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The first Iskcon Leadership Sanga was held in Mayapur after three years because of Covid restrictions. Around fourteen hundred devotees attended from different parts of the world over a five day period.

Every day there were presentations given on the main stage in the ToVP building and the devotees then made their way to the thirty or forty various seminars and workshops held in different rooms.

Of course, there was also wonderful guru-puja of Srila Prabhupada, ecstatic kirtan and sumptuous pr

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Walking Brings Change by Bhaktimarga Swami


By now, you must be aware that I am a sucker for three dimensional objects – sculptures. Before becoming a monk, I was preoccupied in various visual art forms. Recently when I made a visit at the dentist’s office, I saw a piece of metallic curvature sculpture which reminded me of something I assembled in college in ’73 when I walked away from several pieces of artwork to take to my current vocation. When seeing that sculpture in the patients’ waiting room, I had that nostalgic moment.

Now back

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Sravan Utsava Seva Sponsorship 2023


10967771469?profile=RESIZE_584x welcomes all the devotees who have arrived here for Gaura Purnima 2023 festivities.

Yesterday was the 8th Annual Sravna Utsava since it started in 2014. There would be lectures from 13th to 16th February on Spiritual Master, Advent of Lord Caitanya & His Childhood pastimes, The Liberation of Sarvabhuama Bhattacharya and Lord Caitanya travels to the Holy Places and lots more. Today is the second day of Sravan Utsava Mela, we urge you to please take full advantage of it whether physi

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The River Again by Bhaktimarga Swami


Once again, a group of us walkers moved along River Road with one foot forward and then the alternate one by the oxidized flow of H2O and after a snow storm that broke away at the sun’s insistence. A lovely elderly woman from the UK and resident of the town who walks this route regularly was oh so curious about the monk’s clothes. But it was Vyasacharya who hyped her up about the marathon walker. We certainly ended up encouraging each other in the walking culture and to, as far as possible, do

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Why We Distribute Books by Seva Devi Dasi


From Back to Godhead

A devotee-bookseller explains.

Have you ever met a Hare Krsna devotee in an airport, a parking lot, or on the street distributing books and collecting donations? Many people wonder why we do this. I’ve been distributing books for over six years, and I’d like to tell you something about the origin of book distribution.

Devotees are not ordinary booksellers; their bookselling is transcendental. It is sankirtana, the glorification of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead

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History of ISKCON Press by Swarup Das

My first close encounter with ISKCON Press was when I visited the Boston ISKCON temple in December of 1969. At the time I was living as a brahmacari at the 61 Second Avenue temple in New York City’s lower east side. Srila Prabhupada was in London at the time but his travel plans were to return to the U.S. on December 21st with his first stop being the Boston center. The day before his arrival all of us New York ISKCON devotees (there were approximately 12 of us brahmacaries living there) headed

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Across all religions there is a universal concept that when a man and woman marry with proper attitude they become one body. They don’t merge into each other’s existence, but it means that they start living for a common purpose – to serve God together.

They share the same goal at many levels. First – I will do anything to protect you and you will do anything to protect me; this is oneness. We are there for each other and whatever the difficulties we may face, we will be faithful to each other,

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The GBC meeting opened with Srila Prabhupada Guru Puja prayers followed by a reading from the Srimad Bhagavatam (6.5.27-28) by Prahladananda Swami.
Twenty-five members attended the meeting in Mayapur. Dina Sharan Devi Dasi, and Emeritus members Mukunda Goswami, Gopal Krishna Goswami, and Guru Gauranga Das joined online.
The first agenda topic taken was a presentation about Sri Caitanya Culture World Heritage Centre which is a 740 acre project, incorporating most of what is known as the Mayapur

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By Chaitanya Mangal 

Grammy-nominated Mantra America chants Hare Krishna on the Hollywood red carpet.


After several years of effort, 2023 marked the first time the Grammys officially included chant as  a music category. This year the album “Mantra Americana,” by Madi Das & Bhakti Without Borders, was nominated in the “Best New Age, Ambient, & CHANT Album” category. While the album didn’t win the award, a highlight of the experience was the Maha Mantra was chanted on the red carpet, and broadc

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The River and The Home by Bhaktimarga Swami


The Muskoka River is supposed to be a length of 8 kilometres which is not long and at spots it is rather still in its flow. In other areas it rushes to become white water. At least where Mahadeva, Annapurna, and I were trekking on the River Road in Bracebridge next to the flow, we find it to be a body of water that’s very alive. In sections there are cascades and waterfalls. I can’t wait til the summer to tackle it. I’ll portage when the falls appear. Whatever the season, it's something to marv

