Krishna (4351)


Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisance.. All glories to Srila Prabhupad..

If we are suffering right now because of our past sins, what can we do? Only chanting, eating prasadam.., or we have to follow some austerities to reduce the karma faste

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Confidential Knowledge

Hare Krishna,

I am unqualified to ask this question as it is to be understood in much advanced stage which i think i will not be able to reach in this lifetime. Still i will be grateful if  i get any positive answer to this.

Why it is said that info re

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3 Replies


hare krishna ,

Why krishna has created 84 lacs type of different body. if your answer is that there is 84 lacs type of desire therefore he has created 84 lacs type of diff. body. so my question is that desire may be countless than why not countless bo

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Lord Indra

Hare Krishna! There are lot of evidences in SB which prove that Indra has seen Krishna several times. It seems that even if one sees Krishna lotus feet he forgets the world & is in ecstasy, etc etc. Then how does Indra continue to enjoy women wealth

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