Hare Krishna dear devotees, please accept our obeicanses all glories to Shrila Prabhupada.
We have a small update and prayer request on behalf of HH Kavicandra Swami.
He is traveling in Germany now and since last week he fell sick, there’s not much information since we still cannot get hold on local devotees. As per Maharaja’s words the doctor is treating him on strong antibiotics that seems to help but he still experiences strong pains in his body and severe face swelling due to which he cannot get proper rest and needs to continue his treatment.
We will update all of you when we have more information but as of now we humbly request all devote community for extra prayers on behalf of HH Kavicandra Swami’s health and well-being.
Your servant,
Yogamaya dasi
Source: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=108453