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For Srila Prabhupada, the term “Society, Friendship and Love,” was used to refer to the primary allurement which keeps us shackled in the material world of illusion and suffering. The following excerpt is indicative of his general usage of the term:

Persons who are conditioned in the society, friendship, and love, this is the attraction for material life. “Society, friendship and love,” they think, “divinely bestowed upon man.” But that, it is not divinely bestowed upon man. From spiritual poin

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The Beatles taught us the mantra: “All You Need Is Love” and sang “Love me Do!” However, for the most part they didn’t tell us where to find lasting love. George Harrison was the exception. He gave us songs reminding us that the Lord is Sweet and that the Lord loves the one who loves the Lord! Let one of the most disturbing things currently being promoted as the pinnacle of spiritual wisdom is the concept of “Oneness.” While there is an aspect of similarity we all share, everyone merging togeth

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By Subhangi devi dasi

Gold Coast Bhakti Centre in Queensland Australia held their annual Summer Rathyatra in the heart of tourist meccha Surfers Paradise in the peak of tourist season. Hundreds of locals, devotees and tourists witnessed Their Lordships Jaganath, Subhadra and Baladev being pulled through the beach precinct. During the parade an aeroplane flew up and down the coast line for several hours with a banner saying ‘CHANT HARE KRISHNA AND BE HAPPY’ for all to see. Special guests HH Jana

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The Prasad Distribution Team left the U.K. by van, on the road to Syria.

Carrying massive pots, and all the essentials required for cooking in extreme circumstances.
They will be joined by more devotees from Czech.
Please give your blessings so our mission will be successful.
Param Vijayate Sri Krishna Sankirtanam
Team leaders are Arjuna Prabhu, Loka Saranga Prabhu and Daya Para Prabhu,
all veterans of Prasad Distribution in war zones.
The death toll in the Earthquake Zone is already 11,200

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This is the final instalment of Srila Prabhupada the Acharya. We see Srila Prabhuapda going about his everyday affairs as he travels the world managing his worldwide preaching organisation, the International Society for Krishna Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).

Srila Prabhupada enlivens his disciples and tirelessly explains the philosophy of Krishna consciousness to guests and the general public.

This film provides a very interesting insight into how a pure devotee of Krishna spends his time.


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By Gandharvika prema Dasi

Devotees from Turkey and Hungary met in Istanbul so that they jointly distribute cooked food for the survivors in the most heavily damaged earthquake-stricken area in Turkey.

With permission from the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), the devotees will arrive to Antakya, Hatay province on Sunday, where they will prepare cooked food in a truck converted into a mobile kitchen and they will distribute it locally. The simple, nourishing food will help feed

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The gods by Bhaktimarga Swami


People often get the notion that when you speak about anything to do with India there are lots of gods involved, referred to often as demigods. In our Zoom ‘Gita Chat’ today, our group came upon chapter four where Krishna discourages the worship of demigods regarding such practice as less intelligent. And the reason is the benefits do come from flattering empowered-by-God devatas or demigods; however, they are materialistic endeavours and therefore, the results are temporary.

Except for Billy f

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Radha-source of Krsna’s pleasure potency

Srimati Radharani is the source of expansion of Krsna's pleasure potency. Krsna without Radharani is like sun without sunshine. In fact Krsna is the source of various forms of Vishnu, similarly Radha is the source of all the gopis, the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi along with various Vishnu forms. To get freedom from material sufferings and become dearest to Krsna, we should please Radha. We can not attain Krsna without becoming a devotee of Radha

Srimati Radharani is Hladini Shakti personified. Sr

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By Giriraj Swami

Today is Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada’s appearance day. We have heard about His Divine Grace already. Today is also the disappearance day of HH Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja. He left on Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s appearance day.

I remember the first time we celebrated Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s appearance day. I was a new devotee in Boston temple in early 1970, and Srila Prabhupada instructed us how to observe the appearance day of the spiritual

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My dear Maharaj ji:s, Prabhu ji’s and Mataji’s
Please accept my most humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

With immense gratitude and pleasure, we will like to share this GOOD NEWS with all of you !
We have achieved the GOAL for the collection for PHASE-2 to purchase the adjacent land to Srila Prabhupada Birthplace. As you know, in Phase1, we purchased around 3,600 square feet of land. Now in PHASE-2 we will have another 4,600 Square feet land. SO NOW WE HAVE GOT around 8,200 squ

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