe penance, even he achieved liberation and Vaikundham!

Then why didn't the Lord show any mercy or miracle? There were few survivors of that luckless flight, even Sachdeva family could have been saved. We can only pray... offer condolence to relatives of a family, that was wiped out overnight by freak of a tragedy...A few of my friends often joke, that filthy politicians and insincere leaders die should die such a death...(of course i pacify them do not wish such a death even for an enemy) but when Krishna's devotees meet such a doomed fatality, it gives us sleepless nights!

Why Krishna why?? 

Before leaving, Murli Mohan had told a relative of Sachdeva's *We will come face to face with Lord Krishna on reaching Muktinath Temple*

Why is it that some devotees (out of excitement) say such over-enthusiastic things to lure people towards Krishna ?The bhagwatam advocates to see Krishna in every being and every where. From a butterfly- human being to a mammoth elephant!

Many *atheists* read the same article in newspaper. They would be thanking their stars they don't believe in Lord Krishna coz if they were to blindly believe in the luring words of few over enthusiastic devotees, even they could have been part of such an ill fated death! This gives the atheist *badhawa* or negative encouragement. They inwardly say **oh thankfully I never believed in this Krishna! Some people just go crazy hearing his name! Look, a family went to see Krishna face to face but instead, met death**! 


-Do not talk about karmic reaction! My conscience is not agreeing with the karma theory at the moment

-Naah! Its not fear of death that makes me write this view point. Inwardly, we all feel liberated and are aware we have gone through deaths in past lifetimes.

-Please pray for departed souls of the deceased, Krishna claims what is his...

-Awaiting a very concrete and composed feedback...

Hari bol...


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  • Volunteer

    my humble obeisances dear Devotees!

    i got the next message on Facebook:


    Why are senior and advanced devotees of the Lord leaving their bodies in horrible ways(to a materialist eye)?

    It is a very profound topic. I'm writing just some thoughts based on the Srimad Bhagavatam and Srila Prabhupada's teachings. The most important principle in regards to your question is that the Lord is supremely independent. Sometimes he chooses to give an obviously auspicious death to a devotee and sometimes he chooses to give a so-called tragic death. In both cases he is protecting the devotee, according to what is best for the devotee and for those around his devotee (i.e. mainly other devotees). For
    example, the end of the Yadu dynasty is or appears to be a 'horrible' way the Lord uses to call back His associates. According to Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, however, the Lord decided to create such a 'horrible' play in order to teach us detachment, in the service of the Lord. Regardless
    of who one is, the external miserable conditions of this world will touch him in one way or another. The glory of the devotees is that they serve the Lord in any condition and that they accept the plan of the Lord, even when difficult.

    In Srimad Bhagavatam 1.9.12-16 we read (Bhismadeva speaking to Maharaja
    Yudhisthira while lying on his bed of arrows):

    Bhismadeva said: Oh, what terrible sufferings and what terrible injustices
    you good souls suffer for being the sons of religion personified. You did
    not deserve to remain alive under those tribulations, yet you were protected
    by the brahmanas, God and religion.

    As far as my daughter-in-law Kunti is concerned, upon the great General
    Pandu's death, she became a widow with many children, and therefore she
    suffered greatly. And when you were grown up she suffered a great deal also
    because of your actions.

    In my opinion, this is all due to inevitable time, under whose control
    everyone in every planet is carried, just as the clouds are carried by the

    O how wonderful is the influence of inevitable time. It is
    irreversible-otherwise, how can there be reverses in the presence of King
    Yudhisthira, the son of the demigod controlling religion; Bhima, the great
    fighter with a club; the great bowman Arjuna with his mighty weapon Gandiva;
    and above all, the Lord, the direct well-wisher of the Pandavas?

    O King, no one can know the plan of the Lord [Sri Krsna]. Even though great
    philosophers inquire exhaustively, they are bewildered.

    Srila Prabhupada's purports to these verses are very relevant to your
    question. I'm abstracting two excerpts:

    In purport to verse 14:

    ...Yudhisthira should not be sorry for the inconceivable action of time.
    Everyone has to bear the actions and reactions of time as long as one is
    within the conditions of the material world. Yudhisthira should not think
    that he had committed sins in his previous birth and is suffering the
    consequence. Even the most pious has to suffer the condition of material
    nature. But a pious man is faithful to the Lord, for he is guided by the
    bona fide brahmana and Vaisnava following the religious principles.

