Krishna (4351)

Energy giving food

Hare Krishna,

Can anyone help me with names of  items or preparations which removes weakness from antibiotics and fever very quickly ? I am being suggested with Chicken and Mutton leg(tengri) soup but dont want to take it under any circmstances.

I was

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2 Replies

Naming your deities

Please accept my humble obeisancesAll glories to Srila GurudevaAll glories to Srila PrabhupadaHare KrishnaIs it correct to name your deities? for example, would you call Sri Sri Radha Krishna as Radha Govinda or Radha Madhava or Radha Ramana?Your ser

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5 Replies

residents of mathura

hare krishna.PAMHO.

respected devotees my doubts are

1.are residents of mathura pure in their hearts?

2.i have seen some residents of mathura drinking tea(intoxication).if they r completely purified then why do they drink tea?

it is an offence to critici

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8 Replies
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