Krishna (4351)


Hare Krishna,

I have a doubt.. It is said that " God helps those who help themselves". But then it is said that untill the time we think that we are the doers God wont come and help us. For eg when Dushyasana tried to pulll the saree of Draupadi initi

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Lakshmi Narayana

While one  enters KC we follow Viddhi marg and Lakshmi Narayan are the presiding deity of Viddhi Marg . Even actually one worship them in Radha Krishna deity in Viddhi marg stage. One actually worship Radha Krishna when he attains Raga Marg by lord's

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Queens of Dwaraka

Hare Krsna ,

Please accept my humble obeiscances,

I had this question in my mind from quite a long time . Can anybody tell me in detail that what happened to the Queens of Dwaraka after Lord Krsna went back to Golok Vrindavana? I have read that Arjuna

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