    Purport to verse 15:

    As far as the material or spiritual resources were required, there was no
    scarcity in the case of the Pandavas. Materially they were well equipped
    because two great warriors, namely Bhima and Arjuna, were there. Spiritually
    the King himself was the symbol of religion, and above all of them the
    Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krsna, was personally concerned with their
    affairs as the well-wisher. And yet there were so many reverses on the side
    of the Pandavas. Despite the power of pious acts, the power of
    personalities, the power of expert management and the power of weapons under
    the direct supervision of Lord Krsna, the Pandavas suffered so many
    practical reverses, which can only be explained as due to the influence of
    kala, inevitable time. Kala is identical with the Lord Himself, and
    therefore the influence of kala indicates the inexplicable wish of the Lord
    Himself. There is nothing to be lamented when a matter is beyond the control
    of any human being.

    Purport to verse 16 is also very relevant and re-emphasizes the supremely
    independent and inexplicable position of the Lord and our subordinate
    ignorant position, which we should accept as good servants.

    To end, in regards to the doubts that may arise when we see an advanced
    devotee passing away in an externally 'horrible' fashion, we can consider
    and apply verse 6 of Srila Rupa Goswami's Upadesamrita:

    'Being situated in his original Krsna conscious position, a pure devotee
    does not identify with the body. Such a devotee should not be seen from a
    materialistic point of view. Indeed, one should overlook a devotee's having
    a body born in a low family, a body with a bad complexion, a deformed body,
    or a diseased or infirm body. According to ordinary vision, such
    imperfections may seem prominent in the body of a pure devotee, but despite
    such seeming defects, the body of a pure devotee cannot be polluted. It is
    exactly like the waters of the Ganges, which sometimes during the rainy
    season are full of bubbles, foam and mud. The Ganges waters do not become
    polluted. Those who are advanced in spiritual understanding will bathe in
    the Ganges without considering the condition of the water'.

    By extension we could add a horrible death to the list of adversities
    mentioned by Srila Rupa Goswami.

    The fact that an exemplary devotee passes away in an adverse way does not
    diminish his glory and the glory of his service. To minimize the service of
    a devotee, especially an outstanding glorious servant of the Holy Name like
    His Grace Aindra Prabhu on account of a detail in his passing away would be
    to commit the first offence to the Holy Name. Aindra Prabhu has shown
    symptoms of a most advanced Vaishnava by inspiring innumerable (I mean so
    many that we cannot count) people to chant. Without a doubt he has dedicated
    his life to spread the glories of the Holy Name in a most amazing way, in
    the most amazing place, Sri Vrindavan Dhama, and with a most amazing

    I hope this reply is useful.

    In service to the Vaishnavas,
    Yadunandana Swami


    Your servant, 


    • Hare Krishna

      Thank you mataji , that was definitely helpful.

      jai shree Krishna

  • Hare Krsna !

    In one of the lecture of my dear Spiritual master, Sankarshan Das Adhikari Maharaj, He told that His Godbrother Heila Prabhu during his departing moment in Mayapur, Kolkata was feeling sad for all of us, he was saying that I am very sorry for all of you that you have to still remain here in this material world full of miseries. He was wondering why Krsna has bestowed special mercy on him, he was feeling himself unworthy to recieve this special mercy.

    So we should understand from this incident, that a devotee is not fearful of death as he knows where he is going. Only the non-devotee, the karmis are afraid of death as they have thousands of plans for sense gratification, so many fund raising schemes etc etc etc etc so they are not even ready to listen about death, the ultimate call. Death is very painful to them but for a devotee its a time of blast.

    So only a devotee can understand others devotees position, how they feel when they are near death. Death is the moment for which the devotees are preparing 24x7, it is the moment when we are going to Krsna, this moment is so eagerly awaited. Why are we mourning for devotees here instead of hoping that by now they would have been employed in the service of serving Krsna. Even if we know the basics of Bhagvad Gita that soul does not die, it only gets a new body as per his desire and activities, so what is the loss? Instead of mourning, we should remember that death can come any moment for anyone, even if he or she is a kid, so are we prepared for it, have we completed our course, how pure are we now, how much we are serving Krsna and His devotees, are we following our spiritual master instructions, where we stand..................

    So dont get distracted from the path back to Godhead, sincerely chant holy names of Krsna, serve Krsna through the spiritual master, follow the instructions of the spiritual master and associate with devotees.

    Hare Krsna !

    Your servant,


    • Hare Krishna!

      Thank you Harish Ji, for such a serene reply. They were already on mission to Krishna's temple, Krishna was in their last thoughts and am sure they are in Vaikundham. Unfortunately, our thought process is so limited that in everything we try to find logic, whereas being conscious was about Krishna and Krishna only.The answer has really pacified me and strengthened existing belief, which is already there for the lord..

      May Lord Krishna blesses all of us...

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