Hare Krsna,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

During summer time I brought my deities to the seaside with us. I went there because I brought my little son to the sea. While returning from beach I carried sea water for the deities and made a abhiseka with sea water then plenty of warm water and rose water and sunbath. Thinking that they would like to have sea water and sun. (because we get the advantage of the sea and so I offered them the sea that we are taking advantage of) What I want to know is, is it okey to offer sea water to the deities? or is it offensive?

If it is not good I wouldn't do it again.

In the attachment there is the photo from the summer time of the beloved couple watching the -end of August- moon.

In the intimate scriptures it is written that the moon in the end of August, the moon of september is the most beautiful moon and Srimati Radharani and Sri Krsna always enjoys this moon in their pastimes in Goloka Vrndavan. I just sneaked behind them very silent just like a very determinated paparazzi and I take their shots. Please enjoy the moon or the beloved couple enjoying the moon in a warm summer night.

Your aspiring servant,

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    my humble obeisances dear Mutlu Inci Mataji,

    Lord Chaitanya used to take bath in the sea everyday. In this way it is ok and if You want to please Them then it is very nice. 

    "we enjoy sea water then why we should not bath our Lordships in the sea?!"

    Even here in India we took Gaura Nitay Deities to the Kaveri river and bathed Them in the river for full extent. Then Devotees took bath. 

    Your servant, 

    • My humble obeisances,

      Oh I am very happy to hear that. Thank you very much Bhaktin Maral Mataji.

      you aspiring servant,

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