Krishna (4351)

A Tuesday Gone well

Astrologers said my tuesdays wont go I should avoid fixing meeting this day. Today I had two very crucial meetings. Before going chanted my mala 2 times and prayed nrusingha mantra. 2 Meetings gone excellent.

Thanks Krishna. U make impossible

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removing ego & proud

hare krishna
dandawat pranam
please accept my respetful obeisances
all glories to shrila prabhupada.

I've a friend (mataji) who is a sincere devotee. but she has ego problem & is little proud. I have to change her, remove her ego & proud.

Dear Devotees

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Srimati Saci Devi Tattva?

Please accept my humble obeisance.All glories to Srila Prabhupada.All glories to Srila Gurudev and Gurumatarani.All glories to Sri Sri Nitai Gauracandra.Hare KrishnaIs Srimati Saci Devi Srimati Devaki in Krishna lila? Or is She Srimati Yashoda in Kri

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Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisance.. All glories to Srila Prabhupad..


I have a silly question.. sorry for asking.. what language is spoken in spiritual world.. do the people there understand all the languages present here.. And how did la